
Samuel L. Jackson question


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
I got a sportsmens cartoon stuck in my head this morning when I was in a snarky mood and started to work on it, involving Teddy Roosevelt channeling Samuel L. Jackson. I have explained this to 3 people now and none of them got it because none of them knew who Samuel L. Jackson was or his signature phrases. So I have to ask, do y'all even "m*therf#@kin' " know who Samuel L. Jackson is?
Oak, I have seen clips repeatedly over the years between those two (Fishburne/Jackson), complaining "I'm not that guy, thats the other famous black guy." That clip was a cross between lmao and damn that must have been uncomfortable.

Tj, he was awesome in Unbreakable, but my current favorite of his is Black Snake Moan, before all the superhero movies - "God put you in my path and I aim to cure you of your wicked ways." He learned to play the guitar (blues) for that movie - Black Snake Moan Blues
Thats good. Maybe need to put him a bison like that wild video clip of the bison riding guy, I've seen it on here before. Dont have time to look it up. Have to head off to Gardiner today and the local RMEF dinner this evening. Maybe I'll get to see some bison again.
Snowy, thats it. I love the one with the mountain lion and the wolf. Cracks me up.

Dont have the video edited yet from Sat, but here is a quickly taken shot of one of the bulls about to wallow. Its a bit blurry because I realized what he was going to do and was switching to video mode for the wallow. Wouldnt want to be riding on their back when they decided to do that. Though I do have to admit, with my penchant for boogy boarding waves and such, the idea of riding a bison has an allure. ;)

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