Sam proves himself

Well done Sam AND Rob!!
Great story and great goat.
Thanks for posting - made me smile too.
Sweet story - all the solid elements covered for a 12 y/o in MT. Death marches, getting to drive, blown stalks, a bonus cow-stalk thrown in and bragging rights.

There hasn't been much in the way of encouraging news as of late when it comes to the contents of this forum. Nice to see a young kid out there living this stuff - it's a definite brightener.. We owe it to him and his peers to stay engaged. Thanks for putting this up, Rob. Congrats Sam, and welcome to the ranks.
Thanks for the comments. I left out a lot... he put a lot of work into it.

Now we are heading out to the youth deer hunt. I'm glad the pressure is off my little Sam Guy.
Great Job Sam!!!
It's so much better how it all played out. You were right, it makes for a much better story than "saw antelope, crawled, shot, dragged, went home". It was all just meant to be! I'm glad Sam hung in there and hopefully learned some very valuable life lessons!
After our third sprint Sam asked if we could stop so he could eat a candy bar before we looked over the hilltop. What!? We are finally getting in front of them and you want to take a break? But he insisted he needed the energy after all our jogging. "OK, stay here and eat and I'll go look," I said, trying to remember this was about him having fun.

Congrats to you and Sam.

This part I quoted above sounds just like my son. Sometimes it is more about the snack and the time spent than about whether you get an animal. It's very hard for me to grasp as I want him to be successful, but I guess in the grand scheme of things, enjoying the time outdoors with family is more important than any animal that hits the ground.

Hopefully you will enjoy many more hunts with Sam and Katie in the years to come.

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