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Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
Up here in Alberta youth hunters and first time hunters have to take a hunter education course as well as have a Possession/Aquisition licence for firearms. I am a member of a large province wide group that has a large number of youth that never get a chance to experiance the outdoors. I took it upon myself over the last couple months and several to come to get certified as a hunter ed instructor as well as a fire arms safty instructor. I am also taking a range officer course so I can access the local range so I can give the kids the experience of shooting bows, small and big bore. Nobody showed any interest in helping or stepping up to the plate over the last couple years. After I get the ball rolling and interest starts to peak along comes some dickwad instructor from the local college trying to take over and run the show. I was donateing half the proceeds back into the local office to support youth programs and this dickwad just wants to cash in on the action for himself. This dickwad has instructed the Environmental Science program for the passed 30 years never donated any time to our youth but now that theres some pocket change to be had the leaches come out of the scum pond. Needless to say I'm a little pissed and just had to vent.
This is a great spot to vent and make sure by word of mouth what he is doing (pocketing the money) and what you are doing (donating the money). Word will get out as to what kind of ............. Jerk he realy is. Becarefull not to say to much about how you feel just mention when asked that half the money you make goes back to the youth programs and that other people don't do that.

Good luck with it and make it fun.
"Kick his ass sea-bass!!!" j/k

Keep up the good work, and forget about this dip-wad. People will recognize your hard work for what it is, and will see this idiots true intentions! Thanks for taking the time to introduce the Youth to such a wonderful sport and lifestyle!!

Powderburn, all you can do is keep your eye on the prize and remember why you started your program to begin with. If Mr. Wad starts cashing in and the kids AREN'T getting introduced to the outdoors, THEN you should kick his ass, sea bass! :D I learned from my own involvement in other things that for every honest, hard-working chap that wants to help, there's 10 right behind him who just want to make a name for themselves.
Right on Darren!! Too many orginazations have the top filled with self promoters, that want the title, and glory but not the gut wrenching, back breaking work that goes with it.

Powderburn, once the dickwad figures the hours ain worth the money, he will dry up and disappear.

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