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Ryan Busse for Governor?

The point remains though - busse isnt going to touch my ar, high cap mags, or binary trigger.
It starts somewhere and the national media is on the Highline with all the buzz about an anti 2A sitting as Governor of Montana.
Giffords is not trying to win her bb gun regulations all at once - small bites, small sound bites.
I couldn't even read his book. mtmuley
I made it through the first portion where he trashed Flathead county residents and emotionqlly exagerated the setting of the protest - I'm sure on the national level, it sounded great to the liberal crowds though i was present along with many others - hey, he made book sales and interviewed on enough TV liberal shows to make the $.
R down the line.
You mean you voted Ryan Busse and Raph Graybill?! 'Just kidding; don't want to rile your staunch Republicanism.

Raph Graybill caught my attention when he ran for Montana Attorney General. I think there is a majority who would support him today over Austin Knudsen for that spot.
His grandfather, Leo Graybill is of broader Montana interest in that he was President presiding over the 1972 Montana Constitutional Convention which painstakingly crafted a state constitution that has been a model for many other states. Leo Graybill was also of personal interest to me, as he was my Boy Scout Troopmaster as I grew up in Great Falls. Leo Graybill is also a highly respected and admired master of Montana and US law.
So Raph Graybill obviously has some solid Montana roots and esteemed family reputation.
As a sportsman, Busse is clearly the better candidate but there's more to it than that. I am far from a GG fan but he also kept me from having to get the jab while Busse was spewing all sorts of garbage on social media about how not enough was being done about covid and people will die if we don't wear masks. Had Busse kept his mouth shut about covid, this would be an easy choice for me
I personally, can't understand that logic, but if a 4 yr old pandemic response is your hill to die on, then have at it custer.

Again, I would love to have someone who shares 99% my lifestyle, is a crusader of that lifestyle, as my gov even if that 1% meant they made Scientology the mandated state religion.
I personally, can't understand that logic, but if a 4 yr old pandemic response is your hill to die on, then have at it custer.

Again, I would love to have someone who shares 99% my lifestyle, is a crusader of that lifestyle, as my gov even if that 1% meant they made Scientology the mandated state religion.

I'm not saying it's a hill do die on, but I certainly won't forget it and I'm surprised at the people have. Forcing people to get a new vaccination to keep their job is unforgivable and I'm pretty certain MT would have been in that boat had Busse been at the wheel. Like I said, I'm no GG fan but I'm very thankful for the decision he made regarding the rona vaccine.
I'm not saying it's a hill do die on, but I certainly won't forget it and I'm surprised at the people have. Forcing people to get a new vaccination to keep their job is unforgivable and I'm pretty certain MT would have been in that boat had Busse been at the wheel. Like I said, I'm no GG fan but I'm very thankful for the decision he made regarding the rona vaccine.

GG covid policy was preferrable to Bullock. No doubt. But another pandemic is far less likely than GG making cronyist deals at the expense of access and wildlife with his landowner pals.

As far as the "force" you outline - that came from OSHA, far away from state politics.

It starts somewhere and the national media is on the Highline with all the buzz about an anti 2A sitting as Governor of Montana.
Giffords is not trying to win her bb gun regulations all at once - small bites, small sound bites.

I made it through the first portion where he trashed Flathead county residents and emotionqlly exagerated the setting of the protest - I'm sure on the national level, it sounded great to the liberal crowds though i was present along with many others - hey, he made book sales and interviewed on enough TV liberal shows to make the $.
You think the national media cares about elevating MT democrats? Hahaha - you must have missed when bullock couldnt get the time of day to gain any momentum for his run at president. The only democrat the national media has cared about is tester - and he is relevant only because he is a poltician that could be at risk to vote agaisnt/for party lines in a purple state. The joe manchin effect.

Besides - the misguided "conversation" about disarming me is happening anyway, usually after some sick sunuvabech goes on a rampage. Who cares who the talking heads are.
Forcing people to get a new vaccination to keep their job is unforgivable
I sure don't want to restart that ideological pissing match over again ... but gotta say, "Oh, how the times have changed!" When in gradeschool in the fifties, my brothers and I could not attend public school until we had our medical "shots". Late sixties, they wouldn't let me go to Vietnam until they shot my shoulder with a vaccination gun with several shots. So people nowadays are upset because someone is "forcing" them to be vaccinated by a researched, tested, viable, proven serious affliction preventing vaccine. Call me a dinosaur if you wish ... but I consider that ideology absurd. But 'guess if you want to take horse medicine instead ... by golly it's a free world USA I went to Vietnam twice to protect.

Some employers even go so far as to require certain uniforms ... and hairnets in the commercial kitchen ... even sanitary gloves. Unforgivable! :D
I haven't looked at this thread, in a good while.

The rona shot is a nothing burger. I've had any number of them, and am still here. It did become tribal, like nearly everything in today's world.

My wife and I dropped off our ballots yesterday. I think Busse stands zero chance of winning the governorship, Montana will get however much of the GOP agenda as Greg and the legislature can get thru. I have doubts any of it will prioritize the interests of wildlife or resident hunters.
GG covid policy was preferrable to Bullock. No doubt. But another pandemic is far less likely than GG making cronyist deals at the expense of access and wildlife with his landowner pals.

As far as the "force" you outline - that came from OSHA, far away from state politics.

The force may have come from OSHA but was blocked at the state level wasn't it? And I agree that the odds of that ever happening again are pretty slim but I was happy I didn't have to make the decision whether or not I was going to stay at my job.

I sure don't want to restart that ideological pissing match over again ... but gotta say, "Oh, how the times have changed!" When in gradeschool in the fifties, my brothers and I could not attend public school until we had our medical "shots". Late sixties, they wouldn't let me go to Vietnam until they shot my shoulder with a vaccination gun with several shots. So people nowadays are upset because someone is "forcing" them to be vaccinated by a researched, tested, viable, proven serious affliction preventing vaccine. Call me a dinosaur if you wish ... but I consider that ideology absurd. But 'guess if you want to take horse medicine instead ... by golly it's a free world USA I went to Vietnam twice to protect.

Some employers even go so far as to require certain uniforms ... and hairnets in the commercial kitchen ... even sanitary gloves. Unforgivable! :D

I'm not totally anti vaccine and understand that they can serve a purpose but to force something onto people that hadn't been thoroughly didn't sit right with me. And I would challenge you to do a little research on vaccines and what the schedule is for children now. Things are not the same as they where when you were a kid.
I haven't looked at this thread, in a good while.

The rona shot is a nothing burger. I've had any number of them, and am still here. It did become tribal, like nearly everything in today's world.

My wife and I dropped off our ballots yesterday. I think Busse stands zero chance of winning the governorship, Montana will get however much of the GOP agenda as Greg and the legislature can get thru. I have doubts any of it will prioritize the interests of wildlife or resident hunters.

I'm glad it was a nothing burger for you...
Right. But who cares? He cant just will that into law - he would need an extremist legislature to do that.

Now - imagine all the bills GG could sign?
When a politician tells you who he is, listen. I believe he would have no problem with “bending” the rules. Without his anti 2nd Amendment stance he is still a rich turd looking for political power, just like GG.
I haven't looked at this thread, in a good while.

The rona shot is a nothing burger. I've had any number of them, and am still here. It did become tribal, like nearly everything in today's world.

My wife and I dropped off our ballots yesterday. I think Busse stands zero chance of winning the governorship, Montana will get however much of the GOP agenda as Greg and the legislature can get thru. I have doubts any of it will prioritize the interests of wildlife or resident hunters.
Glad to hear the Rona shot was a nothing burger for you. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for everyone.
Things are not the same as they where when you were a kid.
For certain, as infant vaccination schedules are just a matter of course now. As a father and grandfather, I have watched evolvement of many improving medical pediatric practices.
'Don't know your age, but suspect you have received vaccinations of which you have no awareness. Your parents allowed that likely. You better get after them! :)
When a politician tells you who he is, listen. I believe he would have no problem with “bending” the rules. Without his anti 2nd Amendment stance he is still a rich turd looking for political power, just like GG.
Whats he going to do? And how?

Theres a court and a legislature too - hes not king.

Ffs. Please no one mention your lack of or willingess to get the jab or your doubt/faith in it.
For certain, as infant vaccination schedules are just a matter of course now. As a father and grandfather, I have watched evolvement of many improving medical pediatric practices.
'Don't know your age, but suspect you have received vaccinations of which you have no awareness. Your parents allowed that likely. You better get after them! :)

My god man. Going from hairnets in a commercial kitchen to me being pissed at my parents for the medical treatment I received when there was next to no information available for them to make an informed decision. Really making a stretch with both of those but I'm glad you think all of our medical practices are improving...
you think all of our medical practices are improving...
Now that's hard fact, not merely my opinion. Everyday you learn about improvements.
Personally, if not for medical improvements over the past few decades my wife's new hip would not have allowed her to backpack seven days through the Bob Marshall Wilderness the very next summer. Likely the advances in cancer detection and treatment over the past decades would not have discovered, then eliminated my cancer. I'd probably not be here, but now I'm still elk hunting and trying to figure out who this Ryan Busse character really is. :)
Now that's hard fact, not merely my opinion. Everyday you learn about improvements.
Personally, if not for medical improvements over the past few decades my wife's new hip would not have allowed her to backpack seven days through the Bob Marshall Wilderness the very next summer. Likely the advances in cancer detection and treatment over the past decades would not have discovered, then eliminated my cancer. I'd probably not be here, but now I'm still elk hunting and trying to figure out who this Ryan Busse character really is. :)

No doubt there's been many improvements but not everything that comes out of a doctors office is good for you...
No Busse, yes GG. Ballots (wife and I) mailed. Best to all. This is the great America we live in.
Montana State and National Democrat leadership... pull your heads out of your ass. Give us something that doesn't taste worse than GG. There are many votes you lost... period. Everyone here and elsewhere know this is fact. If you don't, pull your own head out of your ass.

Now, if we didn't have these two dipchits to contend with... makes me sick to think this is the Donkey and Elephant's BEST to represent this great country.


SNL can't make this chit up.

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