Russ Fulcher Idaho Governor Race and Public Lands


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
After 12 years of Otter, we are going to get a new occupant in the Governor's Mansion.... Oh, wait, we don't have a Governor's Mansion, we gave it back to the Simplot family, and they tore it down....

But, in any case, here is the thread for all things Russ Fulcher, declared candidate for Idaho Governor.

What does Russ say about My Public Lands on his website??

The federal government controls 63% of Idaho’s land, but it is over-burdened with debt and simply can’t handle the job. I believe Idahoans can more effectively manage our lands here than federal officials can from Washington, D.C. In Idaho, we are proud of our natural resource industries and the jobs that they create. I will not sit idle while federal bureaucrats who don’t live here and don’t know us tell us what to do with our land. Or make us deal with larger and more damaging fires because the federal government can’t spend enough money to thin and manage our forests. We can do better. We can use our natural resources for higher paying jobs, protect our environment, and manage our forests more responsibly than the federal government.

Let's be honest, right up front. This ain't good.

In May, 2014, Fulcher said:
Second, he wants to bring more of Idaho's federal public lands under state control. He said the lands can be better managed by those who live near them.

"We've got incredible wealth in this state," Fulcher said.

There's timber to be logged, natural gas to be tapped and minerals to be mined, he said.

"Being relegated away from tapping into it is just wrong," he said.

He said it would be a boon to the state's economy.

"The private sector is most often the best solution to economic prosperity," Fulcher said.

Yeah, "private sector" sure sounds like let's transfer them from the federal government to private owners, like the Koch Brothers.

And, worst of all, Fulcher is actually helping fund the nonsense public land transfer.

Idaho County Commissioner Jim Chmelik’s crusade to press the federal government to transfer federal public lands to the states is arriving in the Treasure Valley next week, when Russ and Kara Fulcher will hold a fundraiser at their home for Chmelik’s new corporation, the Western Landmark Foundation, with special guests Chmelik and 1st District Congressman Raul Labrador.

For those who don't know what Western Landmark Foundation is, it is an attempt by Jim Chmelik to fleece western county governments in the same manner that Ken Ivory and the ALC is. Go around, and convince county commissioners to fund you to sue and lobby the federal government into giving the federal lands to the sTates in order to sell them to private individuals.

Fulcher is Anti-hunting and must be stopped.

Too be continued.....
Same old nauseating bullshit: local control of our lands is way better than some bureaucrat from D.C. First the dumbass got it wrong when he says the public lands belong to Idaho so every remark he made after that is BS. What a creep!
Seems like I remember Russ coming out against public lands in that clown car debate that got national attention during the last cycle. YouTube is riddled with clips of that I'll see if I can find it.

Found it:
Russ thinks the American Lands Council has the answer to our land problem
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I'm mesmerized by the two dudes on the left. "You're looking at one, lady. Right here. What do you think I'd be, a Democrat?!"

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