
Rural New Home Build—School Me Up

Just wanted to pop in to say that I think I’d rather thread my own barbed wire catheter than ever move again.

This thread has been a great read, our current place is 1100… figure we we’ll be here about 3-5 then I want to build our next place.

Anyway appreciate you sharing start to finish.

And yeah moving suuuuucks
I keep selling places out from under my wife, and she keeps getting less attached to them. Her input on the most recent one was "I'd like a black front door". It'll have one, but it won't be her's. Really, truly plan to move into the next one.
Just wanted to pop in to say that I think I’d rather thread my own barbed wire catheter than ever move again.

My wife and I moved some misc items to our new house tonight. Been packing for weeks and I feel like I’m living in a tornado. We close Friday and I can’t wait to be done. I told her I hope to die in this house, or live there long enough to where our boys have to move us into a home.
Lucky we have a very good relationship with the seller and they’re out already so we can move in stages, sort of.
Moving is a GREAT way to get rid of useless shit.
Adopt the saying " if we don't use it, it goes bye bye"
My wife has this hideous doll crib from when she was a little girl. The thing sat on a shelf in our last garage the whole time we lived there. Today, as I saw her carrying that thing from our storage pod into our beautiful, sparkling new garage we made eye contact.

My eyes said, “I love you, Darlin…”
My wife has this hideous doll crib from when she was a little girl. The thing sat on a shelf in our last garage the whole time we lived there. Today, as I saw her carrying that thing from our storage pod into our beautiful, sparkling new garage we made eye contact.

My eyes said, “I love you, Darlin…”

Sounds like a perfect opportunity to refurbish something that has a lot of sentimental value to your wife.
I did the GC/always working on the house 18 years ago with full time jobs. Wife and I always had a project we were working on. I wired the house, installed the cedar siding, painted, tile work and more.

All we did the summer afterwards was install the lawn.

I saved a bunch of money with labor but I still have PTSD.
Wife and I just finished up selecting a builder for our new home we intend to build in a couple of years. Very eye-opening experience! For those on this thread that are either GC's or work for GC's @mtmuley , @Hem , @Gerald Martin , on custom homes, do any of you still do fixed price contracts or all they all cost plus? We are building in an area with few, if any, spec builders almost all are building custom homes. Close enough to Jackson to have an influence but not at Jackson prices just yet. None of the builders we spoke with would do a FP contract anymore. Wondering how common this is?

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