Caribou Gear Tarp

Round In The Chamber

Do you carry one in the chamber while big game hunting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 52.2%
  • No

    Votes: 88 47.8%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2019
Since Michael called those of us that carry one in the chamber "dumb" on IG I thought the subject might deserve a more civil discussion here over the comment section there. I have always carried one in the chamber and never felt un-safe about it. I would actually go as far as to say with the level of muzzle control I force myself to have I would feel confident that I could carry with no safety on without incident.

PS: I NEVER do the latter. Just emphasizing that I feel I have enough safety protocol built into how I carry a gun that I deem not having a round chambered as unnecessary.
I'd have to say it depends. If I'm expecting game around the next corner or over the next hill, certainly. If I can see far ahead, game is scarce, terrain is rough, maybe not. If my kids or wife along, probably not. If I'm alone, more likely I am than not.
On fresh oryx tracks a couple weekends ago with my two sons, yes, we were chambered. I told them most likely situation is we bump him, he runs 100yds, stops and looks back. That's exactly what happened and my 14yo got on the tripod quickly and made the shot.
It depends on the situation. If I’m hunting in open country and glassing, then no. If I’m sneaking through the timber tracking elk or whitetails, then yes. If I’m concerned about grizzlies I usually keep a round in the chamber as well.
I recall a thread on here years ago discussing this. I will freely admit I changed my mind and my practice on this, and I can’t think of a single instance where it had a negative impact on my hunting.

I remember that thread and often think of that thread in fact as a Defeater for the argument that the Internet never changes anyone’s mind.

Carried one in the chamber for most of my hunting life, and now mostly dont. And I think it was largely because of that thread. I almost solely still-hunt, and I do rack one when I am entering some thick stuff that I think something might be in sometimes, but I’m cognizant of taking it back out afterward.
Michael ran that by me before posting. I agree with the IG video he posted. My comment about walking around with one in the chamber of a hunting rifle, other than when moving in on a stalk, was less charitable than his comment.

Nobody has ever been killed or harmed by a bullet leaving the barrel of an empty rifle. We get too many reports about deaths and injuries each year that were the situation of someone walking around with a live round in the chamber. And nobody killed or injured due to carrying a live round ever intended to get killed or injured.
And yes, this was discussed on HT previously. In the last couple years we've ended up with some more emails and comments about walking around with a live round in the chamber of a big game rifle. We are scripting a longer video for YouTube that has some more concrete examples and we've asked permission to use some vivid pics of folks who didn't intend to get shot that day.

16 pages of discussion. Not sure we are going to come up with any new arguments 3 years later.
I keep one racked in my conceal carry with the hammer down. If there is a round in the chamber of my hunting rifle it’s because the safety is off and things are about to happen.
As a note to expand on this, the context of the comment refers to out hunting big game with a rifle, not concealed carry or with a shotgun while bird hunting.
Would you care to expand on what is "dumb" about it?

I am surely not arguing that it is not safer but rather that it just doesn't seem unsafe.

putting on serious miles; side hilling; climbing over fences, logs, rocks; climbing under bushes and branches; taking lunch, water, snack breaks; occasionally tripping and slipping - the sheer amount of times a loaded rifle is set down and picked back up, leaned on things, brushing against sticks, rocks, and trees....

anyone who can tell me after 12 hours (or even 30 minutes) of that, that their safety could NEVER get bumped off and the trigger will NEVER get snagged on something is being willfully ignorant at best. anyone who can guarantee that they would NEVER forget their firearm is chambered after putting a round in at 3:30 in the morning for a 12 hour day of slogging the mountains is being willfully ignorant (dumb, really).

do midwest hunters chamber up before climbing into the tree stand?
Never felt the need to carry one in the chamber until i see an animal.If it was my only weapon - and i was in grizzly country - id probably have a different practice....
And yes, this was discussed on HT previously. In the last couple years we've ended up with some more emails and comments about walking around with a live round in the chamber of a big game rifle. We are scripting a longer video for YouTube that has some more concrete examples and we've asked permission to use some vivid pics of folks who didn't intend to get shot that day.
I will be interested to see that. That was definitely the kind of information that I was seeking to see if there was to support not carrying a chambered round.

It would definitely be interesting to see if the behavior is being used to cover up a failure to follow other longstanding gun safety protocols or if despite those we need to more precautions.