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Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

For me, it's about the issue of public lands and conservation. I don't care one whit what party someone is affiliated with so long as they do the right thing. Unfortunately, there is one party who would rather sacrifice a great national treasure for short term goals, and that is abhorrent to me. I don't think it's far off the mark to say that President Obama has done better at managing public lands than his predecessor when it comes to resource development, finding new ways to eliminate excessive litigation and actually instituting a multiple use policy that allows for considerations of impacts to wildlife - something the previous administration, and the Republican party, steadfastly refuses to do.

Politics isn't easy. It's all subterfuge and games following the money and power. Personal gain trumps the good of the nation regardless of what party you are a part of. In my estimation, however, it's clear who the lesser of these two evils are. This would have been a much more difficult choice if former Secretary Rice had been selected as the VP candidate.

We are all entitled to our views.

What I can't figure out is that people believe that President Obama won't compromise on public lands but that North East Democrats will.

I understand if you want to support President Obama, good on you. My family tree runs through the Butte Mines and Irish Catholic liberalism of the Kennedy era. I don't think my folks or my sisters have voted for a Republican in their life. So I get it, I just fundmentally disagree with almost all other aspects of Obama's agenda on the Debt, deficit and the way forward.

Public lands ends up being a dog whistle that keeps alot of people barking IMHO. No different than Mediscare and abortion and gun rights.

I don't support Romney/Ryan because they won't come out and tell exactly what cuts they plan or even discuss that some taxes have to be raised. I simply won't vote for Obama based on the arguement that he alone stands between me and hunting on public lands because that is not accurate.

We are all entitled to our views.

What I can't figure out is that people believe that President Obama won't compromise on public lands but that North East Democrats will.

Obama has surrounded himself with Western Democrats like Salazar and Baucus. That gives him a better perspective on public lands than if he was dealing just with D's from the east. He's also shown great interest in increasing participation in outdoor activities, and sees the economic benefit from public lands. That's why I don't think he'll sell them out.

I still think he's not aggressive enough on O&G leasing, so I don't think he's 100% on this issue, make no mistake. He's just the better option over Romney. As I said, it all comes down to differences by degrees.

Romney/Ryan and Obama/Biden are about the same danged thing. I just trust gridlock more than single party power.
We are all entitled to our views.

What I can't figure out is that people believe that President Obama won't compromise on public lands but that North East Democrats will.

I understand if you want to support President Obama, good on you. My family tree runs through the Butte Mines and Irish Catholic liberalism of the Kennedy era. I don't think my folks or my sisters have voted for a Republican in their life. So I get it, I just fundmentally disagree with almost all other aspects of Obama's agenda on the Debt, deficit and the way forward.

Public lands ends up being a dog whistle that keeps alot of people barking IMHO. No different than Mediscare and abortion and gun rights.

I don't support Romney/Ryan because they won't come out and tell exactly what cuts they plan or even discuss that some taxes have to be raised. I simply won't vote for Obama based on the arguement that he alone stands between me and hunting on public lands because that is not accurate.


I would have answered your earlier post, but Ben's answer was far more eloquent than I could have typed, and it pretty much made sense to me.

What I can't figure out is that people believe that President Obama won't compromise on public lands but that North East Democrats will.

Because he hasn't yet. I will give him credit for being a good steward the last 4 years. Do a man's actions mean anything in this world, anymore?

I just fundmentally disagree with almost all other aspects of Obama's agenda on the Debt, deficit and the way forward.

I won't question your fundamental beliefs if you think that Obama's agenda on the debt deficit, and the way forward is somehow inferior to Romney/Ryan. Keep in mind, Ryan was happy to run up deficits, voted for a couple of expensive wars, was happy to vote for tax cuts, and only found "religion" when Obama got to office. Hell, he even was happy to ask for Stimulus Funds. But, like I said, I won't question your bone-headed belief... ;)

Public lands ends up being a dog whistle that keeps alot of people barking IMHO. No different than Mediscare and abortion and gun rights.

I am not nearly as old as you ;) , but doesn't the game seem to have changed when McConnell said his number one goal for the GOP in the Senate was to make Obama a 1-term president? That seems like a new shift in how DC works, where actually trying to govern has been replaced by actively trying to destroy the other party. And, given that, I think the GOP will take Obama's lead and try and ram thru abortion legislation, gutting Medicare and throwing old people off of cliffs, and selling My Public Lands while they have the ability, just like Obama did with Obamacare.

So what used to be dog whistles for years and years of fundraising purposes, they are now calls to arms to rush thru a narrow window of opportunity. And, we now have Romney/Ryan/GOP saying they want to lead and sell My Public Lands.

I don't support Romney/Ryan because they won't come out and tell exactly what cuts they plan or even discuss that some taxes have to be raised.

Romney has ran a whole campaign on not saying what he will do, just that he doesn't like the other guy. But, I think we can see the indicators lining up when he selects Ryan, who authored the Ryan Plan that includes selling My Public Lands, and the Romney delegates in Tampa made sure that selling My Public Lands was adopted in the party platform.

I simply won't vote for Obama based on the arguement that he alone stands between me and hunting on public lands because that is not accurate.

That is the only reason I will vote for him, and I owe my kids, and, if they have kids, I owe my grandkids, and, if they have kids, I owe my great-grandkids the same opportunity to hunt, fish, float, hike, sleep, and drink beer on My Public Lands that my parents and grandparents provided me.
You can think I am a bonehead all you want and Jimmy Crack corn. ;)

I owe my kids and grand kids a country that doesn't put them in debt prison and confiscate the fruits of their labors. That is why I can't support either ticket, been pretty clear about that. How well do you think the public lands will be managed when the only items in the budget are the interest on the debt and Medicare? That day is coming sooner rather than later.

Anyway, I gotta go watch my daughter play in a Volleyball game, I guess she is a senior and all so sweltering in a 95 degree gym is worth it. :cool:

Not a single post on here has changed anyone's minds.

Peace out,

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That is the only reason I will vote for him, and I owe my kids, and, if they have kids, I owe my grandkids, and, if they have kids, I owe my great-grandkids the same opportunity to hunt, fish, float, hike, sleep, and drink beer on My Public Lands that my parents and grandparents provided me.

You also apparently owe your kids the right to kill your grandkids as they so choose( delete the 2nd ,3rd, and 4th generations of your lame reason on voting for Obama), owe them a lifetime of debt, and owe them no future. Without any money, or a future, how do you expect your kids to get to, and enjoy recreating on public lands? There are other things in life that must come first like getting an education, being a productive member of society, and providing for a family. Those are more important than recreating on public lands. How many "Professional Public Land Recreators" do you know that get paid enough to live on their salary as a professional recreator?
You also apparently owe your kids the right to kill your grandkids as they so choose( delete the 2nd ,3rd, and 4th generations of your lame reason on voting for Obama), owe them a lifetime of debt, and owe them no future. Without any money, or a future, how do you expect your kids to get to, and enjoy recreating on public lands? There are other things in life that must come first like getting an education, being a productive member of society, and providing for a family. Those are more important than recreating on public lands. How many "Professional Public Land Recreators" do you know that get paid enough to live on their salary as a professional recreator?

The outdoor industry contributes $600B annually to the economy. There may not be any professional public land recreators, but to ignore the value of recreation and it's effect of the economy is foolish.
The outdoor industry contributes $600B annually to the economy. There may not be any professional public land recreators, but to ignore the value of recreation and it's effect of the economy is foolish.

That value diminishes significantly if people don't have jobs and money. Watch your $600B, become $200B by 2016 if people continue to support Obama.

Rob Southwick, president of Southwick Associates, which is a leading research and data analysis firm focused on the sportfishing and hunting industries, says the evidence points to several key factors.

“The slow economy has certainly had an impact”, says Southwick. “When the economy took a hit, a lot of people went back to enjoying more traditional activities that were also less costly than other options. Fishing license sales and tackle sales data all back that up.”

Jose, are you even an American Citizen?

How on Gods green earth anyone could support Barrak Hussain Obama is BEYOND ME!

I would MUCH rather sell off some public land than see that Liar have one more day to destroy this great nation.

Our Debts MUST be paid off. Thank you Mr. Barrak (Destroyer of the American way) Obama for creating such a massive debt that my Great-Great-Great Grandchildren will still be paying for your self richeous actions.

7 Reasons Barrak Hussain Obama should appologize to America

Barack Obama is a petty little man whose grandiose sense of self importance has always far outstripped his abilities and accomplishments. Putting a man such as that in the most important job on the planet is like taking a five year old off an airplane ride at a carnival and putting him at the control of a jet airplane in mid-flight.

Obama, who was so far over his head that he couldn’t see the surface from day one, took over the country at a crucial time and then boldly strode forth and made the situation dramatically worse. His whole presidency, from start to finish, has been the living embodiment of that famous Talleyrand quote:

They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.

The rest of America, however, has learned quite a bit about Obama, which is why his approval rating has fallen like a stockbroker on Black Friday. At this point, not only should Barack Obama change course, he should apologize for what he’s done wrong:

1) For lying to the American people: Calling a politician a liar is a bit like accusing a fish of being fond of water, but even amongst politicians, Barack Obama is a particularly hamfisted and prolific liar. Obama’s strategy is simple: He promises everything to everybody and then points the finger elsewhere when people are inevitably disappointed. This has led to some jaw dropping whoppers than would even make Bill Clinton say, “Wow, that guy is a shameless liar.”

Obama promised not to hire lobbyists and not to raise taxes on people making less than $250,000 per year. He would post every bill online before he signed it and he promised to negotiate health care reform publicly — those are all lies. Then after going on the biggest spending spree in American history, Obama turned around on a dime and talked about how important deficit reduction was to him. He lied about health care. You can go on and on with these examples. There’s not an honest bone in Barack Obama’s body and the American people deserve better than that from their President.

2) For the nasty class warfare: Barack Obama must be unfamiliar with the seven deadly sins because never before has an administration so openly advocated envy. Successful Americans have been treated like villains and whole industries have been slimed for no other reason than it’s politically convenient. Obama supporter Bill Maher perfectly captured the attitude when he wrote,

The next rich person who publicly complains about being vilified by the Obama administration must be publicly vilified by the Obama administration.

Trying to destroy innocent people for political reasons. Demonizing success. Turning Americans against each other. For all the talk of unity during his campaign, Barack Obama has worked obsessively to divide Americans since he got into office.

3) For Obamacare: Everybody in D.C., Barack Obama included, knew the American people didn’t want Obamacare. The polls showed that they hated it. Scott Brown won “Ted Kennedy’s seat” by promising to vote against health care reform. There were angry townhalls, Tea Parties, and tens of millions of phone calls and emails spurred by that legislation.

Yet, Obama helped push it through anyway, methodically lied about what the bill would do, and arrogantly claimed people would learn to like the bill in time. This bill will cause the deficit to explode, kill private insurance, pay for abortions with our tax dollars, create death panels, ration medical care, and destroy the quality of medical care in this country. Obamacare would be a bad idea at any point in our history, but creating a massive new entitlement program when America is on the verge of a debt-driven meltdown caused by entitlement programs has set a new standard for irresponsibility. Let us hope, God willing, that no other American President ever matches that standard.

4) For putting our children so deep into debt: Barack Obama’s stimulus plan cost more than the race to the moon, the Louisiana Purchase, and the Marshall Plan — in real dollars — and it did nothing for the economy. Obamacare is a massive new entitlement program that we cannot afford. His 10 year budget? It will leave America with “more debt than has been accumulated by all previous Presidents in American history combined.”

As he did all that, Obama was in public saying things like this,

I refuse to leave our children with a debt they cannot repay, and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control.

Have you no shame, Barack Obama?

5) For the abuse of power: Obama appointed a staggering number of czars to get around the congressional confirmation process. He spent tens of billions in taxpayer dollars and broke legally binding contracts to give his union pals a fat pay-off from the auto industry. He issued a creepy, dictatorial ultimatum to BP demanding that it give the government 20 billion dollars just because he said so. Obama took over the census process so it could be twisted to help the Democrats. Barack Obama is not a man who respects democracy, the Constitution, the American people, or the rule of law and he should be trusted even less than you should trust most politicians, which is to say, not at all.

6) For the racial polarization of America: The unspoken promise behind Barack Obama’s campaign was that his election would enable America to finally achieve its long held dream of being a post-racial nation. Yet, Obama’s election has led to a flurry of finger pointing, grievance mongering, and race based accusations.

Some of that has come from Obama’s own administration. Eric Holder said America is a “nation of cowards” on race. Barack Obama even publicly sided with his friend Henry Louis Gates based on reasoning that really didn’t go much deeper than Gates was black and the cop was white; so the cop must be racist.

That being said, Obama has allowed his followers to do most of the dirty work. In other words, Mr. Post Racial Healer is happy to see anyone who disagrees with him smeared as a racist as long as he gets to keep his hands clean. If you don’t believe that, ask yourself, “What has Barack Obama done to stop the tidal wave of false accusations of racism that have been made in his defense?” Absolutely nothing of significance. For that vile and cynical tactic, Barack Obama should personally apologize to the staggering number of Americans who have been falsely called racists on his behalf.

7) For the arrogance: The good news about being President is that it doesn’t seem to have gotten in the way of Barack Obama’s golf game. Nor his vacations. Moreover, despite the fact that Obama seems to be completely baffled by the fundamentals of governing, it hasn’t stopped him from saying things like,

But I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking.

Then there’s this story, which is turning out to be one of my personal favorites, given how the election seems to be shaping up,

Rep. Marion Berry, D-Ark., fears that these midterm elections are going to go the way of the 1994 midterms, when Democrats lost control of the House after a failed health care reform effort.

But, Berry told the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the White House does not share his concerns.

“They just don’t seem to give it any credibility at all,” Berry said. “They just kept telling us how good it was going to be. The president himself, when that was brought up in one group, said, ‘Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me.’ We’re going to see how much difference that makes now.”

At what point does Barack Obama actually accomplish something not just worthy of the Nobel Prize he was given, but of any worth at all?

Jose, are you even an American Citizen?

How on Gods green earth anyone could support Barrak Hussain Obama is BEYOND ME!

I would MUCH rather sell off some public land than see that Liar have one more day to destroy this great nation.

Our Debts MUST be paid off. Thank you Mr. Barrak (Destroyer of the American way) Obama for creating such a massive debt that my Great-Great-Great Grandchildren will still be paying for your self richeous actions.

7 Reasons Barrak Hussain Obama should appologize to America

Barack Obama is a petty little man whose grandiose sense of self importance has always far outstripped his abilities and accomplishments. Putting a man such as that in the most important job on the planet is like taking a five year old off an airplane ride at a carnival and putting him at the control of a jet airplane in mid-flight.

Obama, who was so far over his head that he couldn’t see the surface from day one, took over the country at a crucial time and then boldly strode forth and made the situation dramatically worse. His whole presidency, from start to finish, has been the living embodiment of that famous Talleyrand quote:

They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.

The rest of America, however, has learned quite a bit about Obama, which is why his approval rating has fallen like a stockbroker on Black Friday. At this point, not only should Barack Obama change course, he should apologize for what he’s done wrong:

1) For lying to the American people: Calling a politician a liar is a bit like accusing a fish of being fond of water, but even amongst politicians, Barack Obama is a particularly hamfisted and prolific liar. Obama’s strategy is simple: He promises everything to everybody and then points the finger elsewhere when people are inevitably disappointed. This has led to some jaw dropping whoppers than would even make Bill Clinton say, “Wow, that guy is a shameless liar.”

Obama promised not to hire lobbyists and not to raise taxes on people making less than $250,000 per year. He would post every bill online before he signed it and he promised to negotiate health care reform publicly — those are all lies. Then after going on the biggest spending spree in American history, Obama turned around on a dime and talked about how important deficit reduction was to him. He lied about health care. You can go on and on with these examples. There’s not an honest bone in Barack Obama’s body and the American people deserve better than that from their President.

2) For the nasty class warfare: Barack Obama must be unfamiliar with the seven deadly sins because never before has an administration so openly advocated envy. Successful Americans have been treated like villains and whole industries have been slimed for no other reason than it’s politically convenient. Obama supporter Bill Maher perfectly captured the attitude when he wrote,

The next rich person who publicly complains about being vilified by the Obama administration must be publicly vilified by the Obama administration.

Trying to destroy innocent people for political reasons. Demonizing success. Turning Americans against each other. For all the talk of unity during his campaign, Barack Obama has worked obsessively to divide Americans since he got into office.

3) For Obamacare: Everybody in D.C., Barack Obama included, knew the American people didn’t want Obamacare. The polls showed that they hated it. Scott Brown won “Ted Kennedy’s seat” by promising to vote against health care reform. There were angry townhalls, Tea Parties, and tens of millions of phone calls and emails spurred by that legislation.

Yet, Obama helped push it through anyway, methodically lied about what the bill would do, and arrogantly claimed people would learn to like the bill in time. This bill will cause the deficit to explode, kill private insurance, pay for abortions with our tax dollars, create death panels, ration medical care, and destroy the quality of medical care in this country. Obamacare would be a bad idea at any point in our history, but creating a massive new entitlement program when America is on the verge of a debt-driven meltdown caused by entitlement programs has set a new standard for irresponsibility. Let us hope, God willing, that no other American President ever matches that standard.

4) For putting our children so deep into debt: Barack Obama’s stimulus plan cost more than the race to the moon, the Louisiana Purchase, and the Marshall Plan — in real dollars — and it did nothing for the economy. Obamacare is a massive new entitlement program that we cannot afford. His 10 year budget? It will leave America with “more debt than has been accumulated by all previous Presidents in American history combined.”

As he did all that, Obama was in public saying things like this,

I refuse to leave our children with a debt they cannot repay, and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control.

Have you no shame, Barack Obama?

5) For the abuse of power: Obama appointed a staggering number of czars to get around the congressional confirmation process. He spent tens of billions in taxpayer dollars and broke legally binding contracts to give his union pals a fat pay-off from the auto industry. He issued a creepy, dictatorial ultimatum to BP demanding that it give the government 20 billion dollars just because he said so. Obama took over the census process so it could be twisted to help the Democrats. Barack Obama is not a man who respects democracy, the Constitution, the American people, or the rule of law and he should be trusted even less than you should trust most politicians, which is to say, not at all.

6) For the racial polarization of America: The unspoken promise behind Barack Obama’s campaign was that his election would enable America to finally achieve its long held dream of being a post-racial nation. Yet, Obama’s election has led to a flurry of finger pointing, grievance mongering, and race based accusations.

Some of that has come from Obama’s own administration. Eric Holder said America is a “nation of cowards” on race. Barack Obama even publicly sided with his friend Henry Louis Gates based on reasoning that really didn’t go much deeper than Gates was black and the cop was white; so the cop must be racist.

That being said, Obama has allowed his followers to do most of the dirty work. In other words, Mr. Post Racial Healer is happy to see anyone who disagrees with him smeared as a racist as long as he gets to keep his hands clean. If you don’t believe that, ask yourself, “What has Barack Obama done to stop the tidal wave of false accusations of racism that have been made in his defense?” Absolutely nothing of significance. For that vile and cynical tactic, Barack Obama should personally apologize to the staggering number of Americans who have been falsely called racists on his behalf.

7) For the arrogance: The good news about being President is that it doesn’t seem to have gotten in the way of Barack Obama’s golf game. Nor his vacations. Moreover, despite the fact that Obama seems to be completely baffled by the fundamentals of governing, it hasn’t stopped him from saying things like,

But I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking.

Then there’s this story, which is turning out to be one of my personal favorites, given how the election seems to be shaping up,

Rep. Marion Berry, D-Ark., fears that these midterm elections are going to go the way of the 1994 midterms, when Democrats lost control of the House after a failed health care reform effort.

But, Berry told the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the White House does not share his concerns.

“They just don’t seem to give it any credibility at all,” Berry said. “They just kept telling us how good it was going to be. The president himself, when that was brought up in one group, said, ‘Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me.’ We’re going to see how much difference that makes now.”

At what point does Barack Obama actually accomplish something not just worthy of the Nobel Prize he was given, but of any worth at all?

Before Jose obfuscates and misdirects I'd like to say I approve of this message.

Jose, are you even an American Citizen?

How on Gods green earth anyone could support Barrak Hussain Obama is BEYOND ME!

I would MUCH rather sell off some public land than see that Liar have one more day to destroy this great nation.

......bunch of nonsense.......

At what point does Barack Obama actually accomplish something not just worthy of the Nobel Prize he was given, but of any worth at all?

What does my citizenship standing have to do with anything? That is the great thing about My Public Lands, people from all over the world can come and enjoy them, spend time on them, spend money in local establishments, etc... Isn't there some guy from the UK on this board making his first trip to the US this fall to chase Elk on My Public Lands?

Think about how much money he is spending in OUR economy because of My Public Lands. Do you really want us to compete with South Africa and Texas for the $$$$ that come from people that want to hunt behind high fences on private lands?

As for the bunch of nonsense, I don't waste my time reading e-mail forwards from crazy Uncle Lou's or Aunt Betty's. Glad you are able to stay informed by nut-case emails.
What does my citizenship standing have to do with anything? That is the great thing about My Public Lands, people from all over the world can come and enjoy them, spend time on them, spend money in local establishments, etc... Isn't there some guy from the UK on this board making his first trip to the US this fall to chase Elk on My Public Lands?

Think about how much money he is spending in OUR economy because of My Public Lands. Do you really want us to compete with South Africa and Texas for the $$$$ that come from people that want to hunt behind high fences on private lands?

As for the bunch of nonsense, I don't waste my time reading e-mail forwards from crazy Uncle Lou's or Aunt Betty's. Glad you are able to stay informed by nut-case emails.

Listen Jose... 1st off, you did not answer a direct question. Judging by your "South of the Border" info in your profile I think it's safe to say you are a Mexican national, right?

If someone from another country wants to come to America to see and enjoy the vast amounts of public land we have to share... AND they come here LEGALLY... and they come here and do not break any laws.... I welcome them all with open arms.

I am friends with a B&C official measurer that took the measurer class with me in Missoula who is a Mexican National, he's a great guy and well educated. I also worked with and became great friends with many Mexican nationals while working at the Hess Refinery in St. Croix, USVI. So don't think for a second that I am prejudice, because I am not.

That being said, you have NO RIGHT whatsoever to call MY public lands, YOUR public lands.

You also have NO right to vote whatsoever regarding American Politics that have nothing to do with YOUR nation.

You continually stir the pot with your Left wing ideas and opinions.

My recomendation to everyone is to just STOP replying to your political posts. I know I will because they mean NOTHING.

Adios Jose.

There seems to be an awful lot of people who don't seem to "get" Jose. I think you should have some kind of explanatory paragraph on the registration page for new members. :)
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