Caribou Gear Tarp

Romney/Ryan/GOP Platform: End Hunting in the West

Ben, can you post where he tried doing this? only thing I have ever seen is what he PROPOSED in the GOP budget. which, went nowhere.

It was the "Path to Prosperity" budget that 'm referencing. He also votes consistently to weaken the regulations on public lands that create good habitat.

Bills like HR 1505, 4089, etc, all received his stamp of approval. He's following a time honored tradition in the GOP - sell off public lands.

It's ingrained in their thinking, apparently.
It was the "Path to Prosperity" budget that 'm referencing. He also votes consistently to weaken the regulations on public lands that create good habitat.

Bills like HR 1505, 4089, etc, all received his stamp of approval. He's following a time honored tradition in the GOP - sell off public lands.

It's ingrained in their thinking, apparently.

Don't get me started on what is ingrained into democrats. Their laundry list of crap is far worse and longer. Killing innocent unborn babies, taking money from working productive people and "redistributing" it to welfare rats, and support of unions and their thuggery, just to name a few party ideals...
"Romney said his plan, which mirrors Republican points from the last decade and since President Barack Obama took office,"
so what's the difference if it comes from romney, or obama?

"Goldfuss notes that Romney’s proposal could endanger national parks since his plan doesn’t detail what areas could be off limits."

agree with this, but then again, this is nothing but a proposal.
As previously posted:

The official position

We recognize that the right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans' Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation, but we know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne. We can work together to enact and enforce commonsense laws and improvements - like closing the gun show loophole, improving our background check system, and reinstating the assault weapons ban, so that guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists or criminals. Acting responsibly and with respect for differing views on this issue, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe.

The Democratic Party platform (2008)

Sounds as if our Attorney General and the boys who ran "fast and furious" forgot about not getting the weapons into the criminals hands?
Here's a good article from Mother Jones about Ryan's conservation pedigree.

He has done some good things, to be sure, but his continued support for undermining public lands and public land managers should have everyone of us extremely concerned.

not going to disagree, but since there is more to this election than this one topic/subject, and since he has proposed this before and got nowhere with it, I'm, going to concern myself with issues like the economy, unemployment rates, illegals being given amnesty for $500.00, etc. and before you say it, my north property line is national forest. and to the east, across the gravel road, is also national. so I do have MY federal lands close to me.
Getting back to one of the subjects brought up in this thread, namely gun control; let's not forget that Sarah Brady let the cat out of the bag when she made her public comments about Obama's promises to her, namely, that he would tackle gun control in his second term!!!!!!!!

On the topic of public lands, my point was that if certain public lands are not going to be open for hunting and fishing, why not use them for timber, mineral, and oil exploration and development of the natural resources. I don't believe that leasing those rights are the same as selling the land. In fact, look at Kentucky and see what the coal companies have done in areas. After getting the coal, they have returned the land into pristine hunting and fishing properties that are open to the public. In some cases, the land is in much better condition than it was prior to the mining operations.
Holy shit, there is a lot of fail in this thread. It is hilarious, or sad, that on a site dedicated to hunting on My Public Lands, that a discussion of the nominee of a major political party, who has a 50/50 chance of getting elected, and has stated a platform of SELLING My Public Lands, people go to their Glen Beck/ Faux News paranoia.

Let's see if we got them all with the name-calling, labeling, racism, and just plain paranoia nonsense:

  • Marxism ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • Left-wing ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • Czars ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • Leftists ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • Imaginary Voter Fraud ---- Yup, NoHarleyYet got that one
  • You People ---- Yup, rhomas got that one
  • Black People ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • People on Food Stamps --- Yup, Cctaxidermy got that one
  • Take guns away, --- Yup, TLC got that one
  • Unborn Babies Yup, --- Rat Fink got that one
  • Unions Yup, --- Rat Fink got that one
  • Redistributing to welfare rats --- Yup, Rat Fink got that one
  • Illegal Aliens - --- Yup, TLC got that one into the discussion
  • Fast and Furious -- Yup, kansasdad got that one

Look at all the faux theories people worry about more than hunting on My Public Lands.
Duely noted, Romney/Ryan aren't inclined towards publicly held lands. I disagree with them on that point, but if you want to have a discussion about the merits of one candidate or another you have to look at all of the issues not just public lands. If you want to vote purely on a candidates stance on preserving your public land rights, that is your perrogative. If you agree with everything else Obama wants to do even better.

If your intent was purely to educate the members of Hunttalk that this was the Romney/Ryan stance, good job. My guess is that you intended to rehash the exact same arguement that was spawned from half a dozen other posts.
not going to disagree, but since there is more to this election than this one topic/subject, and since he has proposed this before and got nowhere with it, I'm, going to concern myself with issues like the economy, unemployment rates, illegals being given amnesty for $500.00, etc. and before you say it, my north property line is national forest. and to the east, across the gravel road, is also national. so I do have MY federal lands close to me.

Reagan gave illegals amnesty (and actually, we have an egress of undocumented workers now).
The Bush tax cuts have cost this country (
The economy was ruined with help from both parties, and wall street. Whomever wall street backs is the one I'm leery of.

Truth be told, all differences are only separated by degrees until it comes to social issues. I don't want the gov't telling me how many guns i can own, or what I can do with my body.
The issue of being able to continue to hunt public land is important to me, but so is: employment, the economy, the national debt, imigration reform, health care reform, and the list goes on.

I'm in full agreement. While the future of public lands is important, that importance pales in comparison to the overall future of our country. To expend all one's energies and attention to such a singular issue seems nothing more than "selfish" and not likely to be the prime mover for members of the "Great Generation". Just my view from this vantage point, and reason enough to think outside the box.
Holy shit, there is a lot of fail in this thread. It is hilarious, or sad, that on a site dedicated to hunting on My Public Lands, that a discussion of the nominee of a major political party, who has a 50/50 chance of getting elected, and has stated a platform of SELLING My Public Lands, people go to their Glen Beck/ Faux News paranoia.

Let's see if we got them all with the name-calling, labeling, racism, and just plain paranoia nonsense:

  • Marxism ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • Left-wing ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • Czars ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • Leftists ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • Imaginary Voter Fraud ---- Yup, NoHarleyYet got that one
  • You People ---- Yup, rhomas got that one
  • Black People ---- Yup, Papa-Zulu got that one
  • People on Food Stamps --- Yup, Cctaxidermy got that one
  • Take guns away, --- Yup, TLC got that one
  • Unborn Babies Yup, --- Rat Fink got that one
  • Unions Yup, --- Rat Fink got that one
  • Redistributing to welfare rats --- Yup, Rat Fink got that one
  • Illegal Aliens - --- Yup, TLC got that one into the discussion
  • Fast and Furious -- Yup, kansasdad got that one

Look at all the faux theories people worry about more than hunting on My Public Lands.

What does the term "Unborn Babies" have to do with name-calling, labeling, racism, or just plain paranoia nonsense?

I think public lands are extremely important, but certainly not MORE important than a number of these other political issues mentioned, and far less important than abortion( the killing of "unborn babies"). Dissappointing that you would undermine such issues so blatantly.
What does the term "Unborn Babies" have to do with name-calling, labeling, racism, or just plain paranoia nonsense?

I think public lands are extremely important, but certainly not MORE important than a number of these other political issues mentioned, and far less important than abortion( the killing of "unborn babies"). Dissappointing that you would undermine such issues so blatantly.

Don't stop him now, he's on a roll.
It is much easier to insult people and have inflamitory discussions on the internet because no one can hold you accountable. It is easy to attack people personally and call someone a "selfish prick" when you don't have to be worried about the broken nose you might end up with, because the individual feels they earned the right to have their opinion.

You don't think we have a responsibility to deliver My Public Lands to my grandkids, my great-grandkids, my great-great-grandkids, etc???

Seems pretty selfish if someone argues they got to enjoy My Public Lands for 40-50 years, so to hell with worrying about them for future generations.
Jose, maybe the plan is to just take control of "Your Public Land" away from idiots like You!!!!!! I'd much prefer to see public land used for all Americans.

The FWS already denies hunting and access on millions of acres, so why not utilize those lands in ways that will benefit the actual people who own them. For your information, that's US, the citizens of the United States...........NOT you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, just for your enlightenment, not all private land is used for high fence operations and pen raised game in Texas, or any other state for that matter. Here in SC, there isn't a single high fence operation in the state, yet our public lands are guarded and operated under such strict guidelines that the average hunter isn't interested in jumping through the hoops to hunt any of it. There are regulations that exceed the state's own game laws on both state and federal lands.

What the hell does this even mean? I take good care of My Public Lands. I don't ride ATV's all over them, I don't haul washing machines out to them to tape my rifle targets to, hell, I have even spent week long trips on My Public Lands and hauled out EVERY bit of the shit, toilet paper, and other waste for our party. Yeah, I may be an idiot, but nobody will ever accuse me of not taking good care of My Public Lands. Why at times, I have even removed barbed wire that I have found carelessly left behind on My Public Lands, strung between fence posts. :D

With all due respect, you are an ass-clown.

But please, inform us all why selling off My Public Lands in order to get the "control" from people like me is a good idea for hunters.

This should be rich. I'll go look for popcorn to munch on while you embarrass yourself.
"It always amuses me when Republicans get all worked up about the Dems taking away guns. It's never going to happen, even if it is part of the "party platform."

what amuses me is that democrats are so sure that romney and ryan will sell the lands because it's part of the party platform, but when something is in the democrats party platform, there is nothing to worry about.

Maybe you think leaving your head in the sand will make it go away. But, not only is this in the Party Platform, it is a campaign promise by the VP nominee, and the Pres nominee.

To refresh:
Let's see, we have the Ryan Plan where he wants to sell My Public Lands.

We have Rmoney saying he doesn't even know why we have My Public Lands.

And, we have Romney/Ryan and the whole GOP saying we need to sell My Public Lands.
What does the term "Unborn Babies" have to do with name-calling, labeling, racism, or just plain paranoia nonsense?

I think public lands are extremely important, but certainly not MORE important than a number of these other political issues mentioned, and far less important than abortion( the killing of "unborn babies"). Dissappointing that you would undermine such issues so blatantly.

Public lands offer far more than just recreation. They're job generators, economic windfalls for the communities around them, and they supply us with clean water for drinking and irrigation.

That's more important to me than whether or not someone has an abortion.
I love in the wolf thread how hunters claim that only people in NEW YORK CITY support wolf re-introduction and how would they like it if wolves were released into Central Park.

And then, the ones supporting the Ryan/Romney plan to sell of My Public Lands and end hunting in the west are such locals as:

  • NoHarleyYet --- TEXAS
  • rhomas -- Hampton, SC
  • Minnesota Hunter -- Andover, Minnesota
  • Cctaxidermy --- Mounds, OK
  • TLC --- illinois
  • Tom ---- San Antonio, Texas, USA
  • kansasdad ---- Wichita
  • tarheel ---- Piedmont region of North Carolina
Public lands offer far more than just recreation. They're job generators, economic windfalls for the communities around them, and they supply us with clean water for drinking and irrigation.

That's more important to me than whether or not someone has an abortion.

Don't you know how important it is for a bunch of older white men to determine what a woman can and can't do with her vagina????

You wouldn't gladly trade your ability to spend days-weeks-months out hunting, fishing, floating, hiking, and staring at the sky for opportunity to impose your morals on another person?

Shocking, absolutely shocking, I tell you.
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