Romney Campaign Announces Sportsmen for Romney

When you get to the voting booth you basically get to vote yes or no on Obama. Still can't bring myself to vote for him but I can't vote for Romney either.

I will cast my vote and it may be "wasted" but I can vote my conscience.


This is the camp I'm in too. When I'm done reading up on some of the squirrelly propositions AZ has on the ballot, I'll finish filling out my early ballot and mail it in, 'wasted vote' and all. My life - and it's improvement or failures over the next 4 or so years - has a lot less to do with who I vote for and who everybody votes for on 11/6 than it does what I do before and after that day.

I usually like to spend election days flinging spinners or laying flies down on a mountain creek - a proper metaphor in my mind to the masses on the line - while everybody else is hand-wringing about who will win. This year, it falls on my wife's birthday, so I'll probably have to skip that particular tradition.
If you are on the fence of who to vote for, ask yourself if you can live with lifetime appointed judges he will put in. A president comes and goes but liberal constitutional hating judges float in the toilet decades. Far too many forget how important these seats are. Your right to own a gun boils down to these judges. Your right to anything constitutional is at a tipping point.
Selling public land is not even close to the top of the list for this countries future problems .
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If you are on the fence of who to vote for, ask yourself if you can live with lifetime appointed judges he will put in. A president comes and goes but liberal constitutional hating judges float in the toilet decades. Far too many forget how important these seats are. Your right to own a gun boils down to these judges. Your right to anything constitutional is at a tipping point.
Selling public land is not even close to the top of the list for this countries future problems .

Reduce dependency on Foriegn oil:

Launched a program that helps get more people outside and hunting and fishing:

Domestic Oil Production up 25%, imports of foreign oil down:

Osama Bin Laden is dead

General Motors is alive, and profitable

I can finally get health insurance due to ACA (previously denied due to pre-existing condition)

Pushed forward new EPA rules on Greenhouse gas emmissions that will continue to push America towards Natural Gas generated power

Pushed jobs bills that were not acted upon or were voted down by the House and Senate

Put forward budgets that were ignored by the House

Delisted wolves in the Great Lakes States and Wyoming

More funding for access under LWCF

Concealed carry in the National Parks

5 million new jobs in 4 years after taking over a situation where we were hemmoraging 800,000 jobs a month

Our domestic growth rate is the highest in the world

Reigned in wall street, but reforms were ignored by the House. In fact, the one person who is supposed to be watching Wall Street won't be confirmed by Congress due to partisan politics.

Makes cranky white guys freak out about muslims and birth certificates

Shocks the monkey on a regular basis.

Ok. So whats his agenda for the next four years?
An interesting scenario is building within the battlefield states... this election, based on history of state electoral voting, holds the largest potential for an electoral college tie.

Regardless the populace vote... though interesting enough, the populace vote by district for those voted into the House would be the ones to decide who the next POTUS will be.

Along with this, if the House and Senate stay relatively the same... Senate would be charged with voting the V.P.

A Romney / Biden administration... heh! Fun food for thought.

For an interesting read:
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Failure to vote, or voting for a third party candidate, is the same as casting a vote for Obama. Remember the popular vote determines the people who vote in the electoral college, and how their votes are cast.

As far as snopes, goes. Since when does a man and his wife who are confessed liberals, supposed to be accepted as authorities on any thing of importance?????????? They are no more trustworthy than a CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS poll!!!!!!
Failure to vote, or voting for a third party candidate, is the same as casting a vote for Obama. Remember the popular vote determines the people who vote in the electoral college, and how their votes are cast.

I think the basis of failure to vote is the same as casting a vote for Obama is the same as Obama supporters stating the same as a vote for Romney... kinda voids both sides arguement. As for voting third party within the same as failure to vote - is a short term view from my perspective. Long term it build the electors for those third parties voted... thus play a pivotal role in the decision for those 270 electoral votes... This leads to the next point:

As far as the electors following the populace vote for who they vote for, Not all states hold such laws nor does the U.S. Constitution mandate such. In fact currently, there are 24 states where the elector is not required to vote one way or the other... That is 1 shy of 1/2 the country ~ for perspective.

for more on the states and a complete review of the electoral college:
I think the basis of failure to vote is the same as casting a vote for Obama is the same as Obama supporters stating the same as a vote for Romney... kinda voids both sides arguement. As for voting third party within the same as failure to vote - is a short term view from my perspective. Long term it build the electors for those third parties voted... thus play a pivotal role in the decision for those 270 electoral votes... This leads to the next point:

As far as the electors following the populace vote for who they vote for, Not all states hold such laws nor does the U.S. Constitution mandate such. In fact currently, there are 24 states where the elector is not required to vote one way or the other... That is 1 shy of 1/2 the country ~ for perspective.

for more on the states and a complete review of the electoral college:

Not to many LIBS out there aren't gonna vote for Obama. But there are lots of LIBS trying to torque up Conservatives to cast third party votes that will end up helping Obama...
My point about the electors for the electoral college, was that when we cast our votes for the candidate listed on the ballot, most folks are under the impression they are actually voting for that individual for president; when in actuality the popular vote is for that candidates party designated electors. I agree 100% that this country could use a strong third party involved in the process; however, let's face it. The two party system has such a lock on the process that no third party can actually be successful, and since none of their electors would ever get seated on the electoral college (speaking hypothetically), their votes would never get counted. Thus my contention that a third party vote is a wasted vote and in the case of an incumbent, results in a vote for that incumbent, especially when the Democrats are the said incumbents. This was evidenced in Clinton's reelection bid, when third party votes took away from the GOP.
Failure to vote, or voting for a third party candidate, is the same as casting a vote for Obama. Remember the popular vote determines the people who vote in the electoral college, and how their votes are cast.

It really does not matter how you vote if you do not go with the popular vote in your state. That is why the electoral college is flawed. So not voting if you want to vote republican in democrat state or voting for a third party really does not matter. The end result is your vote does not count when it comes to the electoral votes if you do not go along with the majority for your state. The only way anything will ever change is if the bipartisan BS stops from both sides.
I have a wife and daughter that have never voted for a republican and both just marked their ballots for Romney and mailed them in. Tells me there must be plenty of Obama 2008 supporters that are silently voting against him. May be a big surprise on election night. We will know soon.
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