Romney Campaign Announces Sportsmen for Romney

How can anyone vote for Obama? He is pro Abortion and supports Abortion so he is a baby killer. He gives thousands of guns to the drug cartel so they can just use them against us. He gives billions of dollars to banks and AIG so they can pay bonuses and hold on to the money. And people are going to vote for him cause Romney wants to sell off public lands, am I missing something?
I hate both candidates. What is most important to me in this election is whom will get appointed as likely supreme court judge replacements. Keep that in mind at the polls. Take note on who Obama has and would put in place, and whom Romney might put in. Things like gun rights are more effected by how the supreme court rules over what a president thinks and feels. Immigration as well. The latest Obama care ruling is another good example. As far as POTUS candidates, they are both turds.
Here is good read that recently shows why Judge appointees are so important. Notice how Sotomayor leaned

This has been my thought as well. Two sc justices are in retirement stage...

The craptacular decisions...

Losing our public lands is irreversible! +1 Obama.
Two liberal appointed sc justices flips 5 to 4 decisions to Democrat government dependency. +1 Romney.
Obamacare holds vast potential to be reversed/revised down thethe line then loss of our public lands +1 Obama.

Both flip flop like fish out of water!
Both float so much brown trout in debates, the big bang theory tv series holds more facts!

It boils down to MANY... MANY years of Sotomeyer types in the majority vs the ireversable loss of OUR public lands.

What a sick choice!
Dumbo's and Jackasses!
Reduce dependency on Foriegn oil:

oil had to remain above $80 a barrel to keep that production going, what does that cost our economy?

Launched a program that helps get more people outside and hunting and fishing:

Domestic Oil Production up 25%, imports of foreign oil down:

Osama Bin Laden is dead

General Motors is alive, and profitable
are you certain this accurate? How many billions are taxpayers still on the hook for?

I can finally get health insurance due to ACA (previously denied due to pre-existing condition)
I deal with this every day and it has helped many people get coverage. Average rate increases for those under age 19 is about 75% year over year

Pushed forward new EPA rules on Greenhouse gas emmissions that will continue to push America towards Natural Gas generated power
at what costs?

Pushed jobs bills that were not acted upon or were voted down by the House and Senate

Put forward budgets that were ignored by the House
Harry Reid didn't even bring the Obama budget to a vote in the Senate

Delisted wolves in the Great Lakes States and Wyoming

More funding for access under LWCF

Concealed carry in the National Parks

5 million new jobs in 4 years after taking over a situation where we were hemmoraging 800,000 jobs a month

Our domestic growth rate is the highest in the world
show proof please

Reigned in wall street, but reforms were ignored by the House. In fact, the one person who is supposed to be watching Wall Street won't be confirmed by Congress due to partisan politics.
the house doesn't confirm appointees, that is the Senate's job which is controlled by Democrats

Makes cranky white guys freak out about muslims and birth certificates

Shocks the monkey on a regular basis.

I really don't believe that Obama wakes up trying to decide how to the destroy the country. I also don't think he is a leader in any way shape or form. When you get to the voting booth you basically get to vote yes or no on Obama. Still can't bring myself to vote for him but I can't vote for Romney either.

I will cast my vote and it may be "wasted" but I can vote my conscience.

I think in your list you give some pretty major passes to the Democrat controlled Senate.

It seems that the items and sources that Ben quoted all have that little leftist lean to them. I guess if you swallow the koolaide, then you actually believe the bullshit.

Some examples: reducing dependency on foreign oil by increasing investments in bankrupt companies such as Solyndra, and forcing ethanol which causes higher gas costs due to lower mileage, higher food costs, due to grains being diverted to production, and increased gasoline useage due to it taking 1 1/2 gallons of gasoline to produce one gallon of ethanol. GM still owes the people of the US all of the principle on the bailout, and is still going broke; but the union is profiting quite nicely. Increased costs of insurance to everyone else so some can get coverage (I still can't afford to pay over $700.00 per month for my pre-existing problems). More welfare recipients and people with subsidized housing, untilities and free phones....that's a big improvement, right? The best one is that Osama is dead! Yeah, after even Valerie Jarrett and Leon Panetta admitted that Obama didn't even know about the Seal raid, until the event was unfolding........and as a matter of fact Obama had tried to prevent the action when it was previously discussed but Panetta went behind his back and approved the attack anyhow!
And now, his sequestration transparency action that the OMB is using to raid Pittman-Robertson funds to help bail out a portion of the 16 Trillion dollar debt....just like LBJ raided Soc. Sec.
I also don't believe Obama had anything personally to do with the USFWS decisions to delist wolves or permit concealed carry in National Parks, since he nominated two outspoken anti-gun/anti-hunting justices to the SCOTUS.
And the list goes on and on.

The facts are this: Barry Sotero, aka Barrack Hussein Obama was raised in Indonesia, where he attended Muslim schools, He came to the US and was enrolled as a foreign exchange student in college, no one remembers him at Harvard, he is and was a protege of Bill Ayers, a devout and admitted communist, he was a community organizer for ACORN a group that his own DOJ indicted for fraud and voter registration violations, and he was willing to go along with the UN's unilateral gun ban as proposed by his mentor George Soros..........a man who it has been proven was the son of a Nazi conspirator and himself a supporter of the former Soviet Socialist Regime that dominated his home country of Czechoslovakia, and is the wealthiest individual in the world and just happens to be a major investor in oil and gasoline production, internet interests, and whose companies will be tabulating the votes of many of the states in the upcoming election (Joe Biden's son, just happens to be the president of one of those companies). Birth certificate aside, and Obama's own statement about being born in Kenya, this man's identity is a complete mystery. Why is every piece of his past closed to public inspection.....why when he demanded that Romney provide his income tax returns, didn't he explain how he became a millionaire? We all know that Romney was born wealthy and donated his inheritance to Mormon missions and other charitable organizations; but, we don't have a clue where Obama got his first dollar! While we know that Romney created a company and earned his income, all we know about Obama is that he suddenly appeared out of Chicago and became the darling of the left.

Thank you, I'll vote for the known individual. I may not agree 100% with Romney, but I certainly disagree 100% with Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Senate's broken no doubt about it. When you have to have 60 votes and you know you'll never get R's to cross party lines on pain of death, why bring a budget up for debate that wastes everyone's time?

RE Wall Street Reforms: Funding for the reforms was stripped by the House. Senate R's refused to allow for confirmation of presidential nominee for the position. Apologies if that wasn't clear.

GM: Still owes about $50 on it's TARP loan (started in 2008 by GW Bush). GM did post a record 7.6 Billion profit:

Oil: Price of oil is not set by domestic drilling or even world supplies. It's set by speculators looking for a quick buck. We're not going to see sub $80/bbl often. In fact, many companies have said that shale oil has to be over $100/BBL before it's profitable. When the industry and their speculators control the markets, we have a situation that's ripe for corruption.

EPA ergs: Costs are a factor here, no doubt. The Corrette Plant is the example that Rehberg likes to use against the new regs (actually old regs stuck in limbo for a long time, but moved forward by the President). Unfortunately, the reality is that the depressed natural gas market does more to mothball coal plants than these regs. PPL admitted as much in their paperwork to shut down the plant. It's cheaper today to build a NG fired electrical plant than it is to update a coal plant. it's market driven, not gov't driven.

I'll have to track down the article I read about US being ahead of the world in recovery. Apologies for not having it on hand.

You and Schmalts have answers I certainly can respect and agree with. I"m not a huge Obama supporter and have serious reservations about his ability to forcefully lead a divided nation, but I simply cannot abide the policies that R/R are putting forward. We should get Fin on the ballot.
Have not heard a word of whining about CU from liberals since Obama has out raised Romney for a couple of months.

Why not force the Senate Republican's to vote on popular things and then beat them up in the elections?

The Obama budget didn't get a single vote Democrat vote in the House.

The House budget has to go through conference where funding can be added back. That happened in every budget before.

They are shutting down the gas fields up here due to how cheap gas is.

Tough for me to believe we are growing fast than India and China with our domestic economy.

Have not heard a word of whining about CU from liberals since Obama has out raised Romney for a couple of months.

Why not force the Senate Republican's to vote on popular things and then beat them up in the elections?

The Obama budget didn't get a single vote Democrat vote in the House.

The House budget has to go through conference where funding can be added back. That happened in every budget before.

They are shutting down the gas fields up here due to how cheap gas is.

Tough for me to believe we are growing fast than India and China with our domestic economy.



Does it trouble you that people like rhomas support the same person you do?
I bought more expensive fuel, food, and health insurance. My income increased but at a slower rate than my expenses. Hence, I'm worse off. I should have gone on welfare.:D

Again, you need to take responsibility for yourself in life. Blaming others for your predicament isn't going to get you ahead in life. I am not sure what happened with personal responsibility, but you seem to be missing it.

Life is good, make something of it....

Idaho's unemployment rate fell its lowest rate since May 2009 in September as some people found work and the size of the labor force shrank for the fourth straight month.

The jobless rate dipped to 7.1 percent from 7.4 percent in August as 1,200 more Idahoan found jobs. Idaho's total number of unemployed dropped to 55,300 from 67,400 a year ago. Total employment was 720,600, the highest number in four years.


Does it trouble you that people like rhomas support the same person you do?

Please find where I said I support anybody. I won't vote for either of these two, I am wasting my vote by voting my conscience.

Regardless of which one wins, 2013 and 14 is going to be ugly. Both will spend not only your and my kids inheritance but also our grandkids. The current state of our country is that we cannot afford our debt at 0% interest imagine what happens when rates skyrocket to attract buyers of our debt.

So support whom ever you wish but neither of these two has anything approaching a workable plan that deals with the reality that everyone in the country is going to have to give up something. IMO while Obama is a good man, he is not a good politician and not a good leader. The man life story and rise to power are a great story for those who still believe that in America anyone can be president but I am not voting for his life story.

You could also look at the GDP growth over the last 10 years. Technically you could say the rate of growth was tanking when Bush took office (clintons fault? ha), then it started to tank at the end of Bush's term (bush's fault). It has come up under Obama probably due to the stimulus package but only had short-term effects since the money was PRINTED and they ran out. The economy is starting to tank again but it's still Bush's fault? Try to wrap your head around that one. Our economy is growing slower and slower...double dip recession anyone?? We also have the problem of very expensive EVERYHING coupled with a very WEAK DOLLAR making things even more expensive. I'm sorry but I think there is a problem with out-of-control government spending, have the dems passed a budget yet????? There is also a problem with 47 FRICKIN percent of Americans not paying federal income tax!

I also have a HUGE problem with Obama who is STILL our president currently dicking around rather than trying to get some stuff done before his ass gets voted out in November. He also continues to FINGERPOINT and does not take responsibility for ANYTHING! Oh wait, I forgot he killed Osama with his bare hands! He is in a position to help America and in my opinion has done enough to hurt America for many years down the road. He has appointed way too many wacked-out super liberals in various positions of power all around the country to get his SOCIALISTIC agenda spread.

I know it sounds crazy to you LIBERALS to have someone in the White House who isn't a lawyer but I think Romney has the resume to actually fix this economy and make it solvent for many many many many years! But that's just my .02! UGGGHHH!!
At least Romney has a true real life story and not a piece of fiction!

BTW, Jose, since you are so much in favor of the left wing nut current occupier of the White House, how can you actually get on here and lecture someone about doing for themselves? After all Obama and the Democrats are the party of the do nothings who rather live off of everyone else's income than contribute anything of their own!

Also, does the graph that you keep posting reflect the unemployment numbers from the various states that were strategically left out of the recent employment figures that Obama is campaigning on??????????
I know it sounds crazy to you LIBERALS to have someone in the White House who isn't a lawyer but I think Romney has the resume to actually fix this economy and make it solvent for many many many many years! But that's just my .02! UGGGHHH!!

Doesn't Romney have the SAME law degree that Obama has?
At least Romney has a true real life story and not a piece of fiction!

BTW, Jose, since you are so much in favor of the left wing nut current occupier of the White House, how can you actually get on here and lecture someone about doing for themselves? After all Obama and the Democrats are the party of the do nothings who rather live off of everyone else's income than contribute anything of their own!

Also, does the graph that you keep posting reflect the unemployment numbers from the various states that were strategically left out of the recent employment figures that Obama is campaigning on??????????

The graph I keep posting is the stock market's performance under Obama. The only "scorecard" that matters on if I am "better off today than 4 years ago".

If you are worse off, that is your own fault for not taking initiative and making things better. This last 4 years has had all sorts of opportunity.
"Doesn't Romney have the SAME law degree that Obama has?"

I should have clarified that he does not make a career of it as he went into management at Bain capital shortly after college. I don't think he changed his name though to get scholarships like old Barry Soetoro.


So it's not weird to anyone else that he is paying millions of dollars to hide his transcripts?? I say Mitt shows his taxes for the last 10 years and Barry shows his transcipts. haha
WyOpitz- Could you please give proof to the above statement? Why don't you look up the Barry Soetoro article in will then realize why people think the "right wing" are a bunch of radical conspiracy theorists that make shit up. I personally have much more respect for the conservative members of the Republican party than the whack jobs that are in the social media that are representing them right now. You are making true Conservative Republicans look really bad...
His name doesn't mean anything to me...I just like the nickname. Seriously though, there are a lot of unanswered questions about this man that the media just swept away. Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers and NUMEROUS LEFT, LEFT,LEFT,LEFT wing nutcases that he appointed czars! But no, that's ok it is all just a coincidence and all of a sudden the people you grew up around no longer influence your character??????????????
In the end, one or the other will find the "title" come Nov 6th...

Really, if we want to get stuff done - Reconstruct lobbiest influence - that will never happen.
Fire the majority of Dumbo's and Jackasses in Congress ~ both house and senate - that won't happen.

Oh right... no one here is changing anothers mind for those that believe Obama grew up on some Kenyan turf of dirt...Really? Trump up the mud slinging Birther tin foil hatters, etc... to Romney's lack of paying his fair share of taxes...

Not sure nor will this be reasonably answered other then heckled though I fail to understand how the "We're the 99%" crowd can really complain about some "rich dude" paying ONLY 14% taxes... 14% of his salary is... eh, $1,400,000!!!! (and that is a guesstimate) TO USE THE SAME Dept of motor vehicles to get a license... to drive the SAME roads... Though Noooo, $1,400,000 is not EQUALITY.
Damn leeches - get a job. It is the pursuit of happieness, not government provided happieness through dependency.

Both get crapped on for stuff that is childish to believe... Both are craptacular choices. In the end, I'll vote - though I really do not know who and maybe neither - though I will exercise my right to vote, wasted or not.
Virgil Goode for President - Constitution Party. The problem is most people think there is only one choice. Make a statement and go against the main stream.
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