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RMEF Salmon ID

Hey can you guys start herding those elk back to Montana. I think most of our elk migrate that direction rather than face the gauntlet to the Root.
The last time I had a late season elk tag down there the numbers weren't that great either. I had friend that was spotting from the valley while I was up on the hill. He said there were a couple wolves cruising down the ridge from where I was. That is one funny town I tell you. Last year one of the local restaurants/bar was offering a free picture of beer and pizza if you would bring evidence of your wolf kill. They would post the pictures in the local paper as well. Quite a bit different than Bozeman. I would move back in a second if I could make a living over there. Good luck with the banquet.
LB- Is Bozeman really that liberal? Just curious as we have decided to move to Bozeman rather than Billings. Only because there aren't any rentals in Billings worth a crap and really aren't many crappy ones to choose from either. Bozeman seems to have a lot more options.
Let's just say that I go back to Salmon every year for the 4th of July just so my kids can still get candy thrown at them from the floats rather than gently handed to them by the parade. And Bozeman would never let the Hill billies drive there demo derby cars down the street revving their smoke stacked cars with all their relatives hanging off of them.

I'll never forget a Parade float I saw in Salmon. It was the first year of wolf introduction and the natives were furious. There weren't even any wolves in Salmon yet due to it being the first year but they knew what was coming. Anyway here comes this float. It has a mounted taxidermy domestic hefer calf running with it's mouth open. And right behind it flanking it was a full life size wolf getting ready to take a big ol bite. Excellent taxidermy work I might add. Then on the sides of the trailer in Huge lettering. YOUR TAX DOLLARS HARD AT WORK!
It was awesome. Only in Salmon

You'll like Bozeman. You just have to get used to things being different. I think you'll find the recreational opportunities are a little better than Billings. Mountains, Rivers, skiing, snowmobiling, are all right out your back door here.
I hear you. I lived in Coeur d' Alene for many years and there were a lot of transplants there, but there were enough rednecks to keep them in check. I was just curious. Yeah I really like the Bozeman area. I am mildly excited for the move. I just hate moving and have a lot of good things going here.

One last question and then I will quit high jacking the thread. Is there any other close boating other than Canyon Ferry? Just debating on if it is worth having my wake boat over there, or if I would be better off to have a jet boat and a drift boat. Although I am not sure if there really is any jet boatable waters close like we have here.

Sorry for the hijack, back to topic. Good luck with the RMEF banquet!
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