Caribou Gear

RL 23 Load Data


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2017
Billings, MT
I've been looking for load data for RL 23 and its pretty scarce. Alliant has some for regular lead core bullets but nothing for an all copper. Anyone have a starting point for a Barnes 139 gr LRX out of a 7RM?
I really like the new Alliant powders, but like you said, Alliant definitely doesn't provide much data to use with their powders. I use RL-16 and RL-26, and also had a hard time finding much data. You need to look at some of the bullet manufacturer's data. I found the new Speer data really useful. I see Barnes has RL22 data for the 139 LRX, and Speer has data for both RL22 and RL23 with their 145 grain bullet. Speer and Barnes both have 68.0 grains of RL22 as max, so I would deduce that you would be safe in using what Speer shows as max for RL23 which is 66.8 grains. I'd start about 5% under that so let's say 64 grains?
Usually if you give Alliant a call, they can give you a starting point with a particular powder and bullet combination. I've done it in the past with both Alliant & Hodgdon powders. They are and have been very helpful.
I played with it a bit in my 7 mag, just to see if it would be a good replacement for Re 22, with the 139. 66 grains with a 140 Accubond, got me .75 inch groups and 3155 fps. 66 grains with the 139 Interlock, got me 3126 fps and 1/2 inch accuracy. I bumped it up to 68 grains and it gave me 3227 fps, with 75 inch accuracy again. I settled on the 66-grain load in my rifle, but have stayed with the Re 22 for now.
Comapare the data you do have with it to other powders that have more data in your cartridge and bullet weight. Start LIGHT. Work up. You can’t interchange data between RL-22 and RL-23, but they’re close enough for starting with minimum loads.
Ok, a quick run through Quickload..
Barnes X bullet 28420.
24" barrel.
Max 69.3gr of RL23.
102% case fill at 60,280 PSI for 3,256 fps.
Drop 10% and do ladder test.

Let us know your results.
Comapare the data you do have with it to other powders that have more data in your cartridge and bullet weight. Start LIGHT. Work up. You can’t interchange data between RL-22 and RL-23, but they’re close enough for starting with minimum loads.

I have found this to work just fine for me.
Thanks, guys. I called Alliant but no one was available and no one has called me back.

I'm hoping the weather will cooperate to get some testing done over the Christmas break. We'll see what the wind does.
Alliant does have limited reloading data on their website and I used it as a starting point for the load I use in my steyr 7 7mm rem mag. 65.3 grains of RL 23 results in about 3000fps with a 160gr Nosler accubond and half moa groups. As always start 5 to 10% below published data loads and work up. Then ladder test.. Good luck. This powder is awesome.
Sorry, I didn't ever share results. My dad and I did a little bit of a work-up and settled on 65.8gr of RL 23, got 3200 FPS and right at or just under MOA, with a 26" barrel. I think I could really improve that, at that time I had not practiced shooting very much. This spring I got some shooting instruction through 406 Precision and I feel like I made huge improvements. Thanks for the help with the starting place!

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