Rinella article.. CUT AND PASTED

HTers shit stirring on multiple platforms today.

I don't think HT is entirely exempt from the temptation though. I had a relatively good season last year and did have the thought "what is my motivation for posting this?" as I did write ups, posted pics, etc. I have tried to focus more on the landscapes this season. Not too hard when you have a dud of a season though. Be glad I didn't subject you to a 5 page write up of my doe pronghorn hunt.
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My favorite things about HT, in no particular order: stories, pictures, inspiration, new friends, networking, learning new things, sharpening skills, news, advocacy, debating the merits of David Ramsey home economics with the best hunter on the forum, the one and only wllm1313
Well back at you buddy. ;)

It’s funny juxtaposing Matt’s essay with my favorite thread reads this morning, your live hunt and @ajricketts. Lotta good doe hunts over hear maybe Matt should login… also fabulous corgi content if I do say so myself.

Jokes aside, I joined a Fb hunting page when I moved to MA… it’s basically an endless stream of gripe and grins punctuated briefly by bitching about paying $26 dollars instead of $20 for a resident license. So 🤮 maybe he has a point.
The thing that makes forum likes different from Gram or FB likes is that forum likes are happening on a small scale, in a closed community and they don't feed into an algorithm that changes the way you view HuntTalk. (At least not to my knowledge.)

I think that makes forum likes more of a function of status and group psychology that can be unhealthy but is probably nothing near as detrimental as the feedback loops found on "true" social media platforms.
HTers shit stirring on multiple platforms today.

I don't think HT is entirely exempt from the temptation though. I had a relatively good season last year and did have the thought "what is my motivation for posting this?" as I did write ups, posted pics, etc. I have tried to focus more on the landscapes this season. Not too hard when you have a dud of a season though. Be glad I didn't subject you to a 5 page write up of my doe pronghorn hunt.
I have like 50 great pics from my pronghorn hunt that I got skunked on if anyone wants some landscape porn.

Post up the doe hunt
It’s funny juxtaposing Matt’s essay with my favorite thread reads this morning, your live hunt and @ajricketts. Lotta good doe hunts over hear maybe Matt should login… also fabulous corgi content if I do say so myself.
This. Over a doe hunt yet, it's pretty darn awesome and not due to the B&C length of the doe's ears either.
Also, social media is a crazy place. I have gram but I only check it like once a week and only post once a month at best. I'm just not crazy about using it. Haven't used FB in like five years.

It's a lot to think about when you look into or study some of Rene Girard's work on mimetic desire and how it informs the concept of "influencers." I think that shit is no bueno for the hunting universe just as Matt does, but there is an incredible amount of inertia propelling the phenomenon that is social media that I can't see how you remove it from a niche community like hunting.
Post up the doe hunt

I was fresh off the shame of starting a "live hunt" thread for my whiff at a muzzleloader pronghorn hunt. Intentionally didn't take a picture that hunt.

Guilty. Since this is the year I finally killed a nice bull this thought never crossed my mind. If you’re parked next to me at a red light there’s a 75% chance I’ll find a way to show you pics.

There's a 99% chance I would roll down my window and be leaning halfway out the truck to get a better look.
HTers shit stirring on multiple platforms today.

I don't think HT is entirely exempt from the temptation though. I had a relatively good season last year and did have the thought "what is my motivation for posting this?" as I did write ups, posted pics, etc. I have tried to focus more on the landscapes this season. Not too hard when you have a dud of a season though. Be glad I didn't subject you to a 5 page write up of my doe pronghorn hunt.
I feel called out.... 😂😂
Not at all. I'm sure you didn't drive an hour from your house and pop the first dry doe you saw.
No, I missed a couple first lol.

To answer another part of your other post, I made that story as a way to relive the hunt and cement it into my memory. Plus, it's now somewhere on the web that I can read again if I want. One day I'll get bettwr about keeping a journal or something, but this is what I have for now.

Not that you're making me answer for it. I'm just contributing in some way lol.
It's a different world from even 35 years ago, seemingly the start of Baud Town, place the phone in the Commodore 65 or Apple phone-boot and connect to the World Wide Internet (Invented by Al Gore, ask him!)

The deal is, our Hunter Conventions are free press for all. Eco-Extremists, etc. To tone down our own enjoyment of great stories shared of families hunting together... Jr. killing his first fork buck, with family beaming with pride is something we value and others despise.
Are we to kowtow to their expectations? If so, sell your guns, archery equipment because at NO TIME will they tone their rhetoric until every single living Bambi continues on their merry way AND... We are eating vegi burgers.
To answer another part of your other post, I made that story as a way to relive the hunt and cement it into my memory. Plus, it's now somewhere on the web that I can read again if I want. One day I'll get bettwr about keeping a journal or something, but this is what I have for now.

I think that's 100% valid so long as I don't piss off @BigFin enough that he deletes the site (and your story).
For me it is simple - is the content thoughtful, respectful, positive, humble, "big tent," instructive, and a reasonable lens on this craft so many of us have grown up with (and more have learned to love later in life)? Or in contrast - is the content obnoxious, amped up, all about the antlers, small penis syndrome, guys-only junk?

Once that question is answered for me I really don't care what media vehicle is used to share (or if there are media involved - loudmouthed *sshats in the local bar can be just as irritating). I will always appreciate the former and despise the latter.

HT in its various flavors is the only hunting "content" I follow - because @Big Fin, and many of his "following," are genuine and engaged leaders/teachers. The ugly side of social media doesn't change that.
The thing that makes forum likes different from Gram or FB likes is that forum likes are happening on a small scale, in a closed community and they don't feed into an algorithm that changes the way you view HuntTalk. (At least not to my knowledge.)

I think that makes forum likes more of a function of status and group psychology that can be unhealthy but is probably nothing near as detrimental as the feedback loops found on "true" social media platforms.
I don't post my family's pics anywhere, but we sure get a kick out of those like Randy and Steve and others who post up their pics and video in good taste. The grip and grin look at me stuff really doesn't interest me and it is absolutely a detriment to hunting.
I for one like to see hunting pics, scenery, kills, all of it. I like to watch some hunting shows, and I like them better when game gets killed. I like to see pics of animals other hunters have killed because I understand their excitement over their success. Maybe i just don’t get the whole controversy since I’m not on the Gram or FB anymore.

The argument seems to be we don’t want other people to know that hunting is enjoyable, because those @ssholes might take my tag, or worse, show up in my spot; the sacred public land spot to which I am entitled to hunt. Fact of the matter is, more people, less game, decreasing opportunities are the future of western hunting. This thing will solve itself as opportunity dwindles. “Western” hunting will become a once or twice in a lifetime opportunity for those who don’t live in the primary western hunting states, and residents of those states are going to see continued massive decreases in opportunity. Interest will wane when you can only take your sweet new gear out west every decade or so. The sky is falling.

At least that’s my take from reading the forums…
I agree with 95% of Matt’s points. The proof is in the pudding. MASSIVE year over year increases in demand over the past 5 years.

Way too many “how to put your underwear on” threads and “how to setup your tent” videos on YT.

Someone’s signature on HT nails it, “we need to usher in new hunters, so we can all sit at home next year,” or something like that. Can’t remember the exact verbiage.

The younger crowd oh so desperately want to quit pursuing careers, make a living “producing content” and get a free 6 pack of arrows.
:LOL: it's too easy. Fin states his view and doesn't get defensive because he's a genuine person with good intentions, those gunslingers get defensive real fast. I have a theory regarding why...
are you going to give us a recap of what you posted over there?
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