Deleted member 28227
I don't have many friends that hunt, outside of folks from the forum, exactly 3. I share here, legitimately, to share with the only hunting community I've had the opportunity to be a part of... you all are my hunting camp.So is Hunt Talk exempt (or at least cushioned) from the pitfalls of posting dead animals like Matt describes? Is there something inherently different about a forum as opposed to other social media? I'm honestly not sure. While HT certainly isn't Facebook or Instagram, it's still social media--available for the world to see.
I wrestled with whether or not to post the story of my hunt this year, which did feature a couple pictures of dead animals. I questioned why I should or should not post it. I decided to go ahead and do it, mostly because I really enjoy reading others' stories and seeing others' photos and wanted to contribute, which to me is the big difference between HT and other social media--I think of this place as an actual community. I have few personal friends who hunt, so HT is my hunting community. I spend a lot of time reading here, and have gotten to know the personalities of many of you who post often. I've learned a great deal about hunting and conservation issues and how to be an advocate for the causes I find important. I've become friends with a few people I've met through the forum. I have plans to hunt with a couple of them next year. I don't have FB or Insta or anything else, but I'd wager that the sense of an actual community is something that is largely missing from those other platforms. The knowing and being known.
But I'd be lying if I said that there wasn't something invigorating about seeing the "likes" roll in on things I post here. It can mess with my addictive personality. There have been times where I've caught myself posting things for laughs or likes, that I probably would not have posted were that not a feature of the forum. I'm bothered by and even disgusted with this trait in myself, but it is inherently human. We all want to be recognized and accepted, to be valued. Social media plays on that, hits us right in the dopamine spot, and can be addicting and lead to people doing lots of stupid shit. I'm not exempt. Personally, if I could I'd take the "like" feature away from the forum, I would, even though I use it all the time.
The only other place I share is on my IG page... I have like 80 followers, about 50 of which view my stories... 10 or so are forum members. Those 40 though, they are friends that have never touched a gun or a bow, or have any conception of hunting.
They are friends though, and they have a friend who hunts (me)... and not just deer but everything... bears, birds, goats…
My hope is that they put my face to the topic when it comes up, they have a tangible connection to the hunting. When the topic arises they think of my post and not the scene from wedding crashers, or bambi, or whatever.
I caught myself shying away from including posts of dead animals in my post… but I have come to the conclusion that it’s dishonest.
Seems like an honest portrayal is the best way to go…
… also to that end….
Gotta include you missed shots, gotta admit you forgot how to gut a deer