Rifle weights


Feb 23, 2021
I can’t find two side by side to compare, but can anyone shed some light on a Remington 700 SA Mountain rifle vs Winchester Model 70 Classic Featherweight. Both in same caliber , which weighs more ( or less ) ? Both seem to have a slim 22” barrel. I’ve looked for weight charts to compare but run can’t find a direct comparison.
Which seems a bit odd since I would think they’d be in direct competition. Or was. Any insights or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
thank in advance.
I like to ride bicycles. Friends got on to me for having a heavy bike. Too much weight for climbing, they'd say. My response, three pounds less bike weight won't help near as much as twenty off yer ass. In my case, it's more than that. I figure I have to be pretty skinny before I need a lighter rifle, since my butt is more attractive to gravity. Plus, I have hunted almost 30 years with my muzzleloader, which weighs in at about 9#, and has no sling. So my wood-stocked old school '06 is light by comparison.
I can’t find two side by side to compare, but can anyone shed some light on a Remington 700 SA Mountain rifle vs Winchester Model 70 Classic Featherweight. Both in same caliber , which weighs more ( or less ) ? Both seem to have a slim 22” barrel. I’ve looked for weight charts to compare but run can’t find a direct comparison.
Which seems a bit odd since I would think they’d be in direct competition. Or was. Any insights or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
thank in advance.
I have had two model 70 featherweights in 6.5x55 Swede and .270. Both weighed a bit over 6 3/4 pounds.

I have had a Reminngton Mountain rifle in .280. It weighed around 6 5/8 pounds. All three had 22 inch barrels.

I much prefer the winchester, still have the 6.5x55 swede
Also helpful. Now I’m kinda back to square one. The 700 Mountain I’ve handled ( and shot , it’s a 260 ). I’ve hinted to him about pricing it, but I think he’s pretty fond of it. And it does shoot nice. I found a 70 in 7-08. The barrel may heat up fast on the pencil barrels, but I’m not shooting more than a few. Carrying is the issue. The slim stock on the 700 Mountain feels good in the hand. I really don’t want to buy a 70 without handling one first.
The only 70 I’ve shot was a 270 in Super Grade. Beautiful rifle, but out of by league. Thank You all again.
The wood stocked featherweight and MT rifle are quite similar in feel and wrist size. I have both and to be honest I like the MT a little better, it balances better. The M70 had better lines. Can't go wrong with either. The MT is lighter.
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