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Rifle for daughter suggestions....

My oldest boy, 12, shoots a Stevens 7mm-08. I picked it up when they were cheap, bedded it, and it drives tacks. Ugly as all get out!

I have two younger boys, so my eyes/ears are always open in the cheaper youth rifle dept.

I am highly interested in the Ruger Americans. ... if you want a cheaper wood stock, I see Savage makes the Axis II with accutrigger with wood. Buds guns sells them with a weaver scope. Looks like a great deal to me.

Good luck!
My boy is getting an Ruger american when he handle it. Picked up one of the Walmart clearance guns in 243. I'll probably get a Boyd's stock for it.
My wife shoots a Remington 788 in .308 Recoil isn't bad at all, ammo is readily available and the .308 packs a punch!
Soooo, I have pulled the trigger (so to speak :) ) I have ordered a Howa short action in 7mm-08, a featherweight thumbhole stock from Boyd's and picked up a Vortex crossfire in 3x9x50 (on sale right now at Cabela's for $99). Looks like lil missy is going to have a semi-custom build for her first rifle. The end cost is going to be right around what it was going to cost me for the weapons I could find when you figure in restocking any of those synthetics....I think it will be a sweet little setup :)
Hell yeah man!! My 7mm08 Howa actually loves sierra 140 gr spitzer boat tails! For reloads, and all the nosler factory stuff Ive shot through it was also damn good!
Hell yeah man!! My 7mm08 Howa actually loves sierra 140 gr spitzer boat tails! For reloads, and all the nosler factory stuff Ive shot through it was also damn good!

My boy's 08 shoots lights out with handloads sierras and partitions in 140. If you reload there are some great reduced recoil loads you can make...
I considered getting my nephew one of the new hardwood axis II in 243, if you can find one in 7mm-08 or 6.5 Creedmoor that would be an awesome rifle for her
As of yesterday, components are at the gunsmith with an estimated time of completion at 2 weeks. Her LOP was measured at 12.5 and we are upgrading the recoil pad. I don't know which one of us is more excited :)
Nice, something she can use forever. She may take some time off hunting, but she'll always remember the time with Dad
Good choice. I have been going through a similiar debate for my 10 yr old son and I think I can come to the same conclusion. Please update the thread when she id able to shoot the gun.
Good choice. I have been going through a similiar debate for my 10 yr old son and I think I can come to the same conclusion. Please update the thread when she id able to shoot the gun.

Will do!!! Will be shooting the reduced recoil least to start
Nice choice on her rifle, that will have a sentimental value beyond what an off the shelf rifle ever could. My adult daughter decided she wanted a rifle last year. I got her a heavy barrel Acis in 243 since targets and coyotes were highest on her list. We painted it with a Camo pattern that incorporated snapdragon flowers a 4-12 Vortex and it is uniquely hers. Your method is much better and more personal great choice on the Howa.

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