Rex Rammell at it again

I guess a poacher will say anything to take the heat off himself.
Why doesn't he just kill one of his own farmed elk? I mean if it's such a hunt, why not stay home and kill one.

Funny thing is, that his game farm is more of a threat to our wild elk than wolves.

I agree, and if he thinks shooting a wolf is not really going to get you noticed why doesn't he do it to test the system?
What a joke. This guy blames the gal at Sportsman's warehouse for telling him that his elk tag was good for all open elk hunts in Idaho and now this. What a disgrace of a so called "hunter". He is ruining the image of the hunter and potentially make matters worse. He has a ridiculous cult following believe it or not. I wouldn't doubt some of that following do what he says.
He wasn't that guy that had some elk escape his game farm a few years back and caused a big stink about it, was he?
He threatens to shoot a Conservation Officer while they try to confiscate the cow elk. I bet his politician sheep ranching friend is pulling strings right now to get him off. The guy never pays the full price for his actions.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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