Return To Africa 04/2013



My first African hunt in September of 2011 was an absolutely amazing experience. I hunted with Kubusi Safari's in South Africa. Harvesting a blue wildebeest, impala, warthog, common blesbuck, and bushbuck. I tried to add a kudu also but they just made us look like fools the entire week. The term grey ghosts is more than fitting for such a magnificient animal. As soon as the tires hit the runway I knew it wouldn't be long till I returned to chase them again. This trip was in April. The beginning of the rut which made for some great kudu hunting. All three in my hunting party took a kudu bull. I also took a caracal, springbuck, and a common blesbuck. My friend and his father together added a blue wildebeest, impala, common blesbuck, and eland to finish out their first African Safari. The whole experience again was top notch and plans to return are already in motion for the spring of 2016. Hope you enjoy the pictures and good huntin'





Sounds like there's going to be a busy taxidermist somewhere. I'm planning my first trip to Africa in late February / early March 2014, seeing your photos gets me even more excited about the trip. Congrats and thanks for sharing those pics.
Here's three from the first trip. The bushbuck is being life sized and not completed yet and the warthog skull is being put on a cut piece of oak shaped like Africa. Hope you have an awesome trip! What part of Africa will you be hunting?


Thanks for posting!
Nice pics and awesome hunts!
Caracal looks damn big! Never dogged one ....called and spotlighted.....we will both probably get criticized!
Best of luck on your next adventure!
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only thing missing is a smile of some sort? jeesh all that travel and hunting while we punch our munchkins and you can't crack a smile? my pictures would be all teeth and in the corner you might get a glimpse of the dead critter!congrats :cool:
bonedogg I never smile in pictures but I assure you I'm smiling inside! Tom I could give two shits what someone else thinks about my hunting style or methods. My only concern with the way I live my life is what the LORD and my family thinks. IMO Awesome bull Tom!
pseshooter300 You won't regret a trip over there. I remember as a kid watching Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and being totally mesmerized by Africa and its vast wildlife. Then as a Marine stationed aboard the USS America I was off the coast of Africa. Thoughts went through my mind off going awol for just a week or two to pursue wildlife there. With only a .223 and 9mm and not wanting to be thrown in the brig I stayed aboard. Then a friend invited me to go with him. I excepted and two trips later I'm planning number three. Zebra, nyala, duiker, and mountain reed buck will be on the list next trip!

Thanks noharleyyet!
MTN Reed Buck are fun hunting! A good one can prove quite frustrating but patience and time works!
Nyala are awesome! If you have room and can afford the taxidermy, do full body mount! I couldn't. didn't and still wish I had!
Zebra can be tuff hunting too in some locales. Dang senses, all three, are like a deer or Elk. Should be able to take one in RSA without too many hours being involved.....
Ah, specifically hunting Duiker! Hunting "tiny ones" is quite easy----when you take them by encounter but can prove quite difficult when specifically hunting them! I have my 'Tiny Ten" but it took a while!!!
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I have to admit I hunted mountain reed buck my last trip. No excuses, just made a bod shot and I'm still disgusted with myself. Look forward to round two! I also agree with you on the nyala which I will most likely life size. I have a bushbuck being life sized now. The spirals are all beautiful aniamls for sure. The zebra I'm going to shoulder mount if successful. It's funny you said that because it's exactly the way my duiker hunt went this past safari. We saw plenty of them while we were going after our 3 kudu. Then we had a couple days to target them and they disappeared. Of course those days we did have full moons or almost full. Saw plenty of sign just never got an opportunity at one. Again looking forward to round two on them. I'm far from being an African expert but to me the most impressive trophy collection is the Tiny Ten. Congrats on that. If possible could you post some of your pictures. I'd love to see them.
Africa hunt 2015...

Great pics and I am sure it was an adventure. I/we have been to RSA in 2009, 2011 and will return in 2015. We have just recently been given permission to take our only grandson, only grandchild for that matter, to RSA in 2015. He is spending the summer here with us in NW MT. He and I have spent lots of time at the range this summer and he has worked up to shooting my 260AI. This will be the rifle he will carry upon our return to Africa. For anyone who has not had the opportunity to go to "The Dark Continent", I say save your money and plan to do so. This life not a dress rehearsal. You go this way but once. Save, plan, get excited and go on a true adventure. BTW, the only problem with going to Africa is that your first trip is to merely whet your appetite and get you ready for your successive trips. Great pics and story. I cannot wait to return. MTG
I was late 50's before I did my first! Had given up ever going in spite of childhood dreams Hemingway, Ruark and others created in my head. Then some Atlanta buddies invited me to be the 4th on their 4x2 hunt.....I went. Booked my second while still there! Kept going back! A friend in ZIM calls them SKI Hunts---Spending Kids Inheritance....
Love hunting Spiral horns and especially Bush Buck. I have three full body mounts of Bush Buck . Also have a full body Lesser Kudu.
The Tiny Ones can be so challenging! I can't afford to hunt West Africa so mine are all E African. I do not use a hosting service for photos so I don't think I can post but the ones I consider as my Tiny Ten are a Common Duiker, Blue Duiker, Red Duiker, Thompsons Gazelle, Steenbok, Oribi, Val Rhebok, Mtn Reed Buck, Kirks Dik Dik, and the easy Springbok (bunch of them). I have six days in pursuit of a Sunni with no kill. Hell, I have 8 days in pursuit of a Sitatunga with a big zero!
RSA screwed me when they stopped Rhino darting in getting my Dangerous seven. No way can I KILL a Rhino! But I got the other six on the ground!
Sumbeach friends in Atlanta created a monster!
Tom In Tennessee and MTGunner that is absolutely awesome. Still laughing about the SKI hunts comment. MTGunner my grandson is only three. Brought him his first rifle. A crickett .22 bolt made right here in good old PA. As soon as he shows me he's ready to go. We are there! I promised myself and my brothers I lost in the Marine Corps that I would live for all of us. I won't break that promise! Life is to short to not follow your dreams.

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