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Rest Easy Tahoe

Wow that’s tough with a young dog. Cherish those memories you have of him. You’ll find yourself smiling some day down the road when something reminds you of his quirks or special traits. Each one of them is different and special. Take good care.
Words just can't express the loss of a younger dog. Lost a 5 year old lab a while back that was a great dog to a tick borne disease that wasn't lymes. Hit our whole family and extended family hard. He got sick and was gone a couple weeks later. Been 4 or 5 years now the day or 2 before Christmas and still miss him.

So sorry for your loss and hopefully time heals.
Sorry for your loss. Losing a loyal hunting partner is never easy.
so sorry for your loss, the bond between a hunting dog and it's owner is priceless, it's hard when that's taken away. All I can say is keep your head up and know he's up there watching over every hunt marking your birds left and right.
So sorry to hear that. I followed his short life through your posts here and saw he was a very special dog. Losing them at all is hard; losing them too early is nearly unbearble. I feel for you.
Sorry to hear that. Losing a dog never leaves you the same. I still have dreams about my old bird dogs from time to time. They leave a mark.
Dang, sorry to hear and best wishes in moving forward. Dogs are special
You both made each others lives richer. Sorry for his passing, and I can't imagine that walk out of the field.
I hope your next one is at least half the dog Tahoe was for you.
That had to be terrible. So sorry for your loss. It's not fair that we only have them for such a short time.
Wife and I are hanging in there... house is too quiet.

Had a couple breeder friends reach out and offer me pick up the litter on them whenever we were ready.

Pups hit the ground this morning. I think we'll take another black male out of this litter.

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Didn't want to open this thread, but wanted to send my condolences. Its crazy how much a dog can affect your life in a positive way - I couldn't imagine life without mine. I've seen the passing of a few too many and it never gets easier.

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