Remington custom shop barreled actions. $400

I imagine I’ll be fighting with my credit card company for a refund in a few weeks when I find out that what I ordered is permanently out of stock.

If I ever do receive any of the ones I ordered I’ll post what the heck actually turned up to this thread.
Yeah, we'll see what, if anything, shows up!
I emailed them about the whole thing and they claim no knowledge of anything other than whats on that excel sheet. It's wild that they didn't just wait for them to show up before taking orders
It's wild that they didn't just wait for them to show up before taking orders
It’s really stupid on their part. They could have charged way more than $400 for some of them if they have bolts, triggers, etc. And not to mentioned avoid this giant shit show.
I can’t believe they didn’t just stop taking orders till the list was updated. They are spending money on CC transaction fees and refunds they would of needed to. The man hours of work they are creating to clean this mess up is amazing.
Spreadsheet is definitely not being updated daily with what is still available (i.e hasn't changed since I bought one)... so I'm sure it'll be a mess!
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I bought the 257 Bob a few days back. Called CS this morning and the kid was nice, took my number and said the FFL guy was managing all of it and he'd call me back. He called back within 2 hours and said its mine, the shipment hasn't shown up so they have no clue of configurations and can't physically check them, but they expect it end of this week or next. Give them a call, super helpful to me. YMMV. The Bob is spoken for!
Just called PTG - they said they don't know if mine went through but that they would know tomorrow and will call me if I didn't get it
Sounds like it would have been a lot easier to just spend 10 seconds grinding the follower spring on a bench sander for a perfect fit to whatever size the groove was. But frustrating nonetheless.

“Primary extraction” has nothing to do with the “extractor”, it is the caming action of the lug recess and rear action bridge which gives you mechanical advantage to pull the case out of the chamber, as you lift the bolt, before you pull the bolt back. I have a couple that have zero primary extraction because the timing is so far off that the cam never engages. But I’ve also never stuck a case, and all my handloads have flat primers.

All The new RR serial numbered actions I’ve seen have zero primary extraction. Even the early year m700 aren’t the best but most have a little bit but still not great.
The problem is made worse when someone trues the action and bolt also.
Its simply amazing to me that Remington couldn’t change their jigs/programs to time the bolt handles better.
For anyone who needs a bolt handle fixed Dan at Accu-tig in Fairbanks AK is awesome and has the process down. Very reasonable prices also.
Speculating. I can only assume they wanted the money right now, not next month. Perhaps they bought the lot on 30 day payment terms. If they sell enough of them today to cover their purchase price then they didn’t have to spend a dime of capital to make their profit.
All The new RR serial numbered actions I’ve seen have zero primary extraction. Even the early year m700 aren’t the best but most have a little bit but still not great.
The problem is made worse when someone trues the action and bolt also.
Its simply amazing to me that Remington couldn’t change their jigs/programs to time the bolt handles better.
For anyone who needs a bolt handle fixed Dan at Accu-tig in Fairbanks AK is awesome and has the process down. Very reasonable prices also.
I have 3 of the RR series actions. So far all extract a fired case so that's good. A poster on another site indicated that the jig to hold the bolt handle in the proper position was never right from the git go and Remington never bothered to correct it.
What was preventing them from waiting to see what they had before selling things?
I really wanted in on it but I expected this to be a huge pain in the ass.
That’s exactly why I haven’t jumped. I think it’s going to be a shitshow
Caribou Gear

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