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Remington custom shop barreled actions. $400

Struggling with this one. Not sure if I should keep it or not. The 280 was supposed to get sold but the boy fell in love with it. So the one I built for him currently has no home in the stable. But man does this thing shoot, is a dream to operate, and nice to carry. Bedded McMillan Mcwoody, trigger tech primary, m16 extractor, and PTG bolt. Scope is on it just to test, I know it’s a rim fire. 140g Nosler BT into a 5 shot group under 7/8”. Not sure what to do, what say you.

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Very nice...
I finally finished this one. My son and are going on an elk hunt and he wanted to use one of my rifles. After 3 years I got this one finished, I rechambered to 28 nosler, put it in an HS precision stock with a trigger tech primary. I believe it’s going to shoot, I set up at 50 to make sure I was on the paper. 7 shots after I got it zeroed with some cheap hornady 154gr bullets for break in. Starting load development with some hammer’s now.


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antelopedundee said "That's what he was talking about. A load hot enough to swell the case head might be a different story. Sometimes these can be helped by rewelding the bolt handle back on in a slightly different position. A friend of his bought 2 actions from Brownells with apparently the same issues. My friend advised his other friend to return them. I've not had any issues with my 3 the last couple of years."

My 2019 sendero had that problem. Third time I sent it in, they replaced it. The replacement had a poor trigger and lately it was having problems with primary extraction as well. Took it too the local smith who seemed to me to be saying that it was all my fault for shooting too hot of loads. Now, while my loads tend to be on the upper end of powder ranges, they do not exhibit overall high pressure signs. When it sticks on two or three of ten rounds with no consistency, it makes me wonder. I had a heck of a time convincing him that the timing was off on the bolt. He agreed to work on it and I even opted for an AR type ejector. I truly believe that Rmingtons quality control in the last few years was not up to snuff. Sure, they still made some good rifles but I think the overall percentage of good rifles had slipped a lot. Maybe someone will end up with my turn in.
The last production run of Remington 700 stainless actions the RR series is noted for crappiness. Ask the gent at Accu Tig about them.
Finally got a load tuned and am ready to take it elk hunting! Loaded 160 grain stone hammer’s around 3250, pulled one in the pic, but the other 4 are .42”. I’ve got less than a grand in about a 1/2” rifle. I’m pretty pleased.


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