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Remington Actions

Kinda like what I started in the first place?
I don’t think I ever said anything different. A Remington action is a good basis for a build, and most of the time I’m not convinced that you’re giving up much pure accuracy potential by not leaving the action pretty much as-is. I believe I’ve said from the beginning that it’s my opinion that you should leave the action mostly as-is, or buy a better action.
I can't help but think, according to this thread, what does owning both a Christensen (and liking it) AND a Rem 700 that will someday be trued and rebarreled say about my IPA choice.
You're only allowed to like one thing.
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I’ve got a Remington in my closet I bought fully intending to build off of. In the 10 years I’ve had the gun I’ve yet to start and some of that is justifying the cost and need. I could go to my local gun store and buy a seekins or waypoint and basically have the gun I want for less money. I guess the only thing I wouldn’t have is something one of a kind
Ummm…So you used a Remington 700 action, that you then spend enough money on to equal the price of a Christensen action which would have been lighter?

I wasn’t talking about buying a Christensen rifle. You can get a Christensen action complete with bottom metal. It’s a stainless 700 clone with a piece skeletonized bolt, and material removed from the sides. It’s lighter than a 700.
A Christensen Mesa with the same scope that I am running is around 8 lbs. My rifle weighs 8 lbs scoped.
A Christensen Mesa with the same scope that I am running is around 8 lbs. My rifle weighs 8 lbs scoped.
You’re talking about the whole rifle. I’m talking about just the action. The Christensen action is lighter than a Remington. If you had completed your exact same build, but used the Christensen instead, it would have been lighter than it is.

Now if the Christensen actions aren’t high enough quality for you, I don’t know what to say. I haven’t used one personally and can’t speak of their quality. I simply assumed it would be better than Remington quality.
Recently, Tillamook cheese started showing up in our grocery stores. I have to say I am pleasantly surprised and agree with the reviews on here.

We have a pretty competitive ice cream market so I’m not sure we’ll see any ice cream from them. Very curious if the butter pecan has any better flavor to it.

Technically the transport time from Oregon to Michigan should give the pecans more time to flavor the ice cream. So that way we can ensure the timing is right over any local brand.
This thread has been played out some time ago. I wish I could stop the email notifications every time someone posts. I have unchecked every box regarding notifications, but they still come through. I have used the "contact us" twice to no change.