Well-known member
Here is one of my pet peeves, especially after me and a buddy had to fabricate a litter out of 2 inch saplings and a tarp. How many of you actually carry water when you hunt or go hiking? I am not talking about them sippy cups or sports glasses with fancy straws, I am talking about actual water. Several years before I moved to Wyoming, we were hunting Gore Creek campgrounds vicinity not far from Kremling. Temperature was not that hot, in the 60s. One thing I noticed in the group I was camped with is only my hunting buddy and I were packing water. Sure enough someone in our group started passing out. We had no service in that area and it would of taken a good hour to get off the hills and back to the pickup. We fabricated a litter and carried him back to the pickup and then took him to camp where we had service and called 911 from there. It was faster for us to move him off the hill and call someone than to hike where we had service and then have to hike back. Turns out he was severely dehydrated and we were in cool to cold environment.
I am retired military. Every time my platoon went out on a march or exercise of anytime, I always made them drink a container of water and then refill their canteens before we started. I am a fanatic on proper hydration and if I see someone tepid, I always offer them water even if I think they have their own or suggest they drink some water. But many hunters especially those that hunt in pickups or stay close to a road often do not carry any water. Soda and anything else don't count in proper hydration.
But how many of you do not carry any water when you leave camp?
I am retired military. Every time my platoon went out on a march or exercise of anytime, I always made them drink a container of water and then refill their canteens before we started. I am a fanatic on proper hydration and if I see someone tepid, I always offer them water even if I think they have their own or suggest they drink some water. But many hunters especially those that hunt in pickups or stay close to a road often do not carry any water. Soda and anything else don't count in proper hydration.
But how many of you do not carry any water when you leave camp?
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