Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

Average HT'er loves the thought of a vibrant tourist economy. Except when that tourist wants to elk hunt on their vacation. Then limits are required because the NAM says so.
Uh oh. They gone done it now.

Previous spikes in the U.S. aluminum premium have pulled European premiums higher. This is logical given that Europe, which is also dependent on primary metal imports, must compete for spare units in the global market-place.
Not this time, though. Even as the U.S. premium has surged to all-time highs, European premiums have been falling.
This is counter-intuitive, particularly since European consumers are set to lose Russian supply over the next year as part of the bloc's latest sanctions package. If anything, the European premium should be even more sensitive to what is happening in the North American market.

The divergence suggests that some suppliers to the United States are already looking to avoid Trump's tariff tantrums by re-directing sales to Europe.

If so, it will be good news for European beer drinkers, who may raise an aluminum can to their less fortunate American counterparts.
Tourism brings in trillions to the US economy every year. Ya, just get rid of it.
Keep in mind Canada policy against their citizens is why some haven't visited up North, so a bit of noneconomic things to fix in Canada.
Look up the definition of the word "every".
I live in many places and I especially love those with destitute, out of work, broke and broken people. Your simplistic noting of an economy tells me you are lost in the weeds and have been for a very long time.
I'm not lost in the weeds, I'm in them deliberately because that's what's required to have a non-ideologically driven perspective. I value wildlife, habitat, and wilderness far more than if the unemployment rate is 7% or 2.5%. And it turns out that recreation is not conservation. So while you and every other REI shopper feel like hiking is good for nature, I don't and I vote strongly the other way on that particular topic, which ranks very highly on my give-a-shit list.
Keep in mind Canada policy against their citizens is why some haven't visited up North, so a bit of noneconomic things to fix in Canada.
Not sure what you are talking about--things keeping Americans from traveling to Canada? There are some very popular misconceptions about some things--what are you referring to?
Uh oh. They gone done it now.

Previous spikes in the U.S. aluminum premium have pulled European premiums higher. This is logical given that Europe, which is also dependent on primary metal imports, must compete for spare units in the global market-place.
Not this time, though. Even as the U.S. premium has surged to all-time highs, European premiums have been falling.
This is counter-intuitive, particularly since European consumers are set to lose Russian supply over the next year as part of the bloc's latest sanctions package. If anything, the European premium should be even more sensitive to what is happening in the North American market.

The divergence suggests that some suppliers to the United States are already looking to avoid Trump's tariff tantrums by re-directing sales to Europe.

If so, it will be good news for European beer drinkers, who may raise an aluminum can to their less fortunate American counterparts.
So help me if they touch Busch Light...
Keep in mind Canada policy against their citizens is why some haven't visited up North, so a bit of noneconomic things to fix in Canada.

To be fair, we probably don't want anyone who feels that way about Canada, to come on our side of the border either.

Maybe our schools are just too safe?! 🤷‍♂️
"We've got to get federal land. 80% of the land (in Nevada) is owned by the Federal government. The first step in building housing is getting that land from the federal government."

- Sen. Cortez Masto (Nevada) this morning during a Senate banking committee hearing on "housing roadblocks.”
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A modern economy is every bit as interconnected as an ecosystem. The refinery, I retired from, increased throughput from Memorial Day to past Labor day. The demand for gasoline is noticeably higher during the prime tourist season. Given every marginal barrel is more profitable for a refinery, a good share of the profit made during the year, is made in the tourist season. Planned maintenance was scheduled for decent weather, on either side of the busy season. I'm sure there are many other examples of businesses connected to tourism.

This is some part of why this tariff chaos troubles me. I doubt much thought was given to all of the ramifications. Just the fact that he doubled the tariff on metals, and reduced them back on the same day, informs that he is flying by the seat of his pants.

I could have thought of more enjoyable ways to watch the decline in my portfolio, than watching Trump throw a tantrum or two, most days. I see he bought a red Tesla from Elon. That should really help convince the typical e-car buyer.
To be fair, we probably don't want anyone who feels that way about Canada, to come on our side of the border either.

Maybe our schools are just too safe?! 🤷‍♂️

To be clear, what your govt did to the Canadians in the Covid timeframe is the problem ... not that the US was perfect either, but Americans don't have to travel to get here.

Unclear what schools are more safe. US has almost 9 times as many people. I suppose it varies since the US also has vast areas with very low or nonexistent school crime.