Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

"misinformation" is a fake term created to censor truth or concepts that people in charge of sources didn't agree with.

It makes more logical sense to assume everything you read is biased instead of pretending that some sources are right.

That is an incomplete definition. Trump has been lying since 2020 that he won that election. This election, with a plurality of the vote, he has claimed an unprecedented mandate.

So, disinformation can come from any and every direction. All it takes is a liar, who wants to advance some agenda. The problem is liars are very good at what they do.
That is an incomplete definition. Trump has been lying since 2020 that he won that election. This election, with a plurality of the vote, he has claimed an unprecedented mandate.

So, disinformation can come from any and every direction. All it takes is a liar, who wants to advance some agenda. The problem is liars are very good at what they do.
Trump is a lousy liar. He is just very persistent at it. Agenda followers pretend to believe him.
"misinformation" is a fake term created to censor truth or concepts that people in charge of sources didn't agree with.

It makes more logical sense to assume everything you read is biased instead of pretending that some sources are right.
"Misinformation" as a term has been around a long time. It is not a fakely created term. It describes false or untrue information, often intended to deceive or distort.
"Disinformaton" is created to deceive, distort, or sway beliefs.

Some sources produce factual, true information. The difficulty is in determining what is factual and in recognizing the sources of truth and facts.
"Misinformation" as a term has been around a long time. It is not a fakely created term. It describes false or untrue information, often intended to deceive or distort.
"Disinformaton" is created to deceive, distort, or sway beliefs.

Some sources produce factual, true information. The difficulty is in determining what is factual and in recognizing the sources of truth and facts.
Like a famous politician once stated (loosely quoted).. If you like your(insert facts) you can believe (keep) your (insert facts)
(translation) tell a lie enough times, & it becomes (true inserted fact)
It’ll be interesting to see what this all looks like in 20 years
Oh don't worry someone on here already can tell you that I'm sure. Brilliant and prophetic minds of HT will know. Stay safe out there a billionaire is burning the USA to the ground don't want you getting burned. $*)Q!#@$ HT has lost it's $*)Q!#@$ mind!
Oh don't worry someone on here already can tell you that I'm sure. Brilliant and prophetic minds of HT will know. Stay safe out there a billionaire is burning the USA to the ground don't want you getting burned. $*)Q!#@$ HT has lost it's $*)Q!#@$ mind!
Can’t wait Saturday taking my boys back up to the mountains
Can’t wait Saturday taking my boys back up to the mountains
Mine got spring break next week and we have 3-4 days of camping and kayaking planned. Momma is pregnant and camping dosen't sound fun to her so just me in charge time to go feral. A month left until I take my boy to kill his first Turkey. I think everything might be okay after all.
Mine got spring break next week and we have 3-4 days of camping and kayaking planned. Momma is pregnant and camping dosen't sound fun to her so just me in charge time to go feral. A month left until I take my boy to kill his first Turkey. I think everything might be okay after all.
We will be doing a turkey harvest soon. It’s time he has been with me for my antelope last year and another b tag.
His superpower is that he is unable to be shamed. He tells a lie so persistently that, I think he comes to believe his own lie.
Two of my kids work in/have training in mental health counseling. Both say he exhibits all the signs of something that is a diagnosable mental health disorder.

The best I heard was from a former high level public office person. This goes back some years, but Trump was encouraging him to try something that this official knew was against the law/not allowed. Trump told him that's still ok, you can show you tried and blame the inability to do something on someone else.

That's how he operates. He's not normal in any sense of the word as far as mental processing.
Mine got spring break next week and we have 3-4 days of camping and kayaking planned. Momma is pregnant and camping dosen't sound fun to her so just me in charge time to go feral. A month left until I take my boy to kill his first Turkey. I think everything might be okay after all.
"Time to go feral" I like it I'll be using that one.
Two of my kids work in/have training in mental health counseling. Both say he exhibits all the signs of something that is a diagnosable mental health disorder.

The best I heard was from a former high level public office person. This goes back some years, but Trump was encouraging him to try something that this official knew was against the law/not allowed. Trump told him that's still ok, you can show you tried and blame the inability to do something on someone else.

That's how he operates. He's not normal in any sense of the word as far as mental processing.
Many would argue Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Here are the official criteria for that diagnosis. Each can judge for themselves whether it fits.

Criteria for NPD

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance, such as exaggerating achievements
  • Fantasies of success, power, beauty, or ideal love
  • A belief that they are special and unique
  • A need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement
  • Exploitative behavior
  • Lack of empathy
  • Envy of others or belief that others are envious of them
  • Arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes
Many would argue Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Here are the official criteria for that diagnosis. Each can judge for themselves whether it fits.

Criteria for NPD

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance, such as exaggerating achievements
  • Fantasies of success, power, beauty, or ideal love
  • A belief that they are special and unique
  • A need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement
  • Exploitative behavior
  • Lack of empathy
  • Envy of others or belief that others are envious of them
  • Arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes
Sounds like the average 3yr old. Makes sense.