Caribou Gear Tarp

Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

If reallocating resources toward efficiency took center stage vs draconian RIF actions;
I wouldn't mind if our wilderness protected areas reverted back to an era of undeveloped Federal land retaining its primeval character and influence, without permanent improvements or human habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural conditions...
Just saw an advertisement from our state DNR that they are hiring a bunch of staff for various positions taking care of state parks, state properties and facilities.
We are hearing of HUGE application numbers--bolstered by lots of federal employees, including this fired and others still working--who are applying for some positions with our state. Some of them are overqualified for the jobs they are applying for. They appear to have had enough and want out of federal work.
Maybe a lot of these federal properties would be better served being managed more locally?
Trite argument of those advocating PLT, but boils down to an apples to watermelons analogy when analyzed with details and specific differences.
As importantly, the "local" management has historically, and for state fiscal rationale, resulted in the heretofore federal public lands being sold and becoming private lands.
I would like to share that Montana manages wildlife reasonably well on our public land though... Maybe we should make hunting a federal license and remove it from the States.
Who manages wildlife better? Ugh...
Hilljackoutlaw, if you think Elon is the best player on the team then I literally do not know how to respond to this! Even if you like the general task he's charged with there couldn't be a worse person running it.
I mean it's weird when people root for failure or disaster outside of maybe sports. Hence you laughing that Space X having a failed launch. I don't see humor in that.
Every employer has something. Universities do the same. It is very tedious (40 page reports annually)
Have stayed out of this thread so far and this post may be a mistake, but here goes ...

I have had anywhere from 25 - 200 people reporting to me on technical programs over the course of the last 10 years. I am directed/required by my management team to provide weekly activity reports on what my team is doing. This is three separate management chains, two are internal and one is a required input by my Government Customer. They all get the essentially the same report but it is formatted differently for each as they use different tools/practices to extract the items they want to pass on to their higher ups. I ask everyone of my team to provide me a bulleted list of what they did that week and what the upcoming major activities/events they are focusing on for the next week (if it applies). I can usually generate 60-70% of what my team provides me without their input but there is no way I can know everything they do on top of doing my own work. There are always items that they highlight that I am unaware or only vaguely aware of. Is it tedious at times? Yes. Is it efficient? Wrong question. The goal is not to confirm they are doing something useful or valuable, it is to track their status against their contributions to planned deliverables that I am responsible for and if they are falling behind, I can step in and help them directly or find resources for them to help themselves. And yes, it can identify where someone is not performing where I need them to be. The USG Customer wanted to track every dollar against each task/deliverable as well as using the info to actually understand the work being done. On top of the weeklies, I had to prepare monthly and quarterly reports to the same USG customer. Those are redundant and inefficient but were contractual deliverables. I won't speculate on the why relative to DOGE/Musk, but bitching about spending 5 - 10 minutes a week (0.2-0.4% of a normal work week) to highlight work completed is lame.

Just my experience in the private sector working with a USG customer. Value it as you will.
I mean it's weird when people root for failure or disaster outside of maybe sports. Hence you laughing that Space X having a failed launch. I don't see humor in that.
Thats fair thanks for the clarification. FWIW I knew no one was hurt and now was in in the craft that blew up or I wouldn't have posted anything. Thought it worth pointing out Elon had an especially bad day--The humor I saw was in the explanation of the accident.

"rapid, unscheduled disassembly"...

I don't think I've ever heard a more creative explanation by anyone trying to avoid the appearance of a screw up. All timer.
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