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Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

I don't know if they get the same treatment nor do I really care, but I can share with you that X operates on roughly 20% of the employees that Twitter operated on. That is not a govt entity like say the forest service so apples to oranges, but X seems to work just as well probably better than it did when it was Twitter with 80% less work force.
This was the point I was going for. When I was reading about that server getting axed musk did also say he regretted it because it caused other issues but it also was effective and saved him like 100 million. Anyways best of luck today boys lunch is packed im outta here
In his spare time, he should help Trump learn how to run a profitable business. I mean who goes bankrupt running a gambling joint?
Remind me of your net worth again?

Back to the original topic.

@BuzzH & @SAJ-99 don't be so scared. The world's not ending. The government is going through a much needed audit and cleaning. You don't have to enjoy it, but you have to deal with it. Doge is saving taxpayers billions of dollars already whether you like it or not.

Public land will be okay, and the shitters won't overflow. Every little thing, is gonna be alright!
Remind me of your net worth again?
Pretty silly thing to ask for, as it's a worthless metric without the context of where that net worth started. Trump, for example, inherited a bit over $400 million from his father's real estate empire, and that's not to touch on his other inherited advantages. I'll go out on a limb and guess that @406dn received no such inheritance. A better measure is how much has someone increased their net worth over time - the ratio of beginning to end might be interesting. Otherwise you're just fawning over the generationally wealthy, regardless of what they've accomplished as a person in relation to their starting point.
Pretty silly thing to ask for, as it's a worthless metric without the context of where that net worth started. Trump, for example, inherited a bit over $400 million from his father's real estate empire, and that's not to touch on his other inherited advantages. I'll go out on a limb and guess that @406dn received no such inheritance. A better measure is how much has someone increased their net worth over time - the ratio of beginning to end might be interesting. Otherwise you're just fawning over the generationally wealthy, regardless of what they've accomplished as a person in relation to their starting point.
Okay, so he inherited $400mil and is now worth a measly $7bil? So just 17x his inheritance...

To talk shit about someones finances like Trump who is as wealthy and successful as he is pretty ironic. Same goes for Elon.
Okay, so he inherited $400mil and is now worth a measly $7bil? So just 17x his inheritance...

To talk shit about someones finances like Trump who is as wealthy and successful as he is pretty ironic. Same goes for Elon.
Have you not increased your net worth by more than 17x what you inherited? I certainly have, by a wide, wide margin. Do you find that number (17) impressive?
This was the point I was going for. When I was reading about that server getting axed musk did also say he regretted it because it caused other issues but it also was effective and saved him like 100 million. Anyways best of luck today boys lunch is packed im outta here
Jelly youre in the mountains.

I'll be enjoying the gorgeous day outside!
Have you not increased your net worth by more than 17x what you inherited? I certainly have, by a wide, wide margin. Do you find that number (17) impressive?
I've never received an inheritance. I've built my net worth on my own. It's impressive that he built his net worth to $7bil.

When someone owns income producing properties around the world, and also is the president of the United States, I'd say he's done well for himself. You might not think so, because he doesn't align with your political views.
I've never received an inheritance. I've built my net worth on my own. It's impressive that he built his net worth to $7bil.

When someone owns income producing properties around the world, and also is the president of the United States, I'd say he's done well for himself. You might not think so, because he doesn't align with your political views.
It’s not impressive when it’s been done by committing fraud and stiffing your vendors. Unless you admire that sort of thing.
Remind me of your net worth again?

I've never been bankrupt. I've never stiffed a contractor. Sadly, I never inherited a couple hundred million dollars. Everything, other than my new tractor is free and clear. I've got enough to leave some for my kids and grandkids.

Your post is an example of equating wealth with personal worth. Kinda sad, really.

Face it, Trump is as dishonest as they come. Come to think of it, I've never cheated on my one wife either.
I’ve never understood why people become obsessed with someone based on how much they are worth. I’ve also never understood why people don’t like someone just because they have money.

I could care less about how much money someone has, but I also don’t assume someone’s character by how much they have (not talking about Trump). I see this all the time from people in general and from the media. Just because someone has the money to buy a ranch in MT doesn’t mean they are a shitty person. If someone is a millionaire and owns a business it doesn’t necessarily mean they are good at business. There are so many factors that go into each.
Remind me of your net worth again?

Back to the original topic.

@BuzzH & @SAJ-99

Public land will be okay, and the shitters won't overflow. Every little thing, is gonna be alright!

Honest question, what insider info do you have or what brand of crystal ball do you use?

Maybe the USFS in MN didn’t get cut like the USFS did in MT. Anecdotally some of it does seem to be different regionally as folks on here from the eastern part of the state claim cuts weren’t that bad.

But if you have actually taken the time to read posts from people who have been or personally know people that have been terminated it’s a different story. There are districts in western MT where entire trail crews, rec techs, wilderness rangers, and front country maintenance positions were terminated. With no plans for restarting.

So personally and locally, no things are not going to be OK. It’s starting to bug me that people are making blanket, misguided statements about things they personally know nothing about.

Maybe things in MN are going to be fine, if that’s the case I envy you. But to say every little thing is going to be alright is completely false.
There are districts in western MT where entire trail crews, rec techs, wilderness rangers, and front country maintenance positions were terminated. With no plans for restarting.
Popular backpacking trails such as in Montana's Bob Marshall Wilderness are already backlogged for maintenance. As an example, last trek through the Bob included hiking up Wrong Creek Trail ... wrong decision, as the trail was clogged with layers of downed timber, risky to crawl over, under and around. In fact, we lost the trail twice and camped off-trail two nights, uncertain of the exact trail location. Fortunately, ONX and my always-carried map directed us back on trail. I reported the unsafe conditions to the USFS office in Choteau and last summer they sent a trail crew to open up Wrong Creek Trail for a right nice hike again. There are more trails clogged like that and now, with the absence of the crosscut sawyers, they will remain unsafe and essentially, closed!
I've never received an inheritance. I've built my net worth on my own. It's impressive that he built his net worth to $7bil.

When someone owns income producing properties around the world, and also is the president of the United States, I'd say he's done well for himself. You might not think so, because he doesn't align with your political views.
Trump is worth that because he gets the cult members to buy his shit and prop up its value. He’s a salesman and brand builder. But probably one of the worst business people I can think of. I say that because others often don’t get multiple chances to drive businesses into bankruptcy.

Trump Media reports $400 million in 2024 losses|
Even before the latest budget cuts, trail maintenance was difficult for the forest service to keep up with. When my brother and I hunted in the Madisons, it normally had sections of trails with blockages of varying degree. I always have a saw, when on a horse, and have cut out many dead trees, blocking a trail. Some of them thou, require either a larger saw, or more expertise than I have.

There are bridges, trail rip rap, and other improvements that have deteriorated quite a bit. One short bridge over a spring, was pretty dicey if you were riding over it on horseback. Leading a horse around it wasn't a great option either.

It is not hard to see that the forest service budget has been dealing with tight budgets for many years.
There are bridges, trail rip rap, and other improvements that have deteriorated quite a bit. One short bridge over a spring, was pretty dicey if you were riding over it on horseback. Leading a horse around it wasn't a great option either.
No way a horse could have gotten up the timber clogged Wrong Creek Trail prior to the maintenance trail clearing. Another example was up Eagle Creek Pass trail above the Thorofare in Wyoming. When I reported the washed out trail and downed timber clogged stretches above Moose Meadows, the district ranger in Cody I spoke with told me he had ridden his horse up that trail the prior week, but he could not get up the trail past the meadows. His horse could not get through the downed timber. He said it would be at least a couple of years befoe his crews could clear that trail again.
There are many trail conditions like that which contribute to the backlog of maintenance work. It may be that the work never gets done now and the trail conditions worsen and are much more difficult to repair. Pay for maintnenance now ... or pay a helluva lot more in the future! That ain't saving, folks ... nor is it efficiency!
Popular backpacking trails such as in Montana's Bob Marshall Wilderness are already backlogged for maintenance. As an example, last trek through the Bob included hiking up Wrong Creek Trail ... wrong decision, as the trail was clogged with layers of downed timber, risky to crawl over, under and around. In fact, we lost the trail twice and camped off-trail two nights, uncertain of the exact trail location. Fortunately, ONX and my always-carried map directed us back on trail. I reported the unsafe conditions to the USFS office in Choteau and last summer they sent a trail crew to open up Wrong Creek Trail for a right nice hike again. There are more trails clogged like that and now, with the absence of the crosscut sawyers, they will remain unsafe and essentially, closed!

I live on the northern edge of the Bob and have had similar experiences. The large wilderness districts have been underfunded and understaffed for years.

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