Relax, Everything is Going to be Okay!

What is "true" and does it matter anymore?
Truth is a novelty based on the newsfeeds fed as one reads certain topics typically of their own flavored delight.
Thus, the menu is going to continuously fuel the persons featured "diet".

The parties have it riddled out long as they run neck and neck shitty, whataboutism is free rent & repellent to a third party pipe dream.

"You torches keep your grubby hands off my pitchfork."

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Well Paul Barnard, I still think you should come ride The Palisade Plunge next time you vacay in Crusty Butt.
Don't know if we'll make it out that way this year with the impending move. I'll ride the Plunge as long as I don't have to pedal to the top! Gratuitous public land photo.

All I know is that the old saw...don't put all of your eggs in one basket, has never been more relevant.

All of this, imo, is to do exactly what they are doing. Create a big show over cutting spending, as a pretext to justify continuing the tax rates passed in Trump's first term. Hell, they might even trim them a bit.

The sad truth is... if they included a free $1000/ person in the bill, his base would lap it up. There would be no attention paid to the many millions the very well off will receive in tax cuts.

Trump's first term showed how serious he was about the national debt. 25% of the entire national debt, occurred on his watch. Neither party will face the fact we need to put our finances in order. Republicans, going back to Reagan, learned that cutting taxes, and not touching spending, is very popular with the populace. Then when out of power, rail against spending and pretend to care about the debt.

This time they have included a three ring circus about cutting government, to justify the cutting of taxes. We have been headed this way for decades. There was a short period during Clinton's presidency, where between the parties, where we were actually paying down some debt. But that is no fun, it is more fun to cut taxes, and pretend that economic growth will cover the revenue loss.

I guess this thread could just as easily been titled...Don't worry, be happy. It was a catchy tune, in its day.
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