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Regulations that you don't like


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2010
SE Minnesota
I was wondering what are some of the regulations you guys have in the states you hunt that you don't particularly care for.

What sparked this thread is when I read through Minnesota's hunting regulations this year. With a deer recently being found in MN with chronic wasting disease, the DNR requires all deer in that area to be tested, with the exception of fawns which still require a tag from the DNR to be removed from the area. This seems a bit excessive to me considering they allow an unlimited number of deer to be taken in this area. To add to the difficulty in getting this accomplished, you have to count on the DNR actually being there when you try to register your deer. Maybe this is likely during the firearms season, but I don't have much confidence in it happening during the archery season. After having the DNR test it, you have to wait the 3 business days or so for the test results before you can remove the entire deer from the area. It seems like it would be a lot easier just to say not to remove the brain/spinal areas from the area and not have to test every animal, or possibly only have to test one animal per person. Fortunately I do not hunt in this area, but I imagine it is only a matter of time before it spreads.

In a lot of states I know that you do not even have to register your animals. In MN, certain parts of the state are allowed to register them over the phone or internet. In the area I hunt, they recently implemented point restrictions, and they do not allow registering over the phone or internet. It is a pain in the butt because most of the time the machine is not working when we go to register the animal. They need to put a little trust in people obeying the law and allow us to register over the phone too. Better yet, they should just send out surveys like other states do. They would get a better idea of what was actually shot, and they could get a lot more useful information.
In California we have the "Condor Range" No lead bullets are allowed for big game, deer, elk pig etc. I think it a farce and should have never been implemented. My thoughts are if you shoot an animal, lets say a deer, what are the odds of not recovering the animal? The politicians in their infinite wisdom did not include shotgun shells in the legislation. We are still allowed to use lead shot in the Condor Range. I would have to think it is much more likely that a bird will be shot and not recovered as opposed to a deer or elk. Plus with the shotgun not all of the shot is in the animal but falls to the ground.
If you go fishing in Alaska you need 2-3 copies of the regs, a detailed map book, a cellphone or computer and a calendar.

Some rivers are only open on certain days, and certain parts of the month for certain fish. This includes certain sections of certain rivers, but they can close or open them by emergency order (so check the internet every day). To top that off you can only use single hooks in certain areas at certain times. Those hooks can only be so big in certain areas, and the weight can only be so far from the fly... if its fly fishing only. Check emergency orders again... Then you can use bait some days, but not others, then only in certain stretches. You can only retain certain length fish, but only one during certain times of the year, otherwise you can keep two, but only on days when the guides can't fish. Check the emergency orders. Snagging is legal, but only in salt water and only in certain areas. Snagging in the mouth is legal in all waters... otherwise you'd never catch a sockeye!

You can't use a motor bigger than 35hp in certain areas, but can use up to 50hp if its a 4stroke, but you have stay within the designated areas. Some areas have 'float' only days, others have no guiding, while others you can use a 5' dipnet to catch fish.

15 pages to basically explain fishing on 2 rivers...

As much of a PITA as it is to understand, its still worth it.

I've fished and hunted in a lot of differnt states. Alaska has the easiest to understand hunting regulations and hands down the most complicated fishing regulations I've ever seen.

If you combine the fishing regs for the entire state it's all most twice as thick as the hunting regs. :D

I can't wait for June to get here!!!


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• It is unlawful to transport into Montana
the whole carcass or certain carcass
parts of white-tailed deer, mule deer,
moose or elk from states or provinces
with documented occurrences of
CWD in wild populations or on private
game farms. Those states and
provinces currently include Colorado,
Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan,
Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico,
New York, Oklahoma, South Dakota,
Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin,
Wyoming, and the provinces of Alberta
and Saskatchewan.
• It is unlawful to transport into Montana
the whole carcass or certain carcass
parts of white-tailed deer, mule deer,
moose or elk from states or provinces
with documented occurrences of
CWD in wild populations or on private
game farms. Those states and
provinces currently include Colorado,
Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan,
Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico,
New York, Oklahoma, South Dakota,
Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin,
Wyoming, and the provinces of Alberta
and Saskatchewan.

Can you bone out the meat then bring it over? Processed? Or not at all?

It's been fixed a little, but the regulation that used to drive me crazy was spring bear ending on May 15 here. That's way, way too early if they want to get any kind of harvest at all.
Can you bone out the meat then bring it over? Processed? Or not at all?

Only the following carcass parts may
be transported into Montana from
those states:

– Meat that is cut and wrapped.
– Quarters or other portions of meat
with no part of the spinal column or
head attached.
Meat that has been boned out.
– Hides with no heads attached.
Clean (no meat or tissue attached)
skull plates with antlers attached.

– Antlers with no meat or tissue
– Upper canine teeth, also known as
“buglers”, “whistlers” or “ivories”.
– Finished head, partial body or whole
body mounts already prepared by a
• Keep in mind that “Evidence of Sex
Requirements” must always be met
when transporting any of these parts
back into Montana.

Cleaned skulls (for a Euro mount) can be tough sometimes.

Cut and wrapped is ok, but must have "evidence of sex"?
Wisconsin you can quarter an amimal but you must leave the front shoulders attached to the head.
I think that it still applies..... NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Pennsylvania. After living in a state that alows Sunday hunting I'm sure how I could live without that option.

good luck to all
the dog
In Oregon there are no deer/elk seasons that run concurrently. Deer and elk hunters are all a bunch of crooks that will try to sneak an elk out of the woods on a deer tag.

There is a huge effort to reduce/eliminate the killing/hunting of Dusky Canada Geese because their nesting grounds in the Arctic were lifted two feet by an earthquake which makes the birds/nests more available to predators. They are trying to save the dinosaur!

There are no general rifle seasons for deer/elk during the rut. Hunts are available for muzzle loaders and archery guys, but for the rest of us its hands off. If you want to get a big blacktail buck in this state you have to invest in more equipment or hope a real dumb one just happens to show himself when you just happen to be there, but why would you be there if you know its too early in the year to see a big one.
No doe hunting in Cali unless you happen to draw one of the anterless tags in one of just a few zones. Only bucks are to be taken and the hunt is over well before the rut even starts.
I've fished and hunted in a lot of differnt states. Alaska has the easiest to understand hunting regulations and hands down the most complicated fishing regulations I've ever seen.

If you combine the fishing regs for the entire state it's all most twice as thick as the hunting regs. :D

I can't wait for June to get here!!!
I wish the rivers in the UK could sustain the amount of fish taken in your post.
On my river we are limited to one salmon per year!
Dido on the lumenocks in Montana being illegal.
And the fact that there is an entrance fee to get into Yellowstone National know the park the people/you and I own. We get charged to enter the park. Drives me nuts!
I think that it still applies..... NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Pennsylvania. After living in a state that alows Sunday hunting I'm sure how I could live without that option.

good luck to all
the dog
Same here also. It was voted on one time and allowed a few counties to open. I Think that is one of the WV worst ones. There are a few others also.
Another one that drives me nuts- I only have 4 1/2 months to fill my bull tag here in MT. How can they really expect anyone to fill it with a season like that? We can't even hunt them in velvet, what a joke.
Another one that drives me nuts- I only have 4 1/2 months to fill my bull tag here in MT. How can they really expect anyone to fill it with a season like that? We can't even hunt them in velvet, what a joke.

Suck it.............
That my tag is only good for one method of take.

That our rifle seasons are so short, at least let me buy a tag for each of the OTC seasons
Wyoming Wilderness guide requirement

Although I have hunted for 60 years from Siberia to New Zealand, 99% without a guide, I cant hunt in a Wyomng Wilderness area without a licensed guide.......although a 15 yo kid that has never left the city limits of Cheyenne can....bogus!!:(
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