Well-known member
I recently took the plunge and decided to switch careers and go full time with my photography. For over the last 10 years I've either been training or working as an ecologist or biologist if you prefer. I've been at it full time for a couple months and hope to be selling my first photos to a magazine in the next couple weeks. Anyway take a look and let me know what you think. I should have a web site up in the next month and will have prints available. Edit: I think the image quality is better if viewed from the Flickr link.
Cooper's hawk (Accipiter cooperii) by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr
Bighorn sheep ewe (Ovis canadensis) by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr
Canada geese by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr
Missouri Headwaters State Park--Morning mist. by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr
Cooper's hawk (Accipiter cooperii) by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr
Bighorn sheep ewe (Ovis canadensis) by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr
Canada geese by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr
Missouri Headwaters State Park--Morning mist. by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) by Ryan Richards Photography, on Flickr