RealTree and Moosie


New member
Dec 26, 2003
Southern British Columbia
Just saw this and was laughin my ass off over it.

"moosie your a real dandy !!!! this forum was a nice place until you and your little buddies think your cool causing trouble .. you think you almighty hunter cause you live out west well I hate to tell you that I bet 90% of the realtree forum members could hunt just as well as you if they lived out west and had the resources you have .. you would think a person in your shoes would be helpful to others and could be educational but no you come in here thinking your gods gift to hunting and everything else .. I dont know about the others but I think your a ****** and a bad influence on hunting !!! and as far as me getting booted for voicing my opionion about you at this time I could care less I'm loosing interest in this forum everytime I see you and your friends post and personally cant see how others can stand you guys and moderators didnt put a stop to this awhile ago !! until lately these realtree forums ROCKED!! and by the way I think that hat stands out as much as you doing a hand stand over your deer ... "
Damn Moosie
I think you just go another member of your fan club

You lucky dude you


(Elkhunter,, Did you let Moosie out alone again??

I jsut posted that in HuntTalk's Deer section.. It had My Origional Post in it too.. For once, I started Chit on a Acident, I should REALLY REALLY watch that !!

Well Moosie, we all have our turns at mis-communicating! Don't worry about it too much until someone smaks you between the eyes with a 2 x 4 and says; "Hey, I said you're a jerk!" then you may consider the possibility thoughtfully!
Sadaam Moosie
You got em hotter than a set of jumper cables at a hillbilly funeral over there
Man that is some classic whit you have my friend. Keep the laughs coming
you website terrorists

Happy trails
I am new to this site.....and a RT regular, am I allowed to admit that here
I saw this post when it came up at RT...I think it was another case of some one coming to the party late.....after all the intial fireworks, most of which Moosie was not even involved with but he was rolled into"that" group
Anyway...I do not understand what all the fuss is about at this point. I have enjoyed all the posts and that is why I stopped in and joined here.

The majority of the RT guys are great. I have even had the chance to hunt with some I've met there over the past few years....but I do not like the way they (the mods) will"lock" a post because they feel it has no more value. If people are still replying...I say let it run. I would also enjoy a little more adult action in the forums.....all the "kid" posts can grow old after a while with the 2 or 3 word replies. Nothing like a good ole healthy debate ( my wife calls it arguing ) to get my blood flowing
There are lots of different points of view.........some people who can't accept that and do not have the mental or literary powers to defend what they beleive just want to shut it down. I wish they would realize that adults can agrgue cleanly through different points of view and it will not tramatize the kids............when I here the "stop arguing" and the "why can't we just all get along" comments I want to puke!
I hate the politically correect BS that is sweeping the country right now and that is what those attitudes seem like to me.
Iron Buck,
I can see there are some great guys over at RT. I think you are definately one of them. That's why I'm stickin' with it. Maybe they will boot me, or maybe they will slowly grow to love me. LOL! Either way, I'm havin' fun. Moosie definately isn't too blame. OSOK is. LMAO! Seeing them use the whole, "this is a family site" thing makes me wanna puke. I haven't seen nothing said yet by any of us newbies that is all that offensive. Hell, I even tried to show them I shoot "dinky dog deer" too.
I'm with Iron Buck. I'm also new here, but have been posting at Realtree since it first opened. And it does get a little tired to have to walk on egg shells knowing that a misplaced letter (lmAo) can get your post edited by a mod.

Now onto the meat of the matter. I have been watching Mooosie's posts, mainly because I think he friggin' hilarious. He is getting a bad rap and has somehow assumed the face of the enemy. Damn handstands Moosie, haven't you learned anything from Bill Jordan... emotion is not allowed in hunting!
A hunt should follow these steps: Sit in tree stand, shoot deer, talk about deer, recover deer, say "that's a dandy", tote deer to truck, go home. All this smiling and other chit to make it seem like you're actually enjoying yourself should be left at home! LOL

It is funny that you weren't even the main stirrer of the proverbial pot! BCBoy is getting a bad name, too. You guys need to learn to talk, look and act like everybody else if you plan on staying. What a joke! Moosie, BCBoy, keep doing what you're doing. Most of us actually enjoy your posts and all the big deer you post. A little bird told me even the mods are starting to like you.

Now that I'm here, you boys will see that I can talk some shiyyyaatt, too. But first, a group hug.
There, that's better.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-28-2003 11:19: Message edited by: Racksup ]</font>

Good points.........I especialy like the "group hug" thing
LOL.......Oh wait, I can actually say LMAO!!

BCBOY & Moosie:

I thing you guys add a lot to RT site. I hope you guys decide to say...I REALLY doubt that either of you will be booted unles you want/try to be. You guys seem like a couple of hardcore do it yourself hunters. I like that and I like the photos/ stories. As far as the RT videos and stuff go...I like seeing all the big bucks they get,realizing those guys have the means to hunt some top notch areas with guides to point them to the right stands. Not that I am against that.......if they can afford it GREAT! I just enjoy the whole aspect of doing my own hunting..self guided no matter where I hunt. But that is just me, others (most?
) are different and that is fine to. Public land is a reality for me that I can afford after paying the out of state fees, airfare, motel rates and stuff.

Anyway....the RT moderator Buckee even PM me over the whole thing. Which surprised me because I've never been PM'ed by any of them before. Now I must say I do like Buckee, he is one of the better mods and has really kept a fairly open mind over the whole thing.......I told him how Ifelt and you guys STILL were not banned/banished!
Seriously though I just told him basically what I've posted here.

I think when the stuff flares up now it is coming from someone who just stops in the site every now and then...they get caight up in reading old posts and have only seen parts of some of .....the .........AAHHHH more colorful ones
And then they just hop in

Either way, I can always see what you guys are up to here. BTW BCBOY, British Columbia looks like an AWESOME place. Idaho is not so bad either.....the only Idaho hunter I've ever run into was Meril Hodge, the ex Pittsburgh Steeler. He is a great guy and hardcore hunter also. Really into Turkey hunting around here. I showed him an area to hunt along with another friend of mine.

Anyway..Nice site!
Iron, I don't knw Is I have the Time to Visit that place All to much, I'm guessing with Time it will Die down on my posting.

I don't know if it was BAD timing or Good timing. Either way, I made an Entrance, Made an Impression, and Made a few Friends.. Thats what it's all about !!!!

Welcome you Degenerates !!!
I was wondering HOW you found the time to make all those posts in the first place.....especially since you have this site
Anyway..........I am glad that you did or I may have never found this site. I see a fare number of familiar faces (names) here from some other boards also.Yet one more place for me to talk about hunting

The funny thing here is that there are some people at this site who hunt a HUGE amount of days on public lands, kill chit, and post the stories and pictures. I always laugh at the Bill Jordan's of the world, who hunt as a job and are considered experts, when I know and hunt with guys who kill big critters in multiple states and would never even bother packing a camera.

Luckily, the guys like MTMiller, BuzzH, Greenhorn, and yes, even Moosie always throw a camera in the pack. Ask Moosie how many days he is hunting this year, and then remember he has a job, a wife, and kids.
Elkgunner, 74 days afield this year
Not counting Camping/scouting but the Wife 'n' kids shared a camp with me then so I will counyt it as a Family day instead. One day a Week is Strickly for the Kids but We read Every night to them and do alot of other stuff during the week so they get my time when I'm home too. I post on several boards, I'm part of several Organizations, Soon to take "HIGH" power in one (Posts later on that
) and run a Website and am one of the Top posters on it. Heck, I've got more posts on alot of sites I guess it's Time management

Just think If I ever learn to Type well !!! HAHA !!

Anyways, if I got paid for Being Afield, I'd be a Wealthy man. With all my hunting Covered I'd probably stop killing Little Chit too
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