
There are some on this forum who have a remarkable ability to post their view on controversial subjects in such a way that they get their point across without being personally offensive.

There are some on this forum whose demeanor is prickly, whose tact is sparse,yet they demonstrate such passion for conservation and their knowledge of hunting that you can't help but consider the merit of what they post.

There are some on this forum who have not integrated themselves into this quasi-community and use the forum as a tool to advance their own agenda whether it be for pleasure or politics. They are takers, not givers and care only for the advancement of their viewpoint. They do not care to consider others' perspectives on an issue nor are they interested in having their conclusions challenged. They feed on dissension and congratulate themselves by thinking that provocation is education.

This is your forum, Randy. I'd say it's perfectly appropriate to decide for yourself who adds value to this community and who undermines what you are trying to accomplish here. You bear the financial burden and should receive the financial reward should this ever do more than pay the bills. Value added= "Thanks for being part of the community." Value diminished= "You may go now."

I don't know how usage and participation of this forum fluctuates, but I bet there a lot of people who don't interact as much when they see continual bickering. They never say a word, they just fade away.

I say, "Swing that ban hammer gif of Doc Holliday."
When these threads come up I'm always thankful for the work Big Fin puts into this site making it a community... and that my password still works. ;) (You never know.)
When these threads come up I'm always thankful for the work Big Fin puts into this site making it a community... and that my password still works. ;) (You never know.)


Also, agree with anonymous Admins.

Thanks for putting this forum on. If this were a bar I could go to in person, I'd probably never leave. I'd be Homer at Moe's.
I guess I'd be for Big Fin/ Mrs. Fink keeping up the good work, or administrators be they silent or listed.

Last time a crew got axed I felt things got better real quick and stayed that way for a while. I feel that quite possibly it will be that way now. So.......I guess if our faithful leader will have us, I'm most in favor of Big Fin/Mrs. Fin keeping up the good work.
Post up a Wall of Shame like some other forums do and put it out there who is doing the trolling or questionable posts. A ban for a length of time then no second chance if you can't remain civil.

Thanks for the good work , both Mr and Mrs Fin!!!
Post up a Wall of Shame like some other forums do and put it out there who is doing the trolling or questionable posts. A ban for a length of time then no second chance if you can't remain civil.

Thanks for the good work , both Mr and Mrs Fin!!!

Good idea. A temporary suspension as sort of a "cooling off period" sounds good. Maybe so.e will change their approach or just decided to part ways.

I see this forum kind of like hunting; as a privilege, not a right/entitlement.

P.S. - I apologize if I've caused any problems & and will leave peacefully if asked.
It's sad to hear but I'm glad you are being proactive Randy. Unfortunately there are other forums that I don't visit as often, and very, very rarely post, simply because of the issues you describe. HuntTalk is my go to forum for public land, out west, hunting with people who are generally respectful and very informative and helpful. Although I'm still relatively new to the site, I enjoy it greatly. That is due, in no small part, to how well it is moderated and kept on track. Hopefully things can keep getting better.

Thanks for all you and Mrs. Fin do to keep this resource available, and enjoyable, for all of us.
Hey Big Fin,

When we hit the "report Post" button on the lower left next to "Blog this Post". Does that get flagged for your review? If so, ill use it more. I understand the issue here and will be more apt to report if I know where the report is going.
Hey Big Fin,

When we hit the "report Post" button on the lower left next to "Blog this Post". Does that get flagged for your review? If so, ill use it more. I understand the issue here and will be more apt to report if I know where the report is going.

The one and only time I used it, Big Fin PM'd me within 30 min.
While many on here have expressed that they "come here to talk huntin", I don't. I use this forum primarily as my source for conservation and public land activism information. I.e. I had no idea about the access issues in the Crazies until I started following along with Rob's saga and I'd never heard of PLWA until I started following along and hearing about all the great things they do. While many activism type topics seem to always get highjacked into political discussions many times there is a politic component that can't/shouldn't be ignored. I hope in the future there continues to be some leeway for that type of discussion.
While many activism type topics seem to always get highjacked into political discussions many times there is a politic component that can't/shouldn't be ignored.

I am all for the call out those who are attacking public lands, regardless of political affiliation. But when that walks down the road of "I don't like Trump because of this..." or "I don't like Lefty because of this..." and it doesn't pertain directly to the public land/conservation/hunting debate, I have not use for it and tire of seeing it.
While many on here have expressed that they "come here to talk huntin", I don't. I use this forum primarily as my source for conservation and public land activism information. I.e. I had no idea about the access issues in the Crazies until I started following along with Rob's saga and I'd never heard of PLWA until I started following along and hearing about all the great things they do. While many activism type topics seem to always get highjacked into political discussions many times there is a politic component that can't/shouldn't be ignored. I hope in the future there continues to be some leeway for that type of discussion.

This is the reason I originally got on here. It can be a great tool for this purpose. The political hijacking, while often amusing as well as mind numbing doesn't bother me much. Actually can give some real useful insight(s) into how we are where we are at concerning a fair number of these issues. If one is willing to be open minded enough to view things that way.
Thanks neffa3.
Hey Big Fin,

When we hit the "report Post" button on the lower left next to "Blog this Post". Does that get flagged for your review? If so, ill use it more. I understand the issue here and will be more apt to report if I know where the report is going.

I didn't realize there was an SOS button. I'd be less likely to press that than I would the red button on my SPOT device. I bet that's been pressed on more than one of my posts. :(
This is unfortunate that we can't act right. I think a temporary suspention as a cooling off period, as said above, would help. And after that as Cushman said, Bring on Doc Holliday.

We appreciate everything you and Mrs. Fin do for this playform. Sorry it is becoming more frustrating than good. In my few posts I hope I havent stired anything up.
Randy...This is your forum and these are your rules. The old saying of "the person that sets the agenda, runs the meeting" applies here. I am new to this forum and joined because I wanted to be a part of a hunting forum where every member respected each of the other members and allowed other members with different views to express themselves without the ridicule found on some of the other forums. That is refreshingly what we find here. As you know, a leader leads, and I hope you will continuing leading this forum in the manner you have in the past. From my reading of your past posts on this subject, I believe everyone has already been warned. I suggest you thank the offending member for coming by and wish them the best at their new site. I would then terminate their site privileges and not even wait for a reply.
There is a Boss and there is the rest of us.

Whatever the Boss decides if fine. I think I would most would agree. I have made some unfortunate posts. Hope I am not included in the lost password.
I didn't realize there was an SOS button. I'd be less likely to press that than I would the red button on my SPOT device. I bet that's been pressed on more than one of my posts. :(

I didn't know that is what that little triangle was for....I just rate the thread at 1 star.
Why is it so hard to simply ignore a thread, but if you must read certain postings, why get upset? Quite thin skinned I say. This forum is quite civil compared to a majority of other online social media venues. Trolls are trolls because they like to get fed (compensating for their shortcomings in real life).

BTW ...... my "opinions" are not directed at any individual.

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