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Random news stories thread. (No politics or i will find where you live and light a bag of dog crap on fire on your porch ring the doorbell and run)

German lynx take down deer on the reg? I know NA lynx do sporadically and opportunistically but I thought lynx in Europe were smaller.
I can't speak to Germany specifically but the eurasion lynx is not smaller than the NA version--some of them are bigger in fact. But--Depending on which species you are talking about they have some pretty small deer there.
Not news, but sitting outside on my tailgate drinking a beer 15 mins ago and 4 tightly formed f-16s flew over head as low as I've seen them. Twas awesome!
Saw four here by Glenwood Springs today. I was in a canyon when flew of=ver pretty low so it was LOUD, and cool.
You need to experience a group of them buzzing you at at VERY low altitude, and coming from behind you--at such a speed you don't hear them until the are just going past you.
Why are you the way you are?
Your brain seems to be equal to that of the genus of your handle.
You mean why doesn't the juvenile "gotcha", name calling, seeking out posts and targeting individual behavior make me stop posting?

Stubborn I guess. That and I think such posters don't appreciate they indicate a lot more about themselves than who they are attacking. Sticks and stones.

And our Bonasa aren't as dumb as the ones out west...;)
Saw four here by Glenwood Springs today. I was in a canyon when flew of=ver pretty low so it was LOUD, and cool.
Maybe the same? i imagine GS to Littleton is a short flight at 600 mph. Seeing/hearing that in the canyon had to be cool
I looked at a part of it today. One of the rims they took a cat down to cut a fire line is insane, the person driving it must have some big ones. Hot shot crew back burning along it had my sympathy
You mean why doesn't the juvenile "gotcha", name calling, seeking out posts and targeting individual behavior make me stop posting?

Stubborn I guess. That and I think such posters don't appreciate they indicate a lot more about themselves than who they are attacking. Sticks and stones.

And our Bonasa aren't as dumb as the ones out west...;)
I'm talking about being a slap nuts, and not respecting a thread that could be a useful one. But whatever just keep slap nutting your way thru life it's got you this far so whatever works.

I grew up in PA the bonasa are slightly more crafty there.
I'm talking about being a slap nuts, and not respecting a thread that could be a useful one. But whatever just keep slap nutting your way thru life it's got you this far so whatever works.

I grew up in PA the bonasa are slightly more crafty there.
Some guys are just contrary. They're not contrary to anything in particular just contrary to anything someone said. Another old guy saying " Never mud wrestle with a pig. You can't win and the pig enjoys it." You can modify that as you see fit.