Kenetrek Boots


If you do 1 DP, do 3. Once 1 is in the trap, there's usually more nearby. I've seen plenty of pairs and occasionally triples caught together!

I wouldn't use anything sticky personally. No reason to make a mess of the DP right away. Dog food in town would likely work really well. Throw a golfball on top if the mice keep eating all the dogfood.
I’ve lived trapped them successfully w/ a brushed-in cage using peanut butter & peppermint extract. Keeps possums, cats, and skunks from going in the trap.
I know you're in city limits, but you might consider using 22 cb shorts in a rifle. When I was a teen trapping, I'd use them behind a couple homes I trapped around and never had a problem with noise.
We have the same rules regarding "humanely euthanizing" raccoons so I called my state's conservation officer once about what to do and they said if I lived in city limits one acceptable method was to drown them if I had a container big enough to drop the whole trap into. Luckily I don't live in the city so I never had to go that route.

I do have close neighbors however so I ended up buying subsonic .22 rounds.
I plan to kill several of the pest raccoons in my suburban backyard that backs up to the woods.
Would a crossbow kill them quickly enough? What organ/anatomy to aim for if using a broadhead tip?
It's a full time war around here with those varmints.
Caught 14 in the yard this spring in dog proofs and introduced them to Jesus.
I just got 5 dp traps and have a couple of cage traps so plan to thin out some around me.
I hate to waste the coons so what predators in the south would scavenge a dead raccoon ( fox, coyote, vultures)?
A good solid tap on the head cures most raccoon headaches permanently. Surprisingly doesn’t take as much as you’d think.
Fill half way with Cat food and place a red solo cup on top.

One crack with an ax handle across the eyes tames them down pretty good.
When it comes to foot traps I personally go with dog food any kind would work I do see they like old Roy dog food pretty good I also mix some honey in there and get good results. If you got a cage trap which is what I always use then dog food is good aswell as sardines but I imagine you got cats in the area so get some chicken feed and put in there it works wonders I've caught 2 coons at the same time with chicken feed. Next as most are saying a Hickory stick or a metal rod or whatnot will dispatch a coon but I recommend Going to Walmart and buying a air rifle needs to be 1200fps or more and some good heavy pellets since that's what I trap with and it's great and you can later use it to plink around the house or dispatch squrriels or whatnot. Just my recommendation good luck on them coons