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Question for all the pronghorn junkies


New member
May 17, 2016
I drew out for my first pronghorn tag here in Utah. I have not hunted pronghorn before and wondered what is the best place to learn how to judge them? Also my tag is archery only so if you have any tips that might help me out I would greatly appreciate it.
Congrats on the tag! Which unit did you draw?

As far as judging, I would look up anything Eli Grimmet has written on that subject.
I look for the Prong to split above the ear which usually tells you have a ~13" buck on your hand. Seconding the shoot any buck with an archery tag.
What are the dates?

Decoys on rutting lope can be piss your pants fun. Sitting in a blind over water, although productive at times can be poke your eyes out boring.
It appears to me that the more mature antelope have larger cheek patches and darker/black snouts. That may not translate into a bigger horn but if it is the case, it translate into a greater trophy in my book. Good luck.
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These are the antelope my dad and brother shot when I was 2yrs old. are they good sized?IMG_2874[1].jpgIMG_2875[1].jpg
Eli Grimmet's videos and website are the defacto standard for learning to judge pronghorn. Order his videos, review the scoring challenges on his website. I don't think anyone on the planet has looked at or scored more large pronghorn than those guys. Pronghorn guide service is the name of their business.
Trophy is in the eye of the beholder but from a pure score standpoint, the top buck is below average at best. The bottom buck is better with good prongs, good tops, but looks like he lacks mass
If you are looking for score....MASS is a large chunk of the total score. P&Y standards are pretty easy but B&C is ver tough. Grimmett's video is a good starting point but the bucks in his videos are likely several steps above reality to most Western hunters. Your best bet is to take a scouting trip to your unit and look over as many bucks as you can. I'd also go to as many taxidermists in Utah as possible so you get an up close view of bucks from your area. You might even take along a tape to measure bases, prongs, length, and 4 mass measurement quarters. There are gobs of antelope photos on the internet (including this website). Good luck!
Good luck and I hope you find one you like. Couple of the other units in No. Utah I have info on, but not that one.

My family has hunted this area for deer and elk since before I was born. also we go out there every summer to fish flaming gorge. we know the area really well, now its just finding a buck I want to put my tag on. oh and as asked above the season dates are august 20- September 16. Thanks guys for the information now I have some places I can start doing research.
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