Quebec Labrador Caribou Hunt

Is the shutdown biological or socio-political? Or is this a chicken and egg question?
Is the shutdown biological or socio-political? Or is this a chicken and egg question?

I think it's a combination of both. The Leaf river herd is a fraction of what it is was 15 years ago, Down about 180k from well over 600k. The George River herd was the largest Caribou herd in the world 20 years ago at close to 1 million animals, it it now about 12k.

There are political issues involved with the provinces and treaties with native hunting with it being by an large uncontrolled, undocumented at this point. Most biologists are pointing to a long term cycle or trend in which they ( Caribou) over graze the Tundra and because of the slow growth rejuvenation is measured in decades rather then years. I can't blame the game deptments for prudence at this point. The sad fact is we probably didn't kill enough Caribou years ago to prevent the population spike and subsequent crash. All indications right now are pointing to a higher death rate then birth and recruitment rate so with that in mind I think closing the season is correct thing at this point.
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