Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

PUT up, or SHUT up Montana girls !!

********note to self**********
tip Idaho Ron off to the photo of the Yetty, collect the reward, then can afford to move out of this single wide, rent the 1972 DOUBLE wide,,,,,,,,,oh ya keep the aught six they threw in when I moved into the single wide
just another thought, if moosie does bychance happen to kill an elk in MT, then when he posts the pics does it count as a mt girl, or as another idaho thief.
bunch of woosies, post some pics for Moosie. 280 didnt you say got a 7 pt with a bow this year?

Lostagain (biglazykis), i know why you dont post anything, your one of those queer ATV hunters, which means you got nothing cuz any area that is open to ATVs sucks the big one.
I saw the yettys bull coming in and yelled here comes a 7 by "FREEEEEAK". THat bull was dead in less than 5 seconds no shit. The fastest Ive ever seen an animal on rubber leg street.

If you ever spell my name without a capital letter again I will put you on rubber leg street. "Ya did. Ya disrespected me a little."
Betty and Plugginbumhntr... isn't it time you two get schooled once again in the hobby of drinking beer in preparation for the following day's slaughter of innocent creatures?
It's all talky talky now. But tonight it's put up or shut up. I'll be wearing my favorite drinking shoes on the ride down. I hope you have your drinking shoes laced up tite because it may get ugly.

"Moms and Dads hide your daughters because the Yetty is coming to town!"
YOure still going to shit yourself

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-18-2002 09:31: Message edited by: fuggingoodhunter ]</font>
So that's 'yetty' huh? No wonder he wouldn't post a pic... He's got the mouth, but I've seen Bigfoot shit bigger than that... ;)

Damn kids sure can hunt though...attaboy!
GAME ON!!! Sounds like I need to go to MT instead of ID this weekend!!!;) yetti, are those drinking shoes Gore-Tex? I'd hate for you to mess up your socks puking on those!!!:D
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moosie:
Alright, Roumor has it These Montana boys know ELK... I'm calling BS !!
But what about the newbies... ALL talk and no pics... PUT up OR SHUT UP.... It's alright to have fun on the NET, but season opens here next week for me and I want to see a picture or two.

OK Moosie, heres a Montana bull for ya. Arrowed at 30 yards. Went 35. Best part was he was 700 yards from the boat.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-24-2002 19:01: Message edited by: Bikemaker ]</font>
"Was there a story"
Not much. It was textbook. Usually make all kinds of mistakes, so the story goes. Spent a week in the breaks. Several close calls, but no elk. Had to go back for a long weekend. It was still very cold and also raining now, so very few other hunters. spent some time on top, glassing and picked a few spots for stands. next morning had a spike at 45, he was as nervous as I. I missed. 3 6 points and a number of cows, out in the mudflats. This guy was 100 yards away. two bulls started fighting behind me and he made a beeline for them. Next morning, no wind and very cold. A guy across the peninsula from me made all the elk nervous with his incessent calf talk. I wanted to tell him to stick it up his butt, and he could get better sound from it. Elk left. I was enjoying a hot cup of coffee, thinking about the long ride home when I heard a snap. Just like the spike, came in 30 yards, turned and when he put his head down away from me, he had no clue. Passthrough just above the heart. People heard me for miles around. Best part was the guy with the calf talk..., helped cape and carry him out. He'll score 290. He was very old. I'll miss his call. Remember him from last year. It was low like angus bull, and we had wondered if he had a throat injury. A few more pics on my website.

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