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PUT up, or SHUT up Montana girls !!

guided---I'm not going this year, so I'm a little bummed, but I went caribou'ng instead so that's the price you pay---they take up a ton of room--there are three of them on that wall--only place they will fit--8' ceilings and short walls are not the best for elk mounts---yea sometimes when guided you will see or hear the animals before the guide, but it's getting into the area with someone who knows it which is the bonus----chris
COOL Csutton !! I remember that picture from last year..... At least one Montana hunter post a picture
I wish i had a 2002 to pic to throw at you Moosie, but sadly i blew my big chance with a bow and wounded one a real big bull this year.

Heres some some other pics to help get you going though.

Ahhhh,.... And today is the Opener.. WISH I was out there :( :(

NICe bull MAN !!!!! Whereis your mug in the picture ;)
Ok, heres last years when i finally got a camera with a timer, but didnt know how to set the date.

When are you getting out Moosie? My buddy just got back from 7 days down by Challis and they went 0 for 3 for elk, i guess conditions werent good.
SAt will be the first time.... MY dad and Wylee will be with me. I'm hoping we get them two an ELK.... Seson is open for Awhile... I'll be packing a Camcorder mostly. THaNX for the pics !!

I only have one elk that tops that one so I won't go an take any cheap shots at you. I have a couple questions though. Did you stalk it or call it in? Also, what was your minimum shooter that day?
WELL.. these are the pics that I found....

I'm guessing someone will claim this little elk from Montana ?!?!



Holy chit, did he get hit with a paintball gun or what? Cool pic, im guessing that is the famous, or infamous, Yetty.
As you can see my first shot was a right hook to his nose. That rocked him but I did have to turn to the MQ1 to put him down for the count.

FuggingGoodhunter did the calling, I (aka Yetty)did the killing and the Nudest (who you don't know) help pack him out. (20 yards, Steel Force Broad Head, double lung.)
Roumor has it HE was using a CAMO 4-wheeler blind and Left the Polaris running as he called in this bull.... GOOD job :D :D
The camo 4-wheeler blind is awesome, mine has the deer-crane accessory so it self loads. I had "TexanTrophyAssShooter" custom painted on the side.
Moosie, the only reason us Montana girls don't post our pics on here is B/C you whine about all the space and money it cost to handle that big of stuff. We are only thinking of you and you feelings.
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