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Public land plinking near Bozeman

@billy302 Just from my experiences. Watch out at that NRA range in Logan. Some people don't listen to the cease fire Bell when it goes off. I nearly punched a hole thru and individuals chest. But instead walked up and asked if they could hear the bell that I was ringing. They said, OH do you want us to ring the bell? .... Wow.

So just be mindful of idiots, there is no state in this country that are void of complete morons. Other then that the range is nice and is kept pretty clean. They have rifle, pistol, skeet and pistol ranges. If your a guest of a Member its 10 bucks to shoot. If your a member you can just shoot. Pretty sweet setup.
@Beignet - fair enough on the political stuff, if I'm honest it sickens me as well.
@billy302 - I actually deleted that comment because I didn’t want to risk any political engagement on the forum. But looks like you saw it before it was gone. Appreciate you acknowledging my sentiment about divisive statements nevertheless. MT has generally been a pretty live and let live state and that’s always appealed to me. And trust me when I say that there’s people of all political stripes here that know their way around firearms.

I think you made a smart move signing up for range membership (we have a similar one near where I am and it’s great). But, I’m almost certain you can find a chunk of public to plink small caliber ammo without getting in anyone else’s way in the meantime. I’m in a different part of the state and can’t be much help on specifics though.
@billy302 Just from my experiences. Watch out at that NRA range in Logan. Some people don't listen to the cease fire Bell when it goes off. I nearly punched a hole thru and individuals chest. But instead walked up and asked if they could hear the bell that I was ringing. They said, OH do you want us to ring the bell? .... Wow.

So just be mindful of idiots, there is no state in this country that are void of complete morons. Other then that the range is nice and is kept pretty clean. They have rifle, pistol, skeet and pistol ranges. If your a guest of a Member its 10 bucks to shoot. If your a member you can just shoot. Pretty sweet setup.
Sweet, I am definitely looking forward to that! I'll be careful to watch for folks not following range rules, can't joke around about that stuff.
@billy302 - I actually deleted that comment because I didn’t want to risk any political engagement on the forum. But looks like you saw it before it was gone. Appreciate you acknowledging my sentiment about divisive statements nevertheless. MT has generally been a pretty live and let live state and that’s always appealed to me. And trust me when I say that there’s people of all political stripes here that know their way around firearms.

I think you made a smart move signing up for range membership (we have a similar one near where I am and it’s great). But, I’m almost certain you can find a chunk of public to plink small caliber ammo without getting in anyone else’s way in the meantime. I’m in a different part of the state and can’t be much help on specifics though.
Duly noted. I appreciate your sentiment. I wish I was born about half a century earlier when everyone just seemed to get along. Just trying to become a good Montanan and not step on anyone's feet. Thanks for the help.
Thank you both for the information. I actually have an application in for the Manhattan Wildlife Asso. That facility looks amazing and 50.00 annual fee is unheard of where I come from for a facility like that. I can't show up and "watch the film" to get a key card until late November, hence my looking for somewhere to do some plinking in the meantime. I don't understand how leaving major appliances around state land is tolerated by anyone, that is absolutely unacceptable! I don't even like leaving trash in provided receptacles if there are any (I take it home). Wow, I guess I am just disappointed that people around here (probably mostly transplants like myself) are disrespecting the public landscapes to the point of closures. I did read about the Hyalite fiasco yesterday.....depressing. Not what I was expecting moving here. I really hope that that trend doesn't continue but with the growth of the area, the only thing that seems guaranteed is that people will continue to be idiots. It has been my dream to move here since I was in high school (a million years ago). I guess I'm too late to enjoy the freedoms of the area as they used to be. Long story short, I will stick to ranges and be as respectful as possible up to and including picking up the trash of others when I can. Man, I've only been here a week and a day and getting pretty bummed out. Current state of affairs nation-wide I guess. In any case thanks for the replies, I really appreciate it. @Beignet - fair enough on the political stuff, if I'm honest it sickens me as well.

It's pretty common, and not really a transplant issue. Tons of spots that recreational shooters have used face the same issue. Great way to teach kids about the responsibilities that citizens have towards their public lands.

I like ranges more than general public lands for shooting, as you can really hone in on teaching basics of shooting and worry less about errant bullets, poor behavior, etc. But, finding a good spot on public land to set up targets and plink with kids is about as American as apple pie & Rueben sandwiches. As others have mentioned, use your common sense, find a patch with a good backstop and no traffic, and enjoy responsibly. Sounds like you're on a good path, and remember, clean up is part of the sport too! Enjoy. :)
Went out to a chunk of State Land yesterday to run the dogs around and get some exercise.

Right at one of the gates there was a mess of clay pigeons and spent shot shells, visible from the road, and less than ten feet from the gate.

Within 1/2 hour of Bozeman

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View attachment 215353
Went out to a chunk of State Land yesterday to run the dogs around and get down exercise.

Right at one of the gates there was a mess of clay pigeons and spent shot shells, visible from the road, and less than ten feet from the gate.

Within 1/2 hour of Bozeman

I might have been running dogs at that same state land yesterday morning. Either that, or its the same sad state of affairs where I ran.

Pretty sad.
How ironic is it that the public land shooting attitudes near Bozeman are way worse than that of California?

I echo mtmuley's comment. Take your kids shooting.
How ironic is it that the public land shooting attitudes near Bozeman are way worse than that of California?
Not ironic. As population explodes the number of a$$hats on both sides increases. Result is more abuse of public lands and more complaining about abuse of public lands.
I echo mtmuley's comment. Take your kids shooting.
Me too; take your kids shooting ... and there's many appropriate places to shoot around Bozeman without just blasting away at the most convenient public land spot.
And as Lamb pointed out, cleaning up brass and targets is part of the recreational opportunity. Teach your kids to be responsible as well as safe and accurate shooters.
Teach your kids that if you don't clean up after the pigs, you end up living in a pig pen. Take a box or bag with you to put garbage in. Instead of bitching about garbage on the web, erase it. It is part of the public land deal. It has been going on forever.
View attachment 215353
Went out to a chunk of State Land yesterday to run the dogs around and get some exercise.

Right at one of the gates there was a mess of clay pigeons and spent shot shells, visible from the road, and less than ten feet from the gate.

Within 1/2 hour of Bozeman

That looks downright pristine to a shooting spot I found outside of Santa Fe recently. People, huh?
View attachment 215353
Went out to a chunk of State Land yesterday to run the dogs around and get some exercise.

Right at one of the gates there was a mess of clay pigeons and spent shot shells, visible from the road, and less than ten feet from the gate.

Within 1/2 hour of Bozeman

must be rich people, to afford to shoot clay targets and leave the hulls, better collect the hulls , sell on gunbroker, to help buy gas to run the dogs,,,,
Like others have posted, our Logan range (I think) is one of the best ranges in Montana! Annual membership is $50 and we also require all members to belong to the NRA. An Associate NRA membership, without the magazine, is $10.

We now have only one person selling memberships and he sells them at the range one Sunday afternoon a month. The next day that he will be there is April 17th.

The Logan range is open to members 24/7. Our 3 Skeet fields and 4 Trap fields have open shooting Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings. Our 3 Skeet fields are token operated, and Members can buy Skeet tokens anytime at the outside token machine on the Skeet Clubhouse anytime and members can shoot Skeet anytime.

Our main rifle range has target berms with target back boards and gongs at 100, 200, 300, and 430 yards. We also have 9 separate rifle and pistol bays, each with covered shooting benches that are open to Members 24/7.

Our annual range clean-up day is Saturady March 26th, any and all help is welcome!
I might have been running dogs at that same state land yesterday morning. Either that, or its the same sad state of affairs where I ran.

Pretty sad.
I reluctantly picked up all 52 of the shot shells, and a couple unbroken clays, I didn’t really want to, but I couldn’t just leave them.

The optics to any local landowner/rancher could certainly galvanize his/her believe that hunters and shooters are pigs, and not worthy of access.

I get similarly upset when I see shot up signs and vandalized trailheads.
I reluctantly picked up all 52 of the shot shells, and a couple unbroken clays, I didn’t really want to, but I couldn’t just leave them.
I've been picking up crap at a couple shooting places near me for years. I had my kids pick up litter in the mountains any time we were there. I might not want to. I feel I have to. mtmuley
I reluctantly picked up all 52 of the shot shells, and a couple unbroken clays, I didn’t really want to, but I couldn’t just leave them.

The optics to any local landowner/rancher could certainly galvanize his/her believe that hunters and shooters are pigs, and not worthy of access.

I get similarly upset when I see shot up signs and vandalized trailheads.
Nice, thanks. I had made a note to bring a trash bag when I run it again on the next couple days. Looks like same spot. There been a lot of crap there the past couple years, lots more plinking by people that don’t clean up - shot up boards lying around, piles of brass, and shot shells in addition to tossed deer carcasses and rotting coyotes.
The people that don’t clean up after themselves are the same ones that ruin private land access for others. I don’t know how many times I’ve picked up beer cans and piss bottles from hunters underneath tree stands on private. These slobs f*ck it up for everyone else.

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