Public land plinking near Bozeman

I grew up in a different Wisconsin. We all grew up in a different USA. Not going to raise my boys to not be able to fire a weapon against all enemies, foreign or domestic. I'll do it responsibility, as to not piss off many libs.
I appreciate that attitude. After church on most Sundays, my Dad took me and my two brothers to the landfill / garbage dump out of town a ways, where we could plink and practice without bothering anyone else. So when I began my thirty years wearing the US Army green, marksmanship was a given.
Do you have onx? Anywhere that's blm or forest service is yours to use. Find a spot with a good back stop and get the boys shooting. It's just as much yours to use to shoot a gun as those that wish to hike or drive dirt bikes and so on. Have an awesome time! P.S. I wouldn't waste a nickel to go to a gun range.

To be fair, onx does not include info on shooting restrictions on public lands. OP, do your research first before heading out.
"Do you have onx? Anywhere that's blm or forest service is yours to use." Jason
"I will get onx." billy302 (ONX is a great tool, but not for finding BLM or USFS lands to just go to because they are public and treat as shooting ranges.)

Don't do it. That redneck, self centered attitude about public lands is what is creating huge issues. It's easy-peasy to find shooting areas which are safe, don't bother others, and provide the right kind of responsible use of public lands important to teach your kids ... and others.
I appreciate that attitude. After church on most Sundays, my Dad took me and my two brothers to the landfill / garbage dump out of town a ways, where we could plink and practice without bothering anyone else. So when I began my thirty years wearing the US Army green, marksmanship was a given.
Thank you for your service. Sounds like your Dad was a salt of the earth kind of guy. Just trying to be one too.
"Do you have onx? Anywhere that's blm or forest service is yours to use." Jason
"I will get onx." billy302 (ONX is a great tool, but not for finding BLM or USFS lands to just go to because they are public and treat as shooting ranges.)

Don't do it. That redneck, self centered attitude about public lands is what is creating huge issues. It's easy-peasy to find shooting areas which are safe, don't bother others, and provide the right kind of responsible use of public lands important to teach your kids ... and others.
To be clear I am in outdoor recreationalist myself and would not appreciate Mass gunfire anywhere I am trying to hunt either. As stated earlier I'm just trying to find public or I should say state land where I can fire a few rounds off with my kids and not irritate anyone who is trying to enjoy all of the same outdoor activities that I enjoy without worrying about getting shot at.
"Do you have onx? Anywhere that's blm or forest service is yours to use." Jason
"I will get onx." billy302 (ONX is a great tool, but not for finding BLM or USFS lands to just go to because they are public and treat as shooting ranges.)

Don't do it. That redneck, self centered attitude about public lands is what is creating huge issues. It's easy-peasy to find shooting areas which are safe, don't bother others, and provide the right kind of responsible use of public lands important to teach your kids ... and others.
I clearly stated a place with a good backstop. Meaning safe for shooting. It shouldn't need to be stated to not go practice shooting during hunting season. So anyone legally riding atvs or dirt bikes are rednecks ruining your day?? It ain't all about "you" partner.
Logan is well worth the membership which is very reasonable. There are places to shoot around on public land but to do it safely and be respectful of other users, including other hunters, is difficult without a long drive.
I grew up in a different Wisconsin. We all grew up in a different USA. Not going to raise my boys to not be able to fire a weapon against all enemies, foreign or domestic. I'll do it responsibility, as to not piss off many libs. as a considerate fatherly role model should, and to not piss off many libs (the REAL AND PRESENT DANGER to ALL shooting sports).

Thanks for the correction Craig.
Probably the best public land place to shoot is the range south of Big Sky past Redcliff Campground. Its no secret, right side of 191 has forest service signage parking covered benches ect. You might want to bring your own chair. No clay pigeons. Its a good little range about 100 yards that the locals have taken upon themselves to keep clean and open.

There are state land sections near Logan that work as well and are closer to Belgrade. When your headed west you'll pass the dump and on the south side of I90 you'll see a spot where people shoot.

I prefer the actual Logan gun range. Manhattan Wildlife Association. Its about $50 annually. My friend goes to the range in Livingston, sounds nice as well.

The forest service land around Bozeman has just gotten too crowded to feel comfortable shooting. Hyalite used to be really popular but got shut down because of the number of people up there. Probably won't be long for others. Half the time you go to those state sections they are closed. Have been opened and closed and then reopened over the years. I think Moose and Little Bear would work fine if you find a safe spot. More of the motorized crowd there versus hikers ect.

Have fun and be safe!
If you go to the area off the logan exit please be respectful. I live out in that area and Ive watched in the last two years the shooting traffic on that area explode. People leave stuff everywhere, giant targets, elliptical machines, dishwashers, thousands of rounds of brass, shotgun shells, unbroken clay pigeons, milk jugs, wooden pallets, Someone started a fire last summer! Also people practice unbelievably safe shooting practices, no one stops shooting when people go down to their targets. All the while there is a perfectly good actual shooting range less than 5 minutes from there.

Also most recently noticed yesterday someone dumped a deer carcass there. Dont do that!

Sorry to rant its just frustrating having to drive by that everyday
If you go to the area off the logan exit please be respectful. I live out in that area and Ive watched in the last two years the shooting traffic on that area explode. People leave stuff everywhere, giant targets, elliptical machines, dishwashers, thousands of rounds of brass, shotgun shells, unbroken clay pigeons, milk jugs, wooden pallets, Someone started a fire last summer! Also people practice unbelievably safe shooting practices, no one stops shooting when people go down to their targets. All the while there is a perfectly good actual shooting range less than 5 minutes from there.

Also most recently noticed yesterday someone dumped a deer carcass there. Dont do that!

Sorry to rant its just frustrating having to drive by that everyday
Especially when there is a dump right next door they pay $5 to get rid of their trash, unreal.
Especially when there is a dump right next door they pay $5 to get rid of their trash, unreal.
Its unreal how stupid some people are. I almost can guarantee you whoever did that drove 30 minutes out from Belgrade or Bozeman. Doesn't make sense, you'll drive all the way out there to dump a deer but wont just take it to the actual dump.
Probably the best public land place to shoot is the range south of Big Sky past Redcliff Campground. Its no secret, right side of 191 has forest service signage parking covered benches ect. You might want to bring your own chair. No clay pigeons. Its a good little range about 100 yards that the locals have taken upon themselves to keep clean and open.

There are state land sections near Logan that work as well and are closer to Belgrade. When your headed west you'll pass the dump and on the south side of I90 you'll see a spot where people shoot.

I prefer the actual Logan gun range. Manhattan Wildlife Association. Its about $50 annually. My friend goes to the range in Livingston, sounds nice as well.

The forest service land around Bozeman has just gotten too crowded to feel comfortable shooting. Hyalite used to be really popular but got shut down because of the number of people up there. Probably won't be long for others. Half the time you go to those state sections they are closed. Have been opened and closed and then reopened over the years. I think Moose and Little Bear would work fine if you find a safe spot. More of the motorized crowd there versus hikers ect.

Have fun and be safe!

Its unreal how stupid some people are. I almost can guarantee you whoever did that drove 30 minutes out from Belgrade or Bozeman. Doesn't make sense, you'll drive all the way out there to dump a deer but wont just take it to the actual dump.
Thank you both for the information. I actually have an application in for the Manhattan Wildlife Asso. That facility looks amazing and 50.00 annual fee is unheard of where I come from for a facility like that. I can't show up and "watch the film" to get a key card until late November, hence my looking for somewhere to do some plinking in the meantime. I don't understand how leaving major appliances around state land is tolerated by anyone, that is absolutely unacceptable! I don't even like leaving trash in provided receptacles if there are any (I take it home). Wow, I guess I am just disappointed that people around here (probably mostly transplants like myself) are disrespecting the public landscapes to the point of closures. I did read about the Hyalite fiasco yesterday.....depressing. Not what I was expecting moving here. I really hope that that trend doesn't continue but with the growth of the area, the only thing that seems guaranteed is that people will continue to be idiots. It has been my dream to move here since I was in high school (a million years ago). I guess I'm too late to enjoy the freedoms of the area as they used to be. Long story short, I will stick to ranges and be as respectful as possible up to and including picking up the trash of others when I can. Man, I've only been here a week and a day and getting pretty bummed out. Current state of affairs nation-wide I guess. In any case thanks for the replies, I really appreciate it. @Beignet - fair enough on the political stuff, if I'm honest it sickens me as well.
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