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Public land nemesis

Live and learn what you can from every experience. Better shot execution is the key take away from this mishap. Hit the range more and hunt coyotes this winter!
Had a buddy wait an hour because he didn't think he made a good shot on a hunt in Canada. Said they got both hams before he got there. Sorry to hear, at least they don't like horns I suppose.
I had the same thing happen with an ID archery mule deer. Shot him just before dark and found him right after daylight. Picked clean. The arrow was still in his chest cavity when I found him, so I hope a coyote or two got a mouth full of broadhead. While I was attaching my tag to his antlers, three coyotes popped out of some junipers within 20 yards. I managed to put an arrow through one of them. Glad you found the buck.
Congrats on the buck, glad you found him. Had a similar situation a few years ago with a muley buck, hit a little far back. I backed out but it was during rifle season and the buck ended up getting bumped by rifle hunters. Found him the next day thanks to the magpies. Coyotes had already taken about 2/3 of the deer.
Holy crap! Not like I have anything in it, but I wouldn't know how to feel either. I guess kinda releived he's still there. Do you have another tag left?
Yea. It was gonna be a meat tag tho for an older friend of mine who got hurt and cant draw his bow now. But he might be out of luck on the meat now.
Holy crap! Not like I have anything in it, but I wouldn't know how to feel either. I guess kinda releived he's still there. Do you have another tag left?
I am relieved to for sure. It's just pretty amazing to me how ghost like this deer can be. I hunt dang near everyday you would think I would of accidentally seen him running away atleast...haha
I am relieved to for sure. It's just pretty amazing to me how ghost like this deer can be. I hunt dang near everyday you would think I would of accidentally seen him running away atleast...haha

Well that should tell you something - like all the places he doesn't hang out during the day. You need to find new places. He is out there somewhere.

I'm great at advice. I can't find a big deer to save my life. I guess I get sucked into hunting where the most deer are, and that is NOT where the big bucks are in the late muzzleloader season that is still almost 3 weeks away. I need to convince myself to give up hunting where all the does and pencil bucks hang out.
Well that should tell you something - like all the places he doesn't hang out during the day. You need to find new places. He is out there somewhere.

I'm great at advice. I can't find a big deer to save my life. I guess I get sucked into hunting where the most deer are, and that is NOT where the big bucks are in the late muzzleloader season that is still almost 3 weeks away. I need to convince myself to give up hunting where all the does and pencil bucks hang out.
Yea he showed up where he always does in daylight I just got frustrated with not seeing any deer there so i quit hunting that spot and sure enough he stops by to say hi at 8:50AM and I'm hunting 500 yards away cause I was getting so many trail cam pics in that spot. I love trail cams and getting all the cool pics but sometimes I find myself over thinking sits because of pictures and need to go with my gut instinct.
Good luck with your late muzzleloader tag. Those late hunts are tough. The big bucks really seem to vanish come that time of year unless you got some land and nice food plots to sit by.
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