Public land nemesis

That sucks and it’s hard to keep your mind from assuming the worst after that long without a picture. As you well know there are a billion things that could happen. As hard as we try to let our bucks get to 4.5-5.5 years old before they get shot, most of them never get anywhere close to mature. The ones that get by everyone until they are fully mature have a much higher chance of dieing of old age and disappearing into lord only knows where and are never recovered by anyone. Quite a few over the years have been big enough that we’ve thought, surely if a deer like that gets shot we will hear about him, but one day we just stop getting pics and never hear a word. There’s a black hole somewhere in the universe that specializes in swallowing big mature bucks is my current working theory... I hope he survived and you get your shot! Every time I see you’ve made a post I quickly open it hoping for the pic!
Unfortunately that black hole is often people that are not hunting on the up and up. I sure hope that didn't happen to this buck as that would really suck big time. Was there any sign of EHD this year? EHD infected deer often die in water and could just drift down stream. This is a trail camera picture of an EHD infected buck that died a few hours later in the water. You can see he is clearly not feeling well and foaming at the mouth. CDY_0378.JPG
Unfortunately that black hole is often people that are not hunting on the up and up. I sure hope that didn't happen to this buck as that would really suck big time. Was there any sign of EHD this year? EHD infected deer often die in water and could just drift down stream. This is a trail camera picture of an EHD infected buck that died a few hours later in the water. You can see he is clearly not feeling well and foaming at the mouth. View attachment 118979
Not ruling out EHD but the weather was not conducive for an outbreak this year and I've never seen or heard of outbreaks in this location.
Gotta love a deer with personality!
Yea ya do. This deer is quite the character. It's funny to look thru pics or sitting in stand and there might 3 or 4 deer and all of sudden they all perk up and creep out of frame and the next deer is one eye walking all stiff legged. I got him on camera for three years and he has not hardly changed except for some tine length. Always happy to see him pop back up.
Well 3 yrs of passing up bucks finally took its toll on me and my restraint was no more and I wacked a long tined 8 with a busted main beam today. The shot left alot to be desired and was back pretty far so I decided to let him lay over night instead of possibly jumping him by pursuing to early. I've enlisted some help and we will hit it at daybreak.
The deer did everything a classic gut shot deer does. Got hit took off like 15 yards stopped and stood there hunched up for 5 minutes or so wondering what the hell happened and then just slowly walked hunched up slowly away. I watched him for about 20 minutes after he was hit but never got a follow up shot opportunity. Very very little blood so basically looking at a grid search tomorrow morning. Shot on an island so hopefully he stays on it. It's a big island roughly 200 acres.

That being said I am fairly confident we will find him and hopefully before the gazillion coyotes down there do. Pretty teed off at myself for not executing the shot like the animal deserves just makes me sick. I've lost a mortally wounded elk once that still boggles my mind, but never a deer let's hope I dont put that notch in my belt.
Hope you find him. If I was closer I’d bring my dog to help you track him
Me to. I actually called a tracker that's only an hour away but unfortunately he is out of town for work. I was really surprised how few registered trackers there are in the area considering the hunting opportunities here. Next closest was almost 8 hours away.
Sorry to hear, been watching this thread rooting for you. Man, looks like you need to do some coyote hunting this winter, that is amazing how fast they cleaned him up.
Yea I knew the coyotes were bad, but that's pretty wild they cleaned him up to the bone that quick. Definitely need to do some hunting this winter.
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