Caribou Gear

Public land nemesis

Why do you think that is Chief?
Inside coloring of front leg, the tarsal gland, the eyes, they way his brow tines are growing is similar to how he grows every year. I hope its not him but id be fooling myself if I didn't think it was.
Thoughts on hunting season? Let him die of old age? I suspect he just saw his last winter.
You know I'm not sure yet. He could still surprise is all and still grow a big rack. Ther is also alot to be said for outsmarting a 9 or 10 year old whitetail buck. But its definitely something I will ponder a lot.
You know I'm not sure yet. He could still surprise is all and still grow a big rack. Ther is also alot to be said for outsmarting a 9 or 10 year old whitetail buck. But its definitely something I will ponder a lot.
I think you should hunt him. Even if he regresses a lot he will still be a trophy based on his age and your history with him. Dying from your arrow will likely be a less painful death than dying of old age.
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So I am going to give you some hope. That appears to be his winter coat (notice color difference to other buck). I have seen some pretty bad looking deer in that coat turn out just fine in the fall.

I didnt look back but I always had it in my mind that Chief was a long deer. That one doesn't look long. Also, probably based on posture in that photo, but there is no sag whatsoever. A 9 or 10 year old deer should have some back sag. The front shoulder is hard to judge. On one hand, it doesnt look very big at all, but then it is in poor shape from the winter. Put some muscle on it and that changes everything. After my scientific analysis, there is a 46.784621% chance that is Chief.
So I am going to give you some hope. That appears to be his winter coat (notice color difference to other buck). I have seen some pretty bad looking deer in that coat turn out just fine in the fall.

I didnt look back but I always had it in my mind that Chief was a long deer. That one doesn't look long. Also, probably based on posture in that photo, but there is no sag whatsoever. A 9 or 10 year old deer should have some back sag. The front shoulder is hard to judge. On one hand, it doesnt look very big at all, but then it is in poor shape from the winter. Put some muscle on it and that changes everything. After my scientific analysis, there is a 46.784621% chance that is Chief.
I like it. Yea the posture of the deer is throwing me off big time.
I agree with the ragged appearance being the winter coat on its way out. Both deer have there ears back and are posturing toward one another. Looks to me like the young guy might be telling the old guy that he’s done being pushed least today.
There is no question that you need to hunt him. I wouldn't care if he grew forks. I think the camera got a bad pic due to the posture. He's skinny for sure but that will change as the summer wears on. Even animals with no teeth can find something to eat this time of year. Go get him!
I feel like it's also him. The picture is a tough one but he looks rough could be the winter coat shedding but hard to say. Looks skinny to me though. Sure is gonna be an interesting year on this one.
You know I'm not sure yet. He could still surprise is all and still grow a big rack. Ther is also alot to be said for outsmarting a 9 or 10 year old whitetail buck. But its definitely something I will ponder a lot.
I hope you go after him and get him regardless of rack size. Hopefully he is so old he’s gone senile.! great thread I just found it thanks for posting! this has been great following along. a little dementia could be the edge you’re looking for 😂. It’s cool to see someone honestly post the ups and downs of hunting including the mess ups. It’s a lot different than most social media where it feels like people are just wanting to pound their chests a little ha ha. It’s cool you’re not paranoid like a lot of us hunters can be about posting pictures also. Thanks again for bringing us along for the ride. Looking forward to fall for you this has been a refreshing thread
Need more pics and better angles. get on that. I am getting impatient! ;)😁
Considering the dog and I came back after that last camera trip with 100s of ticks on us no exaggeration and my wife threatened to make the dog and I get a hotel because she didn't want us in the house it might be awhile before I venture down there again. Haha
Well i took the absolute horrid trek to the chief lands to check cameras yesterday and today. Ticks have receded, but mosquitos are ridiculous and for being a dry year it sure was still a jungle. I am sorry to report that we had bad winds April 8th-10th and all the cameras took 10s of thousands of pics of nothing on those days and all cameras were dead because of it. So i replaced all batteries and cleared brush from the fronts of them and will hope for some pics by time season starts in a few weeks.
Well i took the absolute horrid trek to the chief lands to check cameras yesterday and today. Ticks have receded, but mosquitos are ridiculous and for being a dry year it sure was still a jungle. I am sorry to report that we had bad winds April 8th-10th and all the cameras took 10s of thousands of pics of nothing on those days and all cameras were dead because of it. So i replaced all batteries and cleared brush from the fronts of them and will hope for some pics by time season starts in a few weeks.
Well you are for sure putting the work in to “earn” it. Good luck
Mosquitos bites all over you are a small price to pay for our entertainment! Time to get serious about this now and get some pics and come up with a foolproof plan to kill this buck. Do you realize there are guys on the internet whom you have never met and most likely never will that are getting impatient????

In all seriousness, good luck and I am looking forward to this year's chase.
So I'm not sure, but the G2 on the left side is a carbon copy of chief every year and the short distance between G2 and G3 is very much like him. I'm unsure but I lean towards its him and the decline has started. Still a beauty of a buck either way. My hope is it's his offspring. 😁

Well I drove down off the mountain for work and decided I would hit the deer stand tonight instead of making the trek back up. Season 5 started off a little scary tonight. I climbed up in one of my stands and started trimming all the new branches and limbs. As I trimmed I heard buzzing and figured it was sweat bees bees as they are around every year. I kept trimming and the buzzing is getting louder and louder so I look up and about 2 feet above my head is a basketball sized bald faced hornets nest and they were starting to pour out of it. So I frantically start trying to detangle my bow tow rope and I look again at the nest and now it looks like 100s (probably like 20) are pouring out of the nest. So I grab my bow and one handed it out the tree in about 10 seconds suffering only 1 sting. That was probably the most scared I have ever been while hunting. I honestly thought about leaving my bow and possibly jumping at one point.
Anyways that's my favorite early season spot. Not sure what I'm gonna do about it.

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