Caribou Gear

Proud dad!

Thanks! Not sure who was more excited, Megan or I........well, probably me. Been a good fall so far. Got my first elk and was with my daughter for her first deer.
Congrats on what looks to be a beast of a deer. I think I've shot elk smaller than that!

To the young lady - thanks for doing your part in wildlife conservation and we look forward to seeing more of these photos in the future.

Awesome job!
Thanks again! A simple comment or a "congrats" goes a long ways. I don't normally allow electronics at the dinner table, but I let Megan read this thread last night while eating supper. Her smile was as big as the morning she shot this deer.
Absolutely nothing better than when the kids succeed. I'd say that I would be just as happy to just share the moments with my family as to harvest for myself. Congrats!!!!!