Protesters/Rioters? Storm Capital

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I'm a little shocked that this was even allowed to happen, it was not a 'surprise' situation that the the protestors showed up and there certainly should be enough security forces around Washington to stop illegal entry into our capitol buildings...correct?
I truly feel sorry for you folks down south but, I don't think this is going to go away anytime soon. The Trumpist won't go away, Fox and the far right news will promote this and the angry white people will eat it up. This is a sad day for America and democracy. The Senate aka. Mitch McConnell should have gone ahead with the impeachment. I really hope the next AG goes after these seditious members for the sack of the world really.

Where's the law enforcement at these protests? these are ARMED white losers. I guess if its unarmed BLM protests you have to call in the army. I wonder if the Bundy's are there? seems to be their thing
Riff-raff. Losers living in denial.

Time to get rid of this goofy Electoral College crap.
Let's revisit this thread in another month or so when the "mostly peaceful" riots resume after charges against the officers are dismissed in the George Floyd fentanyl overdose case...
Hunt Talk forums "Fireside, a place for friends" or a spot to create enemies of those with a shared loved of the outdoors by ranting on identity politics, hatred of opposing views, tribalism, and the ingrained two party political system. I foresee lock prior to three full pages.
You would think both sides of the political aisle find this to be absurd and embarrassing, in fact many do......
Have you not been paying attention. This was always the way this was going to end. I don’t mean to lash out at you, but this was inevitable. Leadership matters.
I have been paying attention. Growing up in America I never imagined I would see this scene happen. You are welcome to your opinion as well.

You did but I am not going to argue with you. I don't argue on the internet as there seems to be plenty of that already. Peace
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