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Proposed Bill Would Make Corner Crossing Legal in Wyoming

Interesting piece.

"With the criminal case settled, Iron Bar Holdings and Eshelman took the matter to civil court. They claimed that the hunters had violated the ranch’s air space and devalued ranch by millions of dollars. The civil case was also decided in the hunters’ favor."

No mention regarding the magnitude of the civil case. U.S. 10th District is a far cry from a State's county court civil case.
Curious why the journo didn't share the extent of the "civil court". Maybe simple and to the point.

This article appears more in-depth.

Curious with Wyoming's new majority "Freedom" Caucus, and their RINO assertion, where do they stand on Corner Crossing? Any of the co-sponsorers members of the Freedom Caucus?
I am surprised that this is even a possibility. All I hear about this year's WY legislature is that it is extreme right wing, which seems like the least likely to pass something that will benefit the masses. If it does pass, it would be HUGE.
Keep and mind that Wyoming is a solid red state. The voters sent Liz Cheney packing because they thought she was a RINO. The only liberal centers are the bigger cities. The only thing that would stop this law for going forward are the powerful politicians was believe it or not or controlled by a powerful ranchers and landowners. I would expect this bill vote results to side on landowner rights.
Technically corner crossing is already legal in WY from the court case already mentioned. The appeal is to overrule that and pretty much put it back in limbo again. However a lot of the legislature are ranchers/farmers or have strong connections to ranchers/farmer The governor himself owns a decent size ranch so this bill faces uphill odds and a democrat introducing it doesn't help since now politics seems to be more about not giving the other side any kind of credit regardless of how good their idea is.
While labels don't give specifics, they can convey meaning without going into decades of political history.
Labels only convey meaning to those who bought the political propaganda.

The reality is both major parties are more similar than different. The majority of the population disagrees with both parties when they look into the details.
The majority of the population disagrees with both parties when they look into the details.
The majority of the population is angry at everything, for no real reason. They disagree with stuff they have no interest in and couldn't understand if it was explained to a typical grade school assembly. Then they go back to watching Fox or CNBC, streaming Netflix, or playing video games. The problem is engagement.
LOs are not going to allow folks to walk on their land to cross corners. It will get amended I bet before going anywhere.

(d) For purposes of this section, a person does not commit criminal trespass if the person incidentally passes through the airspace or touches the land or premises of another person while the person is traveling from one (1) parcel of land that the person is authorized to access to another parcel of land that shares a common corner with or is immediately connected to the first parcel and that the person is authorized to access.
LOs are not going to allow folks to walk on their land to cross corners. It will get amended I bet before going anywhere.

(d) For purposes of this section, a person does not commit criminal trespass if the person incidentally passes through the airspace or touches the land or premises of another person while the person is traveling from one (1) parcel of land that the person is authorized to access to another parcel of land that shares a common corner with or is immediately connected to the first parcel and that the person is authorized to access.
That is interesting to me incidentally is the key to that entire post. Walking across private would not be incidentally. This would cover the idea that as I cross a fence corner I slip and a foot lands on private. Or in my attempt to cross I have to make contact with the fence post or as I swing my foot it his a tree on private...
Or in my attempt to cross I have to make contact with the fence post or as I swing my foot it his a tree on private...
That's a crime so heinous it should result in a life sentence.

Seems like a good place to share this one again:

My take on this is that the civil court made a great ruling establishing CC in WY, and this legislator is building on the goodwill of something that is politically popular for them and fairly low risk. It won't likely get codified because the courts have already taken care of it for them, but it is a shoutout to all the people who have worked hard in WY to clarify this right. @BuzzH any input?
That's a crime so heinous it should result in a life sentence.

Seems like a good place to share this one again:

My take on this is that the civil court made a great ruling establishing CC in WY, and this legislator is building on the goodwill of something that is politically popular for them and fairly low risk. It won't likely get codified because the courts have already taken care of it for them, but it is a shoutout to all the people who have worked hard in WY to clarify this right. @BuzzH any input?
Nothing right now.
Imagine spending a shit ton of money fighting against corner crossing, only to have it completely backfire.
It's been said before, but if he didn't want it to be a bigger problem, he would have just let those guys hunt and maybe even given them a spot to park so nobody else would notice they were doing it. I hope he keeps spending money to get shot down, because each level of appeal adds more states. Once it is upheld in the 10th, then it will be clarified in 5 more states, and if he is foolish enough to appeal to SCOTUS, and if they take it (big if, and not likely, but still), then there's a chance that it will clarified for all 50.
I used to hunt Elk Mountain area back when the Edlemans used to let about 30 hunters on the ranch a year. But along came rich Texans as we call them who were willing to pay expensive trespass fees. Ever since then, it got too expensive to hunt on any property owned by the family. I once had a contact through a co-worker that lasted a whole two years. I think part of what is driving the issues here is the sheer amount of money landowners collect in trespass fees each year. Growing up, I remember times when we simply asked and got to hunt without paying ransom to hunt or access public land. Those days are gone for now until laws are enacted protecting access to landlocked blocks of public land.
If this has a chance clarification will happen around "incidentaly". Most likely the reason is the accuracy level of GPS, you can't be 100% sure unless the corner is marked
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