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PRIDE Month Celebtrations at Public Land Management Agencies

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Look here @Harold357, until what you do in your tent at night is affecting our public land air/water quality, wildlife populations etc. you will never convince most of us here that it has anything to do with proper natural resource management. Stop trying to convince everybody that this tail needs to wag the dog.

You keep talk about awareness, but that seems to be more of a code word. I think the word you really want to use is acceptance. Awareness does not equal acceptance in the real world. Unless your head has been disconnected from your shoulders, we are all very well AWARE of the PRIDE movement in America. (Why do you always capitalize that, wait I forgot. AI)There are many things that people are aware of, but are not accepting of. I know that’s apparently a very difficult concept to grasp but try hard and you’ll understand why you will never get a sweeping endorsement from everyone here.

Sexual orientation is social politics, not resource management, regardless of how hard the administration keeps trying to make that square peg go into that round hole.

How is this not locked yet?

My intention is not to convince you or other forum users of anything or to accept anything. As I noted in several posts, I wanted to discuss how 40% of 16+ billion dollars of federal funding was being directed. Much of this federal money is directed at infastructure spending that have both direct and indirect implications for public land management and therefore public land hunters. However, many pages have been devoted to discussing whether the administration does in fact consider diversity equity and inclusion in federal spending and resource allocation for public lands. In fact, many users maintain that this policy and funding is inconsequential to public land management and not of interest.

Equity, health equity, and environmental justice including but not limited LGBTQIA+ inclusion are part of the Biden Administration's plan for dealing with the climate crisis, environmental justice, and a more diversity, equitable, And inclusive America. Information is available in a multitude of federal and executive documentation to support my claim including the "Executive Order On Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government".

For instance, here is Biden Admininstration Secretary for Health, Admiral Dr. Rachel Levine speaking about the connection between climate change and health equity. It is an hour long so I do not expect that forum users with listen to it entirely. Admiral Levine's comments the United Nations COP26 conference begin at about 4:00 in the video.

Through her lived experience and professional training as a pediatrician, Admiral Levine has been selected been selected by the Biden Administration to oversee the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity under her perview at HHS. This office will play a key role in policy direction for the administration for policy related to the climate change emergency and health. In her remarks, please note the consistent reference to climate change resiliency. This is important because you will note that as you read press releases from public land management agencies/ departments such as DOI or the Forest Service, you will note that the same term, climate change resilience and health equity, are frequently used. That is because both organizations are acting in response to President Bidens executive orders. Those orders include direction that 40% of resources are spent in underserved communities.

So, it would appear that this information does in fact indicate that diversity, equity, and inclusion are a key part of public land management under this administration. That does not mean LGBTQIA+ only; the definition of equity is available in several of the executive orders if you are so inclined to read them.
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