Predator Callers & Hound Men Expo

Jay Nistetter

New member
Jul 16, 2003
Glendale, AZ
I am posting this on several boards. Please read and respond. This is a great opportunity for everyone.

Do you guys really comprehend what this Expo is really all about? It is history in the making.

We'd all like the opportunity to attend the Super Bowl and shake hands with the NBA Dream Team, well... This Expo is that big as far as predator callers should be concerned. That's what this board is about isn't it? We all love hunting predators and are always trying to get better. Take a look at the following greats that are going to attend. I hope you can fathom the opportunity offered here.

“Predator Callers & Hound Men Expo”
Saturday, March 6th, 2004
Silver City, New Mexico

This will be a one day gathering of Predator Callers and Hound Men, for the 1st annual Expo in Silver City, New Mexico.

Some of the people who will be attending are, Doug Kittredge, Jim Dougherty, Murry Burnham, Gerry Blair, Bowen Weems, Major Boddicker.

There will be a floor of vendors in one room and all day seminars in the second room. A fabulous Mexican Buffet for dinner, the Hall of Fame awards along with raffle prizes the rest of the evening.

Be a part of history and attend the first annual “Predator Callers & Hound Men Expo.” You will have a great time and make new friends.

For detailed information, visit the following link:

Jim Dougherty- World Calling Champion, sixteen calling titles, author of Varmint Hunter’s Digest, archer by profession, has hunted on three continents, inducted into the Bowhunters Hall Of Fame. Caller

Murry Burnham - considered one of the true pioneers in the predator calling industry, expert caller and teacher, innovative product line, expert at night hunting and highly sought subject of any writer, hunter or photographer interested in predators and learning about their behavior.

Gerry Blair - has authored 14 books, long time writer for Trapper Magazine and Trapper Predator Magazine whose writing style is homey and second to none, world record holder for muzzle loader elk, photographer and videographer.

Bowen Weemsof the famed Weems Wild Call predator call has connections in the predator calling world deep rooted in Texas with the very first predator calling club and what many people consider the finest predator call ever made, ties to Bud Lindsey of the Pied Piper predator call.

Major BoddickerWorld travellor, author, CEO of Rocky Mountain Wildlife Products maker of the Crit'R•Call since 1976. Major is an author and also the subject of countless articles on predator calling and hunting, videographer, Bachelor’s degree in Biology from St. Johns University, Collegeville, Minnesota, Master’s degree in Zoology from South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota and finally a Ph.D. in Entomology, also from Brookings.

Doug KittredgeWorld Champion caller and considered one of the toughest to beat in any contest competition.

If you want to meet others like Rich and Tyler Higgins, Byron South, Danny Batastini, Tim Behle and others.... they will be there to say howdy too.

Any of you vendors like All Predator Calls, Loudmouth, Fox Pro, HS, Cronk and others should make it a point to reserve a table and rub elbows with your client base. It will be the cheapest Expo you will ever wish you attended.

If you're a writer, this would be the best opportunity you will ever have to interview and write stories of the people and event.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-10-2004 20:50: Message edited by: Jay Nistetter ]</font>
This is going to be a great event. Can't wait till March.

Hope to see everyone there.
If you plan to attend, you can complete the form at the following link:

Attendance Form

We must have your check no later than February 8, 2004 in order to make your dinner reservations.

Yes, this is the first one, and this will be a great event, especially if for no other reason, just to be able to meet some of these "greats."

We are already working on Expo 2005 and it will even be bigger and better.

Come join us and have some fun.

Take care.
If you plan to attend the "Predator Callers & Houndsmen Expo", March 6th. 2004 in Silver City, New Mexico, you need to complete the following form:

Expo Attendance Form

This is only if you plan to take part in the Mexican Buffet, get in the door, get your name badge, and 7 raffle tickets. Please send $25.00 per person, no later than February 8th, 2004. February 8th is the cutoff date because she has to order the food, and we need to know how many to order for.

Also, the Hall of Fame(s) voting is now concluded. We have to place the orders for the plaques and such.

If any of you call makers, tent makers, knife makers, etc, etc, would like to donate raffle items, we would appreciate it.

If questions, call me toll free at:

Bruce A. Kennedy
All I got to say is I'd give my left nut to be there. Don't think I'll be able to make it though.

I may have a couple of calls to give up though. I'll let you know through e-mail or give you a call Bruce.

Feel free to e-mail me if you get a chance. [email protected]


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-23-2004 23:24: Message edited by: brad h ]</font>
I can report that the Expo is really taking off! I am getting calls from many people who are going to attend. The two local Newspapers in Silver City are going to running articles on the Expo, and should appear next week. One of the papers will run it in the most of the papers in Southern New Mexico, and that will be great.

Last week I was in Silver City for two days, passing out flyers to many of the local businesses and that has paid off big time with the locals. Getting many calls from them as well.

I am already working on next years Expo, time permitting, and there will be many changes.

Jay, hang in there and I will get with you, I promise.

I hope to see all of you at the Expo, and it is going to be good time had by all.

Of course the big event will be Leonard showing up in his new truck. :D

Take care.

I'm looking forward to meeting you. We'll be staying at the Econolodge, coming in on Friday night.

See you then!
Ditto Tim,

I'm also at the Econolodge Friday night. Jay is picking Quinton up in Phoenix and they will be there as well. Nasa and a few others are also staying there.

Farmers hide your daughters.

Have a good time fellas. Take some pictures and when the dust settles, come back and share some stories with us. I can't tell you how much I'd like to be there. ;)
Doug, wish you could make it. I'm sure there will be some good lie---stories told.

Danny, looking forward to meeting ya.

Leaving first thing in the morning. See ya'll soon.

Yeeeee Haaaaaw

Guys and Gals, this is turning into far beyond my imagination. My phone keeps ringing off the wall with all the people who are going to attend. This is something that should have happened long ago, and I can't wait to get started on next years Expo. There are going to be many changes for next year, and it will be even bigger and better.

This will be number 1 of many to come. I look forward to meeting all of you.

Don't forget, there will be an impromptu party, starting at 5:00 PM, Friday night, (if not before) at the Flame Convention Center bar in the front of the convention center. They are bringing in extra help, to just take care of us. It will be a good time had by all, so come on by.

The convention center will hold 700 people - if we all take a bath, so come one, come all and enjoy!

Take care.
I wasn't able to attend but I called Byron and he rubed it in, said he was sitting at the table with the big guns. Then he handed the phone to Q and we talked for a spell. I could hear the voices of all the greats lofting into the air like a blur of sound that can only be discribed as "predator hunters heaven"... someone should have recorded that sound for the e-callers. Just play the sound of all them great callers and you don't have to shoot the predators, they die from fright.
Wish I could have been there. Thanks guys for shairing with me over the phone.

Doug, I wish you and SlyDog and all the rest could have made it, it was a great show. The guys that attended from here were Jay, Byron, Tim, Brad H, Norm and of course Bruce and what a great job Bruce did putting it all together. We all got to met Gerry Blair, Gerald Stewart, Murry Burnham, Major Boddicker, Bowenn Weems, Fred Cronk, Steve Graig, Quinton Wagoner and many others. I can't wait for next year, it's going to be bigger and better. I sure hope I get to met you guys at the next one, Good Hunting.
Let's hear some stories Danny. Expo ended Sunday and it's Thursday before you found your way back to the computer. Must have been a great party. :D
Doug, we had a great time! I wish you could have been there. Be sure and ask Danny about the Birthday Present I presented to him - in public. :D
The part I liked best, was when you went to give him a certificate for being Nominated to the Hall of Fame. Bruce looked at the Empty seat beside his wife and Asked where Danny went. She replied he was doing what he did best, and you thought he was in the Bathroom spreading more s**t.
Hey lol, I was at the bar getting a beer. Doug, it was my 61st birthday and Bruce was nice enough to give me a present infront of god and everybody. It was a BIG jar of jelly beans, he told the crowd they were viagra and not to take to many at one time for Charlenes sake lol.

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