Powerball 1.9 Billion Tomorrow

realistically, I'd probably just buy some land where I can make a shooting range nearby.
There’s nothing material I really want. I don’t really care about hunting the auction tags. I’d rather suffer through the whole process. But again, I’m not very smart.

I ain't rich, but I damn sure wanna be
Workin' like a dog all day ain't workin' for me
I wish I had a rich uncle that'd kick the bucket
And I was sittin' on a pile like Warren Buffett
I know everybody says money can't buy happiness
But it could buy me a boat
It could buy me a truck to pull it
It could buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets
Yeah, and I know what they say, money can't buy everything
Well, maybe so
But it could buy me a boat
They call me redneck, white trash and blue collar
But I could change all that if I had a couple million dollars
I keep hearing that money is the root of all evil
And you can't fit a camel through the eye of a needle
I'm sure that's probably true
But it still sounds pretty cool
'Cause it could buy me a boat
It could buy me a truck to pull it
It could buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets
Yeah, and I know what they say, money can't buy everything
Well, maybe so
But it could buy me a boat
To float down on the water with a beer
I hear the Powerball Lotto is sitting on a hundred mill...
Well, that would buy me a brand new rod and reel
And it could buy me a boat
It could buy me a truck to pull it
It could buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets
Yeah, and I know what they say, money can't buy everything
Well, maybe so
But it could buy me a boat
Yeah, and I know what they say, money can't buy everything
Well, maybe so
But it could buy me a boat
Yeah, it could buy me a boat
also, maybe some of this
Neffa3, that would be a great investment and a place I would beg you to hunt. I know Steve Roth, Pres of IX, from college. Once had the opportunity to hunt the ranch and both my brother and I shot nice whitetail bucks. The place was incredible then and is even better now after Steve's decades of management. Remarkably, I asked him how far around this one pasture was and he replied, "Fifty-six miles ... I know, cause my dad had me checking and repairing fence for weeks!"
I just got my ticket. But if I win, it won't change my life one bit, I'll still be the same old person I have always been. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Give all Wyoming Residents a welfare check for NR to hunt U.S. Wilderness Act areas w/o WOGA chaparone service.

/Too soon? Never. $$$ blinders FTW (or loss)
My wife and I talk about this all the time. Neither of us ever buy any lottery tickets. It would be nice to pay off the student loans for ourselves, put ourselves into two new no-debt vehicles, pay off house, build a new building for her business and then invest the rest so we can work until we are 55. We’d also take a nice vacation every year. 😎

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